Howey whines about groans in the announcement section and now here

unfortunately, i think grind truly believes what he wrote. he has changed, imo. can you imagine him ever writing such an angry/whiny rant before darla started posting again? he never did, ever.

maybe it isn't darla...but something has changed him.

the only thing that has changed is you have ramped up your crybaby antics. stop your crybaby antics about howey and thedude and zappas, stop all the pathetic threads you are starting about those individuals, stop crying that people are obsessed over you while you have thread after thread calling those people out by name, and we don't have a problem. nothing has changed me. do you know why I made the ignore legion club? so I could get some peace and quiet without you running all over the board crying about him. I was getting sick of you complaining about trolling while continue to pay attention to the troll. I wanted to see how long you would last. That's the main reason I started that club. It was to get you to be quiet.

If it isn't howey it's zappas, and if it isn't zappas it's poet and if it isn't poet it's rune and if it isn't rune it's legion. We all have people that annoy us but you are like the only person that always has some primary adversary that you constantly make threads about, or jump into threads about and talk about how they are trolls, or "afraid" of you, or whatever other delusions of grandeur you have.

The symbol of you being a baby on here is long established. We even made :yurt: the symbol of the stamping baby for quiet some time.

I haven't changed, I am just getting more and more fed up with your trolling crybaby antics. Be a mature adult and stop devoting hours of your day into "calling out groaners.." Or, admit what you are... (a troll and a major complainer) and at least then I will have some respect for you because I will know you aren't just a cartoon character.
and once again, you ONLY say something when called to the floor

why you have a hard for only me i have no idea. because i like you, when you're not like this. i seriously do. i hope you go back and read your rant above and reflect on how much you've changed.

I can't win with you can I? You bitch and moan when I don't call others out, and then when I call others out you bitch and moan about that too.

I just said, either right above or in the other thread that howey pm's me laughing at his antics sometimes. What does that suggest to you? I said as clear as day that howey is aware of his trolling before you brought that up.
both sides of the aisle have told you to cut this stupid shit, but you don't listen. Very few people take you seriously when you talk about this stuff.
both sides of the aisle have told you to cut this stupid shit, but you don't listen. Very few people take you seriously when you talk about this stuff.

Just for balance, you might like tell your loony mate Darla to shut the fuck up as well. It will be a cold day in hell before that happens though.
I am biased because I tell you to shut the fuck up and stop being an 11 year old child? Wheres Howey's double feature of yurt threads on off topic at the moment? It's pretty amazing I only became "the most biased mod" right around the time I started calling you out. The "you used to be cool line" I'm pretty sure was first used when I did my "an analysis of yurt thread." I guess you just didn't notice my xTreme bias up until about a week or two ago.... when I dared criticize the pilar of reasoned debate, yurt. Believe it or not, when I made that thread, I literally had the thought of "man... now yurt is never going to shut up about me either... this is just going to lead to more crying" and lo and behold.. predictable as ever the tantrum tears started flowing.

It wasn't even a serious thread! (you're the last one to get the joke though, I assure you)

I am going after you because you are by FAR the most obsessive stalker poster we have on here. If it makes you feel better, I think zappas is a close second. But at least he just jumps into threads rather than make new ones, over and over.

The bottom line is you are a crybaby and a royal pain in the ass. No one gives a flying FUCK about howey not debating you or the dude groaning you. Your willing audience is 0. You are just torturing us.

If you could draw up a picture of your interactions with JPP it would be you having us all strapped to a chair with our eyelids taped open as you make us watch your home movies.

LMAO. Holy shit!

I must have missed a lot today.
the only thing that has changed is you have ramped up your crybaby antics. stop your crybaby antics about howey and thedude and zappas, stop all the pathetic threads you are starting about those individuals, stop crying that people are obsessed over you while you have thread after thread calling those people out by name, and we don't have a problem. nothing has changed me. do you know why I made the ignore legion club? so I could get some peace and quiet without you running all over the board crying about him. I was getting sick of you complaining about trolling while continue to pay attention to the troll. I wanted to see how long you would last. That's the main reason I started that club. It was to get you to be quiet.

If it isn't howey it's zappas, and if it isn't zappas it's poet and if it isn't poet it's rune and if it isn't rune it's legion. We all have people that annoy us but you are like the only person that always has some primary adversary that you constantly make threads about, or jump into threads about and talk about how they are trolls, or "afraid" of you, or whatever other delusions of grandeur you have.

The symbol of you being a baby on here is long established. We even made :yurt: the symbol of the stamping baby for quiet some time.

I haven't changed, I am just getting more and more fed up with your trolling crybaby antics. Be a mature adult and stop devoting hours of your day into "calling out groaners.." Or, admit what you are... (a troll and a major complainer) and at least then I will have some respect for you because I will know you aren't just a cartoon character. you not realize how bitchy and whiny your post is?

when have you EVER gone after someone like this? you haven't, ever. you admit howey is a troll, yet you keep on my ass. howey PM's you - flat out telling you he is trolling, allegedly, and yet, you love his trolling, and then, you ride my ass.

dude, you have lost all perspective. i called it right, darla has you by the balls. sorry, i like you, but that is the truth. i've had the shit with zappa for years and you never said boo....darla comes back....and all of a sudden....yurt is obsessive, troll...yada yada

you do math smart guy
lol ok yurt, keep convincing yourself it's darla rather than admitting you have a major crybaby problem. ILA and tom have both told you to knock it off, and they are no friends of darla. But maybe it's just coincidence that both ILA and tom have told you this stuff around the same time I started to tell you as well. you not realize how bitchy and whiny your post is?

when have you EVER gone after someone like this? you haven't, ever. you admit howey is a troll, yet you keep on my ass. howey PM's you - flat out telling you he is trolling, allegedly, and yet, you love his trolling, and then, you ride my ass.

dude, you have lost all perspective. i called it right, darla has you by the balls. sorry, i like you, but that is the truth. i've had the shit with zappa for years and you never said boo....darla comes back....and all of a sudden....yurt is obsessive, troll...yada yada

you do math smart guy

Yurt, you are obsessive, you are a crybaby and the worst of the whiners, I for one am thrilled Grind is calling you out, it is waaaaay past time.
I can't win with you can I? You bitch and moan when I don't call others out, and then when I call others out you bitch and moan about that too.

I just said, either right above or in the other thread that howey pm's me laughing at his antics sometimes. What does that suggest to you? I said as clear as day that howey is aware of his trolling before you brought that up.

this is exactly what i'm talking about. you don't call them out, you only give a post when called on it. i know you're smart enough to know the difference grind. you're full of shit.

enjoy your PM's with howey laughing about how he TROLLS JPP and then turn around and bitch that i'm trolling JPP.

you're sad grind, truly sad.