Howey whines about groans in the announcement section and now here

lol ok yurt, keep convincing yourself it's darla rather than admitting you have a major crybaby problem. ILA and tom have both told you to knock it off, and they are no friends of darla. But maybe it's just coincidence that both ILA and tom have told you this stuff around the same time I started to tell you as well.

Yes, but I also said that you do some serious arse licking as regards Darla but you just can't see that!! you not realize how bitchy and whiny your post is?

when have you EVER gone after someone like this? you haven't, ever. you admit howey is a troll, yet you keep on my ass. howey PM's you - flat out telling you he is trolling, allegedly, and yet, you love his trolling, and then, you ride my ass.

dude, you have lost all perspective. i called it right, darla has you by the balls. sorry, i like you, but that is the truth. i've had the shit with zappa for years and you never said boo....darla comes back....and all of a sudden....yurt is obsessive, troll...yada yada

you do math smart guy

I've posted with grind since about 05/06. His behavior is not predicated on my being here or not. There is no possible way for me to have less to do with this than I do. There is something seriously wrong with you and Tom. You're both obsessed with me and drag my name into everything. You probably think the rest of the board doesn't notice but they do. You are both far bigger laughingstocks than either of you suspect.
I am putting yurt on ignore. And not his fake version of ignore where he can't actually bring himself to do it given that his tears sustain his being.

Yurt if you want to be normal and not a troll anymore, let me know... but as long as you are making threads about howey and zappas and talking about being groaned all the time, I don't want to subject my eyes to such poison anymore... it's just too much.
I've posted with grind since about 05/06. His behavior is not predicated on my being here or not. There is no possible way for me to have less to do with this than I do. There is something seriously wrong with you and Tom. You're both obsessed with me and drag my name into everything. You probably think the rest of the board doesn't notice but they do. You are both far bigger laughingstocks than either of you suspect.

I am putting yurt on ignore. And not his fake version of ignore where he can't actually bring himself to do it given that his tears sustain his being.

Yurt if you want to be normal and not a troll anymore, let me know... but as long as you are making threads about howey and zappas and talking about being groaned all the time, I don't want to subject my eyes to such poison anymore... it's just too much.

I am putting yurt on ignore. And not his fake version of ignore where he can't actually bring himself to do it given that his tears sustain his being.

Yurt if you want to be normal and not a troll anymore, let me know... but as long as you are making threads about howey and zappas and talking about being groaned all the time, I don't want to subject my eyes to such poison anymore... it's just too much.

what a meltdown

this is exactly what i'm talking about. you don't call them out, you only give a post when called on it. i know you're smart enough to know the difference grind. you're full of shit.

enjoy your PM's with howey laughing about how he TROLLS JPP and then turn around and bitch that i'm trolling JPP.

you're sad grind, truly sad.

this proves my case about grind.
i just PM'd grind and told him i am going to troll zappas to rile him up and how funny it would be. now, he has to approve or else he proves my point about him and darla's posse.

Howey and Zappa set out deliberately to bait you and they have no inclination to rise above it. Howey especially is only on here to stir up shit, he sent out his advance army of Howey's Harpies ( Bijou and Haiku) to check out the lie of the land before he came on here. He is like a latter day Charlie Manson and Bijou is his "Squeaky" Fromme.

Oh I can rise above it at any time.

I can and do have civil discussions with several of this forum's posters, the difference between them and BHY being he absolutely will not admit when he's wrong. Until he can get over himself and admit he's capable of being wrong just like every other human being on the planet, then nothing is going to change.