How Will Trump Be Evicted From The White House.

If you support Trump, you have probably been exposed by more people than me. But being so stupid, you just can't see it. I have heard of at least a couple people in the hospital and dying from the coronavirus who still couldn't admit to it! That is the power of sheer stupidity. More than enough to make somebody still support Trump.
Easy, fuckface.

All any sane person needs to do is take a quick peek at your side, and they run like hell over here.

That's how stark the difference has gotten between sides. ;)
Easy, fuckface.

All any sane person needs to do is take a quick peek at your side, and they run like hell over here.

That's how stark the difference has gotten between sides. ;)

"Fuckface?" You sure chose an appropriate username. Because that describes the size of your brain.
Tell me of the cult you follow. What is it about the republicans that you like so much. Next, our whole system of government is corrupt. Left, right, up or down. There was one politician in Washington I saw on TV who was at least honest about it. He said, "There is so much legal graft that goes on in Washington that only a fool would get involved in the illegal kind.
Also, all voting is rigged. In both red and blue states. It's called gerrymandering. That is how negroes and even muslim scum manage to find their way into office. Face it. You are still a slave no matter where you go. Your slave masters are the jews. That's why you probably believe the bullshit about the holocaust or look down on Nazis. I will show you a couple pictures of your jewish masters. And one showing what they think about people like you in general.

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While I agree that our government is corrupt, I don't put the blame squarely on Jews or various other minorities. That's just lazy thinking on your part. Yes, there are plenty of Jewish elites, but the fact that they are Jewish isn't what's important. And gerrymandering has been done by both parties, for both minorities and whites. It's not like this is something solely done for minorities.

But since you seem to be a holocaust denier, I don't expect facts or basic logic to be of much use to you.
You obviously know very little about the history of organized labor.

I actually know quite a bit about it. It's something studied at great length in economics, which is my background. Yes, organized labor has historically led to many reforms, but we were discussing the modern context, not history.
As far as I know, Japan is the same way. People don't have to work as much and receive more in compensation. As for taxes, that's a joke. Sure, in most European countries they pay a little more. But they get FAR more for it in return. Also, you hardly pay any taxes at all. So when most people bitch about taxes, they are bitching about hardly anything at all. I don't know how they do it in Europe or Japan. But here, you pay "taxes." Though after you file your tax returns, you get the vast majority back in one lump sum. Enabling you to buy things that normally you wouldn't be able to afford.

That depends on your level of income. Generally speaking, the people who pay the most in taxes as a percentage of income in America are small business owners. The ones who are at the bottom of the top tax bracket get hit pretty hard compared to most Americans.

Yes, a lot of Americans get more back from refunds than they pay in, but that's a separate issue. Two things would substantially fix our public debt situation. First, government should stop spending more than it collects, and second, deductions should be a lot more limited than they currently are. Of course, given the prominence of the bread and circus vote, neither approach will likely happen.

Also, there is a documentary out there you should see. It has some very interesting things to say about taxes. Though there was one part of it that turned my stomach. But Michael Moore seemed to love. It showed German school children being taught LIES about WW II. But other than that, it was pretty informative. It is called, "Where to invade next." One of the things they talk about is universal health care. Which all the European countries have. And here's the kicker. They pay less for it! I will provide a chart to prove it.

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I'm ok with socialized healthcare if we use the French model. A lot of other systems aren't so good (like the Canadian one or the British one).
In other words, you are fine moving to a state that allows gerrymandering and employs other voter suppression tactics. You are not after fairness, you simply want a place that contorts to your particular ideology.

If that is your wish then fine. Just dont come here posting the "fairness" bullshit. It just makes you look foolish.

You've completely mischaracterized my post, but I've noticed you typically engage in that due to your lack of ability to actually debate.

If a state is substantially red or blue, that does not mean that gerrymandering is necessarily to blame. That can be the result of gerrymandering, but more often, it's simply a matter of local preferences. South Carolina has been conservative for a very long time. It was heavily Democratic when southern Democrats were the conservative party socially. It has become largely Republican now that they are the social conservatives.

Your accusation would be like me claiming that Massachusetts is only heavily Democratic because it is gerrymandered. The obvious truth of the matter is that Massachusetts just has a very socially liberal culture.

As far as my preferences go, I only wish to move to an area that fits my political orientation. It would be no better or worse if I moved to Massachusetts if I preferred living in a very liberal area. Of course, I don't think you would be so distraught by it.
Tell me of the cult you follow. What is it about the republicans that you like so much. Next, our whole system of government is corrupt. Left, right, up or down. There was one politician in Washington I saw on TV who was at least honest about it. He said, "There is so much legal graft that goes on in Washington that only a fool would get involved in the illegal kind.
Also, all voting is rigged. In both red and blue states. It's called gerrymandering. That is how negroes and even muslim scum manage to find their way into office. Face it. You are still a slave no matter where you go. Your slave masters are the jews. That's why you probably believe the bullshit about the holocaust or look down on Nazis. I will show you a couple pictures of your jewish masters. And one showing what they think about people like you in general.

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poor goyim
Tomorrow I expect the deaths from coronavirus here in the U.S. will be over 250,000 dead. That genocide! Also, not all of them died from the coronavirus. They spoke of one woman on the news last night who died from a heart attack. But if the hospitals weren't so overcrowded with coronavirus patients, they probably would have been able to save her.

Then blame China for creating the virus in the first place and not telling the world about it until it got out.
current presidents have full authority to put down a coups based on a bad election.

There is no authority given to trump to decide that an election he lost was a "bad election", and to have a coup against the United States. he may try, but I doubt any of the uniform services will support him.

More likely, trump will be escorted out of the White House, and will have to hire a private nurse to change his adult diapers.
There is no authority given to trump to decide that an election he lost was a "bad election", and to have a coup against the United States. he may try, but I doubt any of the uniform services will support him.

More likely, trump will be escorted out of the White House, and will have to hire a private nurse to change his adult diapers.

secret service protects the president. no worries.