Huckleberry takes another state!

I knwo people have been suggesting this type of thing for years, its nuthing new, its why many early settlers came to America. I just find it particularly offensive.

I belive many (including people involved in this discussion) use pro-choice v. anti-choice as a litmis test and would never vote for an anti-choice or a pro-choicer, regardless of the other issues.
Does that mean that I should be subjected to fear mongering about it?

What you "fear" isn't going to happen, even if he were elected President, let alone if he were VP. What you "fear" (your title, not mine) isn't bringing up much of a "fear" in others.
I knwo people have been suggesting this type of thing for years, its nuthing new, its why many early settlers came to America. I just find it particularly offensive.

I belive many (including people involved in this discussion) use pro-choice v. anti-choice as a litmis test and would never vote for an anti-choice or a pro-choicer, regardless of the other issues.

Retards use pro-choice and pro-life as a litmus test, or use any policy as a litmus test.

The situation the country is in now is exactly what happens when you have a nation of one-issue or one-party voters rather than informed voters.
I belive many (including people involved in this discussion) use pro-choice v. anti-choice as a litmis test and would never vote for an anti-choice or a pro-choicer, regardless of the other issues.

Well that's fucking stupid, and if any of you actually think that way please get hit by a bus at your earliest convenience.
Well that's fucking stupid, and if any of you actually think that way please get hit by a bus at your earliest convenience.

Plenty of your fellow posters, from this thread, feel that way. Its why they have left!
Plenty of your fellow posters, from this thread, feel that way. Its why they have left!

Who else feels that way Jarod? What a crock of shit. Just because people tire of your fear mongering over something that will never come to pass doesn't mean they will use single issues as you described.

For a lawyer, you sure don't seem to be too intelligent. Or perhaps it is just the natural lawyer "lets be dishonest" gene kicking in?
Who else feels that way Jarod? What a crock of shit. Just because people tire of your fear mongering over something that will never come to pass doesn't mean they will use single issues as you described.

For a lawyer, you sure don't seem to be too intelligent. Or perhaps it is just the natural lawyer "lets be dishonest" gene kicking in?

You would not use abortion as a litmus test?

If you say no, the only one who has yet to deny it is Leaning....
You would not use abortion as a litmus test?

If you say no, the only one who has yet to deny it is Leaning....

No, there is no one issue that would eliminate a candidate for me.

There is certainly no one issue that I think has ZERO chance of being passed that would eliminate a candidate for me.

NOTE: for the brain dead.... this does not mean I suddenly support abortion. I do not. But if a pro-abortion candidate came along that was also economically conservative. Economically conservative trumps pro-abortion.
No, there is no one issue that would eliminate a candidate for me.

There is certainly no one issue that I think has ZERO chance of being passed that would eliminate a candidate for me.

NOTE: for the brain dead.... this does not mean I suddenly support abortion. I do not. But if a pro-abortion candidate came along that was also economically conservative. Economically conservative trumps pro-abortion.

I would vote against any PRO-Abortion canidate for sure. Now a pro-choice one would be a different story for me. But someone who wants more abortions, that would be a single issue deal for me.
Yeah I don't care about abortion at all, but I would probably take issue with a "PRO-abortion" candidate.

funny how many people fell for the spin phrase "pro-choice".

You are either for abortions being legal or against them.

Saying "pro-choice" is the same as "I voted for the war, but didn't really mean it"
funny how many people fell for the spin phrase "pro-choice".

You are either for abortions being legal or against them.

Saying "pro-choice" is the same as "I voted for the war, but didn't really mean it"

You see, I am for them being legal, but personally against them. Thus I am not pro-abortion. I am for everyone making there own choice about this issue.
No, there is no one issue that would eliminate a candidate for me.

There is certainly no one issue that I think has ZERO chance of being passed that would eliminate a candidate for me.

NOTE: for the brain dead.... this does not mean I suddenly support abortion. I do not. But if a pro-abortion candidate came along that was also economically conservative. Economically conservative trumps pro-abortion.

What if a candiate supported bringing Hitler back from the dead and making him legal dictator for life?
I would laugh at him and point a lot and talk about how insane he was. What would you do?

I would do just that, until he started winning southern states. Then I would be a a bit fearfull of it, and I would express my consern.
I would do just that, until he started winning southern states. Then I would be a a bit fearfull of it, and I would express my consern.
LOL. Rubbish. Equating a christian saying we should have an anti-abortion amendment, or a gay marriage amendment, to raising Hitler from the dead? I now begin to worry about you.
LOL. Rubbish. Equating a christian saying we should have an anti-abortion amendment, or a gay marriage amendment, to raising Hitler from the dead? I now begin to worry about you.

I did not equate anything with anyone I merely said what I would do!