Hugo Chavez Defeats Devil -- Again

What's he doing beating himself? Oh, I read the article and see he was talking about the guy running against him.
Chavez the Socialist accomplishment number 2:

Massive Increase in Corruption
"In the past, at least the opposition held the job of auditor-general and often that of attorney-general, while the judiciary was bipartisan. Mr Chávez has grasped all the powers of state into his own hands, and eliminated all independent oversight of his government. The opposition argues that the inevitable result of this is graft on an increased scale.
Last year, Transparency International, a Berlin-based group, placed Venezuela a lowly 130th out of 159 countries in its annual survey of perceptions of corruption. It was one of a dozen countries where more than half of respondents said this had “greatly” increased.
I love having him around. He's better than Alka-Seltzer -- or even Hanoi Jane -- for making the wingnuts froth at the mouth.
Chavez the Socialist accomplishment number 3:

Crackdown on free press:
The Government abused its power to require television and radio stations to air numerous speeches by President Chavez, other government officials, and other programming favorable to the Government, and by cutting the transmission of television stations that refused to air progovernment material on April 9-11.
actually now that Dano's pointing out how much he has incommon with Bush, its a wonder why they aren't BFF.
I love having him around. He's better than Alka-Seltzer -- or even Hanoi Jane -- for making the wingnuts froth at the mouth.

I think he probably has some totalitarian tendencies. However, I too enjoy watching the effect he has on righties like Dano. Look at him go. Why I haven't seen him this upset since...well, since three and a half minutes ago after he read a Cypress post.
I love having him around. He's better than Alka-Seltzer -- or even Hanoi Jane -- for making the wingnuts froth at the mouth.
Why don't I say that I love Bush because he makes you wingnuts froth at the mouth?
Fortunately for my country, I care a little more than simply making the other side see hate....and Chavez isn't even from here so I don't give a shit half as much as you think.

You love a guy who has made his country the highest in the world for gun crime? Who locks up with torture those who disagree with him? At least he has your politics right?

If not for oil, Venezuela would be a banana republic, Chavez's time will come though, even with oil at what it is, the massive spending he has pushed forth will eventually break the bank:
he's all about giving us free oil. He's alright with me.

No, he's about selling discounted heating oil and only to select poor communities.

He's just an oil pimp, oil for favors - in his case he just wanted a UN security council seat by trying to soften up American opposition:

This guy is a chief ally of Iran's leader, you know the guy sworn to destroy America and Israel - but hey at least he hates Bush, seems like you can get away with anything as long as you slap that shit on a resumé.
You love a guy who has made his country the highest in the world for gun crime? Who locks up with torture those who disagree with him? At least he has your politics right?

That reminds me of how you love a guy who's made Iraq a terror haven, has ignored port security, and made the US one of the most despised country in the world! Which is the same guy who's locked up hundreds G-Bay without a trial. Very similar indeed.
No, he's about selling discounted heating oil and only to select poor communities.

He's just an oil pimp, oil for favors - in his case he just wanted a UN security council seat by trying to soften up American opposition...

Once again, Dano is uninformed. He is giving away free oil:

"The occasion: The arrival of a Venezuelan-backed program to bring 7.5 million gallons of deeply discounted heating oil to as many as 37,000 low-income households in Maryland, Virginia and the District and free heating oil to some homeless shelters."
No, he's about selling discounted heating oil and only to select poor communities. You're kidding? I wonder why he's not selling it cheap to select, rich communities. Now that, would be American! Just goes to show these foreigners are animals, they know nothing.
He's just an oil pimp, oil for favors - in his case he just wanted a UN security council seat by trying to soften up American opposition: Neither you, nor the author of this opinion piece can possibly state what his motivations are. You can guess, you can speculate, but you don't know.

This guy is a chief ally of Iran's leader, you know the guy sworn to destroy America and Israel - but hey at least he hates Bush, seems like you can get away with anything as long as you slap that shit on a resumé.
I've heard him say Israel should be wiped off the map, but I have not heard him express the same sentiment about America...even if so, let me know when he aquires the means to do it. And I don't mean one, half-assed nuke. Until then, I'll sleep fine, and I don't believe I have any business telling other countries who their allies should, and should not be. But then, I'm not the authoritarian type.
Once again, Dano is uninformed. He is giving away free oil:

"The occasion: The arrival of a Venezuelan-backed program to bring 7.5 million gallons of deeply discounted heating oil to as many as 37,000 low-income households in Maryland, Virginia and the District and free heating oil to some homeless shelters."

Well I'll tell ya, this really supports Damo's argument that he was just doing it in order to gain a council seat. Because one thing everyone knows is, nobody, and I mean nobody, has political pull like the American homeless population.

Yeah, that's the ass to kiss if you want something done in DC alright.
Something along those lines. Any righty will be able to recite the exact drove them over the very edge they were hanging by their fingertips onto.

Not kewl, but I still love the way he makes them squirm. And he's still much smarter than Bush.
Not kewl, but I still love the way he makes them squirm. And he's still much smarter than Bush.

No no not Chavez, sorry for the misunderstanding. I am talking about Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President said that. Dano was going on about Chavez being an ally of his, but Chavez himself never said any such thing.