HR 127 is a way to confiscate guns

You don't have a right to drive.

Actually, you do.
You have the right to own a car, buggy, horse, whatever. You have the right to drive it. You are expected conform to the rules of the road. You are expected to pay the taxes to pay for public roads, and to conform to the rules to use them, but you have the right to drive on them. Licensing is either part of the tax, or a test to see if you are capable of handling the machine in a safe manner, or both.

But is is a right. If you can see well enough, and can pass a test of competency, you have the right to drive a car on public roadways.

In any case, you have the right to drive anything on your own license needed.

Similarly, you have the right to fly an aircraft, should you pass a test of competency for that machine. Like the car, you are expected to follow the 'rules of the road' as far as air travel is concerned.

Tests for competency does not remove a right. A right does NOT have to specified in a constitution.
You have to register your car, insure it, and be schooled in how to drive safely. I would love to have that as our starting point with guns.

A car is not a gun.
The right to self defense is inherent. There are no special skills required to use a gun.

Laws requiring insurance to drive a car are unconstitutional.
I agree its unlikely to pass both the house and senate , it brings up a lot of constitutional issue and the supreme court would kill it if it passed or blow hole joe tried using one of his dictator decrees

Agreed. OTOH, if the Democrats are busy wasting their time on this then they won't have time to do other mischief.
Well how else can we shove you people in the mass graves if we don't confiscate your guns first?

Sheesh! THINK!
no I carried a fire arm for years at work as a officer for a college, also as a bank messenger for a ski resort. Speaking of nut jobs wasn't it Biden who said if someone comes around just shoot your double barrel shot gun in the air , what a moron if loaded with buck shot or slugs its going to come down on some ones head or roof plus its illegal ro discharge a gun in town or near a home except for self defense . so whos the nut job seems I know more about it then blow hole Joe biter the president .
O by the way I also taught shooting classes at the school, to students from all over the world the first thing was class room and gun safety and making them familiar with how guns work,. I normally had a rotc student help or other officers . as I said I trained hundreds of student from all over the globe and we never had one accident or accident discharge . I was trusted by the school to do so our department and our lawyers .
I have probably forget more about guns and gun safety then you ever knew.
O by the way we used everything for .22 rifles and pistols to ar 15s .50 cal bmg rifles lots of glocks and revolvers do=zens of firearms .
and you call me a nut when your own president suggested you break a gun law and risk others lifes by discharging a fire arm. yep your a true moron for sure

He certainly is. He doesn't realize the number of people around him that carry guns, and they are NOT shooting him or at anyone else.
I help to maintain security at my airport, as most all mechanics at our airport do. We all carry guns. The moron TSA guy that did nothing but sleep in his car eventually quit.
military guns now what is thato yes selective fire guns like a m16 or m 4 or m60 the type of guns you have to already have registered and permission to own from the ATF . obviously you dont know what a military gun is. and you have no clue whats in the bill so shut then fuck up you simple bastard

Fully automatic and selective fire guns are perfectly legal under the 2nd amendment. Nothing in the 2nd amendment specifies type of action or brand of gun. Why does the BATF have any say? What authorizes their existence? It's certainly not the constitution!
YES, it will but only for teabagger/Q NUTS.

“(II) undergoes a psychological evaluation conducted in accordance with paragraph (2), and the evaluation does not indicate that the individual is psychologically unsuited to possess a firearm.

2) PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION.—A psychological evaluation is conducted in accordance with this paragraph if—

“(A) the evaluation is conducted in compliance with such standards as shall be established by the Attorney General;

“(B) the evaluation is conducted by a licensed psychologist approved by the Attorney General;

“(C) as deemed necessary by the licensed psychologist involved, the evaluation included a psychological evaluation of other members of the household in which the individual resides; and

“(D) as part of the psychological evaluation, the licensed psychologist interviewed any spouse of the individual, any former spouse of the individual, and at least 2 other persons who are a member of the family of, or an associate of, the individual to further determine the state of the mental, emotional, and relational stability of the individual in relation to firearms.


“(A) REQUIRED.—The Attorney General shall deny such a license to an individual if—

“(I) with a mental illness, disturbance, or diagnosis (including depression, homicidal ideation, suicidal ideation, attempted suicide, or addiction to a controlled substance (within the meaning of the Controlled Substances Act) or alcohol), or a brain disease (including dementia or Alzheimer’s)

That pretty much covers every teabagger/Q NUT.

"No weapons or sharp objects for you'.

Unconstitutional. One need not conform to any federal law that is unconstitutional. One need not conform to any law passed by the SODC either.
Driving is a privilege, not a right.

This mistake again. No. Driving is a right. You can own any car or truck and drive it on your own land. No license required. To drive on public roads, you have that right, so long as you can demonstrate competency, according to the State laws of your State. The federal government has NO authority to prevent you from driving a car.

No State has authority to deprive one of their license to drive a car on public roads arbitrarily. The federal government has no authority to prohibit anyone from driving a car or truck. That is up to the States, and even that must conform to the authority of each State. That said, States have agreed to common requirements for drivers of heavy trucks, and have agreed to standards put forth by the DOT. As long as you and your rig comply with those standards, you have the right to drive that truck.

Guns require no special knowledge or competency to use them (other than figuring out how to load it, and which bit to press to make it fire, and how to clean it). The right to self defense is inherent. Knives, clubs, swords, guns, bombs, are ALL part of that inherent right of self defense of yourself, your family, your community, your State. As always, you ARE responsible for anyone cut, shot, or bombed. If you hurt or kill someone by any means other than defense of yourself, your family, your property, your community, or your State, as specified in your State constitution, then you are responsible for that act. It matters not whether it's a fistfight or a gun fight.

“Never argue with stupid/crazy people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

They'll be a lot of dead and wounded tough guys because they just don't want to register their weapons.

Why would they be dead? They have their weapons.
You are not smart. You are crazy. As you said, you can't argue with crazy.
Easy, they are braggarts, always showing off their weapons,
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You really believe that?!?
posting them on social media and relatives that know they aren't wrapped too tight.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You really believe that?!?
Look at all the moron insurrectionist, who stormed the capitol building, who posted pictures of themselves, they aren't too swift.
You mean the Antifa guys? They didn't storm the Capitol building. They were LET IN by Democrats as part of a preplanned false flag operation.
Oh...and it was Antifa and BLM that brought the hammers and saps to smash windows.
stupid fuck standard reply from silly ass gun nuts. the only real criteria for it being labeled an assault weapon, either rifle or hand gun, is a semi-automatic that can accept high capacity magazines, or can be easily modified to do so. even a hillbilly racist trump stooge should be able to handle that definition without slobbering.

Unconstitutional. Nothing in the 2nd amendment specifies size of magazine, type of action, any brand name, or even type of weapon.
You obviously know nothing about guns. There is no such thing as an 'assault weapon'. Buzzword fallacy. You also have no idea how long it takes to reload. Bigotry. Fallacy fallacy.

Typical hoplophobic, clueless about guns, or even who owns them.
"I wouldn't know but I'm sure someone, other than you knows, whether you know it or not".

There you go, in a safe, off your property and only one other person knows?

Way to much information to be posting to people you don't even know, on social media?

You don't know who could be reading this, they sure could figure out who you really are, where you live by your IP address.

The same with everyone.

Nope. IP addresses only give vague information. They do not identify individuals, unless they are an internet provider service. Perhaps someday you'll learn how DHCP and NAT works. Maybe you might even learn about VPNs and Tor.

I'm scared...

Why do you feckless snots focus on so called assault weapons which is used in less than 1% of all gun crimes while ignoring 95% of the gun problem? Illegal guns in our cities.

Just what the fuck IS an 'assault weapon'?? There is no gun problem either, in cities or elsewhere. There is a gang problem. There is an organized crime problem. There is a problem with Democrats allowing crime to run rampant in cities.