Howard Dean Is Running Again!! Yeeaaaaahhhhhhh

I'd be thrilled if him or Gore tossed their names in to the hat.

Funny, he was such a joke to cons when he was running. Well, jokes on them I guess. The fiscally responsible New Englander was right on everything pertaining to Iraq.

Screaming an enthusiastic "yeeeehaaaa" at a supporter rally: dangerously off-balance

Rushing into an unnecessary war that throws a region into chaos, kills many & displaces many more: principled & tough

Screaming an enthusiastic "yeeeehaaaa" at a supporter rally: dangerously off-balance
How we love to alter history. As I recall EVERYONE was making fun of him for that and obviously it was the DEMS who considered him off-balance because after he did that his slumping campaign completely tanked and a ton of that Dem support shifted to Kerry - the "safer" choice.
How we love to alter history. As I recall EVERYONE was making fun of him for that and obviously it was the DEMS who considered him off-balance because after he did that his slumping campaign completely tanked and a ton of that Dem support shifted to Kerry - the "safer" choice.

What dems? I was full supporter of Dean and still remain one.
How we love to alter history. As I recall EVERYONE was making fun of him for that and obviously it was the DEMS who considered him off-balance because after he did that his slumping campaign completely tanked and a ton of that Dem support shifted to Kerry - the "safer" choice.

Dems got skittish because Republicans made such a big deal about it.

It's only conservatives that I hear still bringing that up (O'Reilly, Coulter, Malkin, et al.) It's a big deal w/ them, that someone would actually say "yee-haaaaaaa!"
I'd be thrilled if him or Gore tossed their names in to the hat.

Funny, he was such a joke to cons when he was running. Well, jokes on them I guess. The fiscally responsible New Englander was right on everything pertaining to Iraq.
I find it funny how a guy who advocates a trillion dollar plus universal healthcare system at a time where the deficit is in the hundreds of billions can be viewed as "fiscally responsible".
Vermont was already fairly leftwing, has very high taxes and people leaving the state in droves, Dean was not a success at all, I can give some credit on not pushing gun control, that's about it.
What dems? I was full supporter of Dean and still remain one.
That's why I said a ton of support, rather than all support. I think people who identified themselves more as Liberals than Democrats stuck with him, while people who identified themselves more as Democrats than Liberals, moved over to the Kerry camp because they wanted a safer, more electable shot.

Strangely enough, there was only 1 Liberal on who predicted that happening back in Dec 2003, all the rest thought Dean would win it all. CanadianKid actually got something right.
the media convinced many dems that Dean was out of line and perhaps unbalanced.
We are pretty much led around by the media.
Darned liberal media :rolleyes:
Well one political tactic is to remove the candidate that is the biggest threat. Just as Bush did with McCain in his primary.

That was a media-driven perception.


It was an obvious HIT JOB!

How that behavior equated with insanity was just the most collosal Pack Of Bullshit I have ever seen the media spew!

Anyone who can say the media is liberal after watching that HIT JOB is an complete sheep.
I was stunned at how quickly the left jumped off that bandwagon, and all because he was trying to rally the troops after losing a straw poll and coming in second...

It was an obvious HIT JOB!

How that behavior equated with insanity was just the most collosal Pack Of Bullshit I have ever seen the media spew!

Anyone who can say the media is liberal after watching that HIT JOB is an complete sheep.

Here come the sheep Desh :)

this works better than yelling sooie to call the hawgs.