Deathcare has already raised premiums for those paying their own policies.
I take it back, Stargazer. No twit would be as ignorant as you.
Deathcare has already raised premiums for those paying their own policies.
if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck......Well of course that's your OPINION...unfortunately you can't back it up with any of those pesky "facts".
An Obamacare mandate is 'free' preventative care -- which costs are paid by the premiums of consumers paying full freight for premiums.Horseshit.
There is no direct correlation between Obamacare and the raising of premiums.
It's your OPINION and nothing more.
There is no direct correlation between Obamacare and the raising of premiums.
It's your OPINION and nothing more.
Don't feed the troll.I still have my free Reaganphone in the house and use my free Bushphone when I'm not home.
You ignorant twit.
That is right puddin. There is never any direct correlation to Obamas failures in your mind. He is your king and you will bow down in deference regardless what your eyes tell you
He could probably come along and bang your wife like Caligula and you would feel proud
Why the fuck are you trolling? You're just insulting peoples intelligence. Hell even a third grade graduate of an Alabama public school knows that covering preventative care pays for it self by preventing or detecting chronic conditions before they become acute and end up costing all consumers far, far, far more than the cost for prenatal care, general physicals, cancer screenings, heart screenings, etc, etc.An Obamacare mandate is 'free' preventative care -- which costs are paid by the premiums of consumers paying full freight for premiums.
That's a fact, Jack.
If your premise is that doctor's are providing preventative care for 'free', you are sorely mistaken. Doctors still get paid for the 'free care' you think you're getting, but it's being paid for by increased premium rates on consumers. That is the fact which you cannot dispute, hence your emotion-laden meltdown about 'me'.Why the fuck are you trolling? You're just insulting peoples intelligence. Hell even a third grade graduate of an Alabama public school knows that covering preventative care pays for it self by preventing or detecting chronic conditions before they become acute and end up costing all consumers far, far, far more than the cost for prenatal care, general physicals, cancer screenings, heart screenings, etc, etc.
In fact it goes without saying that covering preventative care saves health service and insurance companies substantial sums, as well as, going a long way towards reducing overall cost in the system and not to mention the humanity of improving health outcomes and quality of life for vast numbers of peoples.
That's pretty well all common sense and common knowledge.....but I forgot......people like you never mastered 2nd grade Alabama math so you need to have it explained to you.
Strawman....I guess that's all you have when you don't understand arithmetic. First no one ever said Doctors had to pay for our preventative care but you and you are divorced from reality. Second all available data demonstrates resoundingly that preventative care improves both outcomes and costs. Didn't they teach you this kind of basic arithmetic from the grade school you dropped out of?If your premise is that doctor's are providing preventative care for 'free', you are sorely mistaken. Doctors still get paid for the 'free care' you think you're getting, but it's being paid for by increased premium rates on consumers. That is the fact which you cannot dispute, hence your emotion-laden meltdown about 'me'.
Maybe some quiet time with your Obammy blow-up doll is in order. Obot?
It is what it is........
Strawman....I guess that's all you have when you don't understand arithmetic. First no one ever said Doctors had to pay for our preventative care but you and you are divorced from reality. Second all available data demonstrates resoundingly that preventative care improves both outcomes and costs. Didn't they teach you this kind of basic arithmetic from the grade school you dropped out of?
What is the money source for 'free' preventative care?Strawman....I guess that's all you have when you don't understand arithmetic. First no one ever said Doctors had to pay for our preventative care but you and you are divorced from reality. Second all available data demonstrates resoundingly that preventative care improves both outcomes and costs. Didn't they teach you this kind of basic arithmetic from the grade school you dropped out of?
If your premise is that doctor's are providing preventative care for 'free', you are sorely mistaken. Doctors still get paid for the 'free care' you think you're getting, but it's being paid for by increased premium rates on consumers. That is the fact which you cannot dispute, hence your emotion-laden meltdown about 'me'.
Health care reform in the coming year will go on a kind of shakedown cruise to test the seaworthiness of America's evolving health care system as it becomes more cost-conscious and quality-focused under the Affordable Care Act.
In 2012, the health insurance law, also known as Obamacare, linked Medicare payments to the quality rather than quantity of care, started penalizing health insurers that charge too much in administrative fees and executive bonuses, and began rewarding good doctors who save Medicare money.
Ahead in 2013, the law will attempt to strengthen America's health care safety net by increasing physician pay and expanding preventive care under Medicaid; bolstering the Children's Health Insurance Program, or CHIP; and launching more streamlined Medicare billing. State insurance exchanges to promote health plan comparison-shopping also face federal certification as they prepare for a scheduled opening in 2014.
Dr. Jeff Cain, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians, says the continued emphasis on primary and preventive care is essential to effective reform.
"It's not a news flash that healthy people are cheaper to take care of than people who have diseases," he says. "One way we know we can cut costs and still maintain good quality is to have better primary care."
Why the fuck are you trolling? You're just insulting peoples intelligence. Hell even a third grade graduate of an Alabama public school knows that covering preventative care pays for it self by preventing or detecting chronic conditions before they become acute and end up costing all consumers far, far, far more than the cost for prenatal care, general physicals, cancer screenings, heart screenings, etc, etc.
Actually, the data does not show that. The data shows that it has no effect. But, you believe what you want to believe puddin. You will go runnin to your physician and when he says he "saw a blip" you will be all butthurt when you don't get that fancy shmancy test to make sure your itty bitty heart doesn't explode from the Widow Maker. That would be the left anterior descending artery which has a pretty high mortality rate once it is blocked from all of your years of eating Funyons.
But, please do try to be informed and stop repeating bullshit put in your brain by your dear leaders. There is no good reason for you to be willfully ignorant with the internet at your fingertips
lol...informed and he quotes the Daily Beast!
I'd probably wet my pants with glee if and when Obamacare's gone (won't happen) and ILA's most beloved dies after his health care plan refuses to threat that threatening disease because it's a pre-existing condition.
Newsflash, Zippy. Obamacare isn't what the president wanted. It's all the idiot republicans in congress would agree to. Therein lies the failure.
Look it up. His practice is thriving.
I'd love to. What's his name?
OMG! Obamacare is now the Republicans fault. Where did the Obamites find such large and all encompassing blinders?
Looks like ol' Zappster may be right on this one (though he probably has no idea why)Horseshit.
There is no direct correlation between Obamacare and the raising of premiums.
It's your OPINION and nothing more.