How Will Trump Be Evicted From The White House.

I do think Perot had the right idea back in the 90s, although "right to work" isn't a bad thing overall. It beats having unions dominate industry.

Workers in the private sector should have a right to unionize, but they should also have a right to refuse joining a union if they so desire.

Would you stop talking slave to me? Slavery sucks. Big business loves slavery. That's why they suck. Capitalism in general sucks ass! For example, Andrew Carnegie at one time thought the long working hours, poor pay and poor working conditions he subjected his workers to was survival of the fittest. As if he was doing humanity a favor. When what he was actually doing was stuffing his pockets with as much money as they could hold. And lets not forget the coal mines that paid their employees in company script and forced them to buy the things they needed at the company store. Keeping them perpetually in debt. Just as the slaves here today are. In about 80% of the cases that is. The top 1% owns around 95% of the wealth. That isn't a good thing.

Unions here helped to bring an end to child labor. They cause workers to work less hours, have better working conditions and get more pay. Sending our jobs overseas is like union busting on steroids. It's no wonder that now Americans work harder and longer, while receiving less in compensation, than the workers of any other industrialized country. So fuck the "right to work" states. All companies or trades in the U.S. should be REQUIRED to have unions!
If it's anything like trying to get a Leftist Democrat evicted from their Section 8 apartment, it'll take 6 to 9 months, a team of lawyers, and an appearance on Judge Judy...

Well Trump would have someplace to go. Those poor mistreated peasants who had to settle for section 8 housing have no place else to go. From what you say, I take it you voted for Trump.
Watching tRump being escorted from the White House would be yet another "shitstain" that he can leave on our democracy.

Well it would be a shit stain that Trump created. And considering the genocide he is already responsible for, I don't think it would bother him.
Well, it won't be like when the Clinton's left...

Unions made the middle class and won all the benefits and safety that workers have today. Unions have the power to stand up to the owners. No worker does. Any worker that can think will happily join a union. Some workers want all the benefits that the union provides and want to escape union dues. Screw them.

Some workers achieve that actually. Plenty of employers (like Nissan) have specifically offered better benefits and pay in exchange for their workers voting not to unionize. Now, you could say that the threat of unionization made that happen, but the benefits themselves did not come from a union.
Well, stop working on it. I have had other people pull that "well move there" bullshit on me before. I tell them that if my house is dirty or has roaches, I clean it or kill the roaches. I don't move to a different house. If things aren't the way you want them to be where you are, try to make them that way there.

At the very least, I'll be moving to a red state, where vote tampering can't change the outcome of any local elections. Where I currently live is too politically competitive to stick around in with a system so easily corrupted.
Would you stop talking slave to me? Slavery sucks. Big business loves slavery. That's why they suck. Capitalism in general sucks ass! For example, Andrew Carnegie at one time thought the long working hours, poor pay and poor working conditions he subjected his workers to was survival of the fittest. As if he was doing humanity a favor. When what he was actually doing was stuffing his pockets with as much money as they could hold. And lets not forget the coal mines that paid their employees in company script and forced them to buy the things they needed at the company store. Keeping them perpetually in debt. Just as the slaves here today are. In about 80% of the cases that is. The top 1% owns around 95% of the wealth. That isn't a good thing.

Unions here helped to bring an end to child labor. They cause workers to work less hours, have better working conditions and get more pay. Sending our jobs overseas is like union busting on steroids. It's no wonder that now Americans work harder and longer, while receiving less in compensation, than the workers of any other industrialized country. So fuck the "right to work" states. All companies or trades in the U.S. should be REQUIRED to have unions!

It depends on how you measure it. Compared to parts of Europe, we work harder and longer, but that's not true if we compare ourselves to Japan. As far as compensation goes, we have more disposable income on average than most Europeans. This is because we pay less in taxes on average.

Now, it is true that many Europeans have better public amenities than us, but the countries with the best public amenities usually have small populations, mostly homogeneous populations (culturally), and/or a much smaller military budget. America could probably have substantially better public amenities without raising taxes if we reduced our military budget considerably. We'd have to give up our world policeman role, and our politicians would have to stop accepting donations from defense industry lobbyists. I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Either way, unionization is not needed to improve the quality of life for the average worker. You could argue certain industries might need unions, but the average job doesn't.
Trump has lost. Because he is a LOSER! He has lost by 4,265,078 popular votes. (So far) But he still won't concede defeat? What an idiot. And just think of all the idiots who voted for him. Now they are seeing just what they voted for. Boy, must they feel stupid. I guess Trump's narcissism won't let him admit to defeat. Now it's true that there have been instances in the past where somebody won the presidency by electoral vote even though they didn't win by popular vote. But over 4 million votes is too wide a gap. So if he doesn't leave, how will he be forced out of the White house. I would love to see him be dragged out kicking and screaming by soldiers. Just like the petulant child he is acting like. I would also like to see him get sent to the nut house. Though there is another option. There was a time in Russia when the country was breaking apart. There was a large building where there were many armed politicians holding out. The elected Russian president sent in tanks to blast them into submission. I wonder if Trump would see that happen to the historic White House.
Trump needs to stay in the White House until you diaper dopers have been exposed.

If that takes 4 more years, then so be it. ;)
At the very least, I'll be moving to a red state, where vote tampering can't change the outcome of any local elections. Where I currently live is too politically competitive to stick around in with a system so easily corrupted.

Tell me of the cult you follow. What is it about the republicans that you like so much. Next, our whole system of government is corrupt. Left, right, up or down. There was one politician in Washington I saw on TV who was at least honest about it. He said, "There is so much legal graft that goes on in Washington that only a fool would get involved in the illegal kind.
Also, all voting is rigged. In both red and blue states. It's called gerrymandering. That is how negroes and even muslim scum manage to find their way into office. Face it. You are still a slave no matter where you go. Your slave masters are the jews. That's why you probably believe the bullshit about the holocaust or look down on Nazis. I will show you a couple pictures of your jewish masters. And one showing what they think about people like you in general.

kill this fucker 3.jpg truth telling jew 3.jpg Begin scum.jpg
Some workers achieve that actually. Plenty of employers (like Nissan) have specifically offered better benefits and pay in exchange for their workers voting not to unionize. Now, you could say that the threat of unionization made that happen, but the benefits themselves did not come from a union.

You obviously know very little about the history of organized labor.
It depends on how you measure it. Compared to parts of Europe, we work harder and longer, but that's not true if we compare ourselves to Japan. As far as compensation goes, we have more disposable income on average than most Europeans. This is because we pay less in taxes on average.

Now, it is true that many Europeans have better public amenities than us, but the countries with the best public amenities usually have small populations, mostly homogeneous populations (culturally), and/or a much smaller military budget. America could probably have substantially better public amenities without raising taxes if we reduced our military budget considerably. We'd have to give up our world policeman role, and our politicians would have to stop accepting donations from defense industry lobbyists. I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Either way, unionization is not needed to improve the quality of life for the average worker. You could argue certain industries might need unions, but the average job doesn't.

As far as I know, Japan is the same way. People don't have to work as much and receive more in compensation. As for taxes, that's a joke. Sure, in most European countries they pay a little more. But they get FAR more for it in return. Also, you hardly pay any taxes at all. So when most people bitch about taxes, they are bitching about hardly anything at all. I don't know how they do it in Europe or Japan. But here, you pay "taxes." Though after you file your tax returns, you get the vast majority back in one lump sum. Enabling you to buy things that normally you wouldn't be able to afford.

Also, there is a documentary out there you should see. It has some very interesting things to say about taxes. Though there was one part of it that turned my stomach. But Michael Moore seemed to love. It showed German school children being taught LIES about WW II. But other than that, it was pretty informative. It is called, "Where to invade next." One of the things they talk about is universal health care. Which all the European countries have. And here's the kicker. They pay less for it! I will provide a chart to prove it.

Universal Healt Care Costs.jpg
At the very least, I'll be moving to a red state, where vote tampering can't change the outcome of any local elections. Where I currently live is too politically competitive to stick around in with a system so easily corrupted.

In other words, you are fine moving to a state that allows gerrymandering and employs other voter suppression tactics. You are not after fairness, you simply want a place that contorts to your particular ideology.

If that is your wish then fine. Just dont come here posting the "fairness" bullshit. It just makes you look foolish.
uh... what genocide?

Tomorrow I expect the deaths from coronavirus here in the U.S. will be over 250,000 dead. That genocide! Also, not all of them died from the coronavirus. They spoke of one woman on the news last night who died from a heart attack. But if the hospitals weren't so overcrowded with coronavirus patients, they probably would have been able to save her.
Trump needs to stay in the White House until you diaper dopers have been exposed.

If that takes 4 more years, then so be it. ;)

If you support Trump, you have probably been exposed by more people than me. But being so stupid, you just can't see it. I have heard of at least a couple people in the hospital and dying from the coronavirus who still couldn't admit to it! That is the power of sheer stupidity. More than enough to make somebody still support Trump.