Who is going to stop them?
Right wing domestic terrorist are criminals, and shouldn't be allowed to have firearms.
let's hope so, nutjobs like you should be limited to shotguns and hunting rifles, obviously
Their coming for our guns, how will we defend against the LASERs?
I have a friend who is a gun fetishist who said one of the dumbest things I ever heard a gun nut say.
He said. “You can’t change the second amendment.”.
` The bill at the most registers military guns. It confiscates nothing.
Right wing domestic terrorist are criminals, and shouldn't be allowed to have firearms.
` The bill at the most registers military guns. It confiscates nothing.
A mirror works pretty well.
The 2nd amendment has not changed. The Democrats simply don't recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution.
Won't pass, it's a pipe dream even with control of all three houses and you cannot demand licensing of a right.
What about driver's licenses?
drivers license are not mentioned in the constitution now is it dumb ass.
any one convicted of a felony should not have a gun that includes a lot more democrats then republicans as 7 out of 10 felons in jail identify as democrat. Me I say every one arrest in the blm riots have their gun rights and voting right s removed as a precaution also.
The people of the States of America.
What about driver's licenses?
You need another good stiff shot of Jack Daniels.