Howard Stern talks about Lauren B⊙⊙Bert....

"I have seen porn stars wear more."

She was doing heavy petting and vaping at a family play. Stern is right, it is a disgrace to America.
I don't listen to the far left. Sterns does not even know what WOKE is

“Far left.”

Lol. You're pretty sheltered. By European standards, even Obama is conservative.

Wait. Let me guess. Anyone who doesn't get on their knees for Jesus is, in your estimation, is “far left”?
Howard WHO?

You know nothing about youe party that peomotes communism

You guys have accused me of communism, socialism, Nazism, and nearly any other -ism you can imagine. Thankfully, though, I haven't been accused of capitalism. I couldn't live with myself if I was one of those monsters.
You guys have accused me of communism, socialism, Nazism, and nearly any other -ism you can imagine. Thankfully, though, I haven't been accused of capitalism. I couldn't live with myself if I was one of those monsters.

You mean you hate what makes this country great