How's Obamacare working out for ya?

How's Obamacare treating you so far?

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Actually, the data does not show that. The data shows that it has no effect. But, you believe what you want to believe puddin. You will go runnin to your physician and when he says he "saw a blip" you will be all butthurt when you don't get that fancy shmancy test to make sure your itty bitty heart doesn't explode from the Widow Maker. That would be the left anterior descending artery which has a pretty high mortality rate once it is blocked from all of your years of eating Funyons.

But, please do try to be informed and stop repeating bullshit put in your brain by your dear leaders. There is no good reason for you to be willfully ignorant with the internet at your fingertips
ROTFLMAO!!! That is fucking hillarious. Are you truly that stupid that you don't believe preventative care saves serious costs? Dude, my old man is a primary care physician specializing in preventative care. I've seen first hand how fucking much money it saves. Blow smoke up somebody elses ass cause you simply don't know what you're talking about.

I mean hell over two hundred years ago they knew that prevention saved a lot of money. Ever hear Ben Franklins quote "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."???? You'd have to be one truly stupid mother fucker too not understand how preventative health care saves a shit ton of money.
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He's just playing the role of another disingenuous Tightie Rightie feigning ignorance.

OF COURSE free preventative care saves money down the line.

Let's just say for example someone goes to his doctor with slight abdominal pain. Nothing serious or anything, just a little sore. After visiting the doctor, it is determined the guy has COLON CANCER...CANCER he never would have discovered if he hadn't gone in for a preventative checkup.

Finding the cancer early saves the man HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN BILLS...and THAT is how preventative care saves money...not that a partisan hack like the Fruity Tulip will admit as much...but hey!
Pretty fucking sad that this even has to be explained to them. How stupid can you get?
Yes...that's certainly one scenario.

What we'll see more often than that, is lifesaving treatments for the silent killers....Blood Pressure and Diabetes. It costs virtually nothing to diagnose these two. The data on the number of deaths, or serious health issues for these conditions is readily available.

You just won't find said data in some right wing blog.
I know, I can't fucking believe the wingnut quoted the daily beast as a legitimate source for data on preventative care costs...derp, derp! LOL
do you have some numbers to go with that assumption?...seems to me undiagnosed high blood pressure or diabetes patients are more likely to die, not more likely to have higher health care costs.....
Seriously? Well you're half right.....they are more likely to die but first they'll have strokes, heart attacks, amputations, hosptilizations, etc, etc.....last I heard.....those we're pretty costly. Google the data, if you don't believe's not like it's hard to find.
Seriously? Well you're half right.....they are more likely to die but first they'll have strokes, heart attacks, amputations, hosptilizations, etc, etc.....last I heard.....those we're pretty costly. Google the data, if you don't believe's not like it's hard to find.
You don't read his posts, and actually believe there's any data to back up his you?

Although, it's nice that he supports abortion.
but I expect its still appropriate to deduct the saved health care expenses of those who do.......unless of course you still want to fudge the numbers......
Uhh.....well you're still kinda missing something here.....assume for a second your argument is right (it's not) even if most were to drop dead with little significant medical costs (not bloody likely) there's still the humanity aspect......don't you think most of those people with undiagnosed high BP and diabetes would prefer to be alive and living a normally functioning life style? Hmmm?
ROTFLMAO!!! That is fucking hillarious. Are you truly that stupid that you don't believe preventative care saves serious costs? Dude, my old man is a primary care physician specializing in preventative care. I've seen first hand how fucking much money it saves. Blow smoke up somebody elses ass cause you simply don't know what you're talking about.

I mean hell over two hundred years ago they knew that prevention saved a lot of money. Ever hear Ben Franklins quite "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."???? You'd have to be one truly stupid mother fucker too not understand how preventative health care saves a shit ton of money.
Eastern cultures have known this for thousands of years. Only the USA would realize that there's huge profit in healthcare, and act on it.

I know, I can't fucking believe the wingnut quoted the daily beast as a legitimate source for data on preventative care costs...derp, derp! LOL
I can't see his shit unless someone quotes him. I do love the occasional reminder of why he's always going to be on ignore.
Why the fuck are you trolling? You're just insulting peoples intelligence. Hell even a third grade graduate of an Alabama public school knows that covering preventative care pays for it self by preventing or detecting chronic conditions before they become acute and end up costing all consumers far, far, far more than the cost for prenatal care, general physicals, cancer screenings, heart screenings, etc, etc.
This is a very good point, Mott. Why, just think of the millions we would save if STD spreaders were taught to keep it in their pants until traditional marriage! ;)