Howard Dean Is Running Again!! Yeeaaaaahhhhhhh


That was a media-driven perception.
The media reported his yell and people made fun of it on their own, I mean it was a funny stupid yell. The media just told the story that everyone who is impartial and not in love with the guy saw with their own eyes and ears.

This is the video age, shit like that is golden youtube material, like it or not.
I was stunned at how quickly the left jumped off that bandwagon, and all because he was trying to rally the troops after losing a straw poll and coming in second...

I guess that's the price you pay for being a human with real emotions running for office.
exactly what he's talking about no one knows, as i too voted for Dean int he primary

Well, I thought and still he was the best person for the job. but on the otherhand I'm kind of glad the Republicans won just to hit home to the american people that Republican leadership doesn't work.
The media reported his yell and people made fun of it on their own, I mean it was a funny stupid yell. The media just told the story that everyone who is impartial and not in love with the guy saw with their own eyes and ears.

This is the video age, shit like that is golden youtube material, like it or not.

It wasn't even all that funny in retrospect. If you a lot of things out context, they can be construed as 'funny'. If someone took a tape of you dancing and muted the music, you'd look like a loon.
It so sad, when I think about our nominating & election process. What sticks out about candidates over the years?

Gore - "the sigh," and all of his "wild exaggerations" like when he mistook the destination of the trip he took with James DeWitt (ooh! gotcha!)

Kerry - swiftvets, swiftvets, swiftvets, and "I voted for it before I voted against it", an unfortunate choice of words which was portrayed as dishonestly as possible

Dean - the scream; again, when you show emotion, you're dangerously unstable

Edwards - the haircut

It really sucks; we lose a lot of pretty good people with this kind of BS, and we end up with a President like Bush...
It wasn't even all that funny in retrospect. If you a lot of things out context, they can be construed as 'funny'. If someone took a tape of you dancing and muted the music, you'd look like a loon.
That would depend on how good he was at dancing.
It so sad, when I think about our nominating & election process. What sticks out about candidates over the years?

Gore - "the sigh," and all of his "wild exaggerations" like when he mistook the destination of the trip he took with James DeWitt (ooh! gotcha!)

Kerry - swiftvets, swiftvets, swiftvets, and "I voted for it before I voted against it", an unfortunate choice of words which was portrayed as dishonestly as possible

Dean - the scream; again, when you show emotion, you're dangerously unstable

Edwards - the haircut

It really sucks; we lose a lot of pretty good people with this kind of BS, and we end up with a President like Bush...

That just goes to show that republicans can't lead a country, but sure can lead the he** out of a campaign.
When I think about Gore & the whole Bush campaign/media focus to turn him into a "wild exaggerator," it ticks me off even more. It's exactly what Bush did with the WMD intel he had to sell the war, and what the whole admin has done the whole time on Iraq....
When I think about Gore & the whole Bush campaign/media focus to turn him into a "wild exaggerator," it ticks me off even more. It's exactly what Bush did with the WMD intel he had to sell the war, and what the whole admin has done the whole time on Iraq....

I'd suggest you don't think about it. Blocking it out has helped me tremendously.
It so sad, when I think about our nominating & election process. What sticks out about candidates over the years?

Gore - "the sigh," and all of his "wild exaggerations" like when he mistook the destination of the trip he took with James DeWitt (ooh! gotcha!)

Kerry - swiftvets, swiftvets, swiftvets, and "I voted for it before I voted against it", an unfortunate choice of words which was portrayed as dishonestly as possible

Dean - the scream; again, when you show emotion, you're dangerously unstable

Edwards - the haircut

It really sucks; we lose a lot of pretty good people with this kind of BS, and we end up with a President like Bush...
LOL, partisan list if I ever saw one. What about Bush with dental records in the did-he-ever-serve silliness, past drinking, note to go pee during meeting, door is locked that he tries to open, of course loads of Bushisms and so on.
Bush had more of those non-issues shown by the press than the rest of your list combined.
The yell never bothered me, but I was concerned by Dean's statement at around that time (perhaps in response to the hoopla over the yell) that he makes decisions based on his heart, not his head. It did give me pause -- do we want someone like that as the leader of our country?

Then look at what we got instead. :(
LOL, partisan list if I ever saw one. What about Bush with dental records in the did-he-ever-serve silliness, past drinking, note to go pee during meeting, door is locked that he tries to open, of course loads of Bushisms and so on.
Bush had more of those non-issues shown by the press than the rest of your list combined.

None of the things you list defined either of Bush's campaigns. The media, for the most part, treated Bush with kid gloves....
It so sad, when I think about our nominating & election process. What sticks out about candidates over the years?

Gore - "the sigh," and all of his "wild exaggerations" like when he mistook the destination of the trip he took with James DeWitt (ooh! gotcha!)

Kerry - swiftvets, swiftvets, swiftvets, and "I voted for it before I voted against it", an unfortunate choice of words which was portrayed as dishonestly as possible

Dean - the scream; again, when you show emotion, you're dangerously unstable

Edwards - the haircut

It really sucks; we lose a lot of pretty good people with this kind of BS, and we end up with a President like Bush...

I know. This is where I agree with bac though. We have it coming. We eat that crap up, ask for more, and vote for the fools who fed it to us. Not you and me specifically, obviously, but we, the American people.

So that's what the majority of the american people deserve. The tragedy is, we get it along with them, but that's the magic of living in a democracy, run for and run by, fools.
I know. This is where I agree with bac though. We have it coming. We eat that crap up, ask for more, and vote for the fools who fed it to us. Not you and me specifically, obviously, but we, the American people.

So that's what the majority of the american people deserve. The tragedy is, we get it along with them, but that's the magic of living in a democracy, run for and run by, fools.
Oh please, cut the high-minded crap, I haven't met a Liberal yet who hasn't lapped up and laughed over the latest Bushism-du-jour and those are about as much of a non-issue as you can get.

People vote for a lot of dumb reasons, I'm sure that with Hillary as the nominee, there will be people who will vote for her because: "It would be neat to elect the first female president!".
It's part of democracy but there isn't any better system.