Howard Dean Is Running Again!! Yeeaaaaahhhhhhh

Oh please, cut the high-minded crap, I haven't met a Liberal yet who hasn't lapped up and laughed over the latest Bushism-du-jour and those are about as much of a non-issue as you can get.

People vote for a lot of dumb reasons, I'm sure that with Hillary as the nominee, there will be people who will vote for her because: "It would be neat to elect the first female president!".
It's part of democracy but there isn't any better system.

Laughing at the moron you guys put into office, is a rare escape from the horror he's inflicted on much of the world.

It is completely different than voting for him because you believed some BS you were spoon fed by a criminally stupid media.
Laughing at the moron you guys put into office, is a rare escape from the horror he's inflicted on much of the world.
I don't think America and Iraq counts as "much of the world" and like it or not Afghanistan is doing slightly better.

It is completely different than voting for him because you believed some BS you were spoon fed by a criminally stupid media.
I supported him the first time because I thought he was going to really kick the government cutting and prosperity of the 90's into a higher gear, he let a lot of people down with more federal education spending and the pill bill.
I supported him the 2nd time to stop universal healthkerry from happening, wars end, government dependence doesn't.
I don't think America and Iraq counts as "much of the world" and like it or not Afghanistan is doing slightly better.

I supported him the first time because I thought he was going to really kick the government cutting and prosperity of the 90's into a higher gear, he let a lot of people down with more federal education spending and the pill bill.
I supported him the 2nd time to stop universal healthkerry from happening, wars end, government dependence doesn't.

How many times do we have to drill it into your head! Kerry did not support universal healthcare. He supported universal insurance which is vastly different. Stop using Kerry's imaginary position to justify the sheer stupidity of you voting for Bush.
I'll admit, if Bush only had a handful of faux-pas' it wouldn't be a big deal. If it were a matter of mixing up words once in a while while in a speech, again, wouldn't be a big deal. But let's face it: This was his MO and the dude has demonstrated since 2000 that he barely has a grasp on the English language. If someone who's been to Yale and Harvard can't put together coherent sentences - that should be a red flag. As it was to me.

I'll never forget the dilemma one of my friends had in Paris when she had to translate one of his speeches. It went well beyond a couple of Bushisms. The guys a full blown fucking idiot who I wouldn't hire to work for me as a junior analyst.
I'll admit, if Bush only had a handful of faux-pas' it wouldn't be a big deal. If it were a matter of mixing up words once in a while while in a speech, again, wouldn't be a big deal. But let's face it: This was his MO and the dude has demonstrated since 2000 that he barely has a grasp on the English language. If someone who's been to Yale and Harvard can't put together coherent sentences - that should be a red flag. As it was to me.

I'll never forget the dilemma one of my friends had in Paris when she had to translate one of his speeches. It went well beyond a couple of Bushisms. The guys a full blown fucking idiot who I wouldn't hire to work for me as a junior analyst.

you think he could hold down a job sweeping floors ?
I figure he is one lazy assed bastich.

you know he might be a good match for the cleaning lady that bugs you though ?
you think he could hold down a job sweeping floors ?
I figure he is one lazy assed bastich.

you know he might be a good match for the cleaning lady that bugs you though ?

Maybe sweeping. I don't think he could handle mopping too.

But good point on the crazy cleaning lady though. I'm sure they would amuse one another for hours.