Hugo Chavez Defeats Devil -- Again

No no not Chavez, sorry for the misunderstanding. I am talking about Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President said that. Dano was going on about Chavez being an ally of his, but Chavez himself never said any such thing.

Oooohhh!!!!! OKay. He's the man again then! :clink:
You know I used to wonder when I was younger how a philosophy of leftism, that claims to be so close to humanity and people could ever tolerate and praise the icons of extreme leftism like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc... who were responsible for more death via political changes than any other thing.
Then you look at this discussion over Chavez and if you're honest you slowly see that the left are willing to tolerate any amount of corruption, crime, poverty and totalianarism so long as their ideals are represented by the person doing it.

Bush may well have fucked up in Iraq, no he DID fuck up in Iraq - but to try and pretend that Bush's fuckups are the equal of someone like Chavez who is ACTIVELY responsible for the actions his government has done in locking up the opposition, abolishing checks and balances and forgoing property rights is the hallmark of someone looking to forgo their own conscience in facing their ideologies own demons...
Who praised Stalin? Who praised Pol Pot?

Dano, you're barking up the wrong tree. You have been one of Bush & the GOP's most vocal apologists, simply because they are the vehicle for your ideology.
but to try and pretend that Bush's f*&^%ps are the equal of someone like Chavez who is ACTIVELY responsible for the actions his government has done in locking up the opposition, abolishing checks and balances and forgoing property rights is the hallmark of someone looking to forgo their own conscience in facing their ideologies own demons...

Bush Records:

Bush locking up the opposition

"About 370 antiwar demonstrators were arrested yesterday after planting themselves on the sidewalk in front of the White House"

Abolishing Checks and Balances:

"The bottom line is that President Bush and Attorney General Ashcroft are attempting to suspend the 'Great Writ' of habeas corpus"
(from a source you'll trust)

At least Chavez doesn't have thousands of deaths on his hands and didn't illegally invade a foreign country under false pretenses.

Lastly, in regards to seizing private property, was it for public works or for private expansion?

Hugo slayer of the anti-Christ...what a joke Venezuela is...the forefront runner in the 'sex slave trade' market( No wonder the little Dictator of Iran loves him!)...Aruba ring a bell...the missing young lady not too long ago!
Not to forget the Drug Market I think hugo smokes way too much of the profits!
Aruba ring a bell...the missing young lady not too long ago!
Not to forget the Drug Market I think hugo smokes way too much of the profits!

#1) Are you alleging that Natalie wasn't killed but rather she's being traded on the s ex slave market? If you have information, I'd suggest you take it to the authorities.

#2) smokes what exactly?
First and foremost....

#1) Are you alleging that Natalie wasn't killed but rather she's being traded on the s ex slave market? If you have information, I'd suggest you take it to the authorities.

#2) smokes what exactly?

I did several assessments on the sex slave trade in Venezuela and the FBI is well aware of the possibility of Natalie being sent to Venezuela...It is difficult to do a investigation in Venezuela when the Dictator is the leader of this cult and hates the USA! was sarcasm refering to another one of there exports...'Cocaine'
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Hmm I think Bush recently visited one of the sex trade capitals of the world recently. Malaysia ?
Funny that I did not hear the fine christian man say one bad word about it though....

Hmm I think Bush recently visited one of the sex trade capitals of the world recently. Malaysia ?
Funny that I did not hear the fine christian man say one bad word about it though....

He visited Malaysia as well as for talks on the War on Terror and the other on the Tsunami....what would you like me to comment if this has anything to do with Hugo and his anti-US hate speech!:rolleyes:
Well you were running down Hugo with sex trade" Bush ignores underage sex trade in SE Asia"
No, he's about selling discounted heating oil and only to select poor communities.

He's just an oil pimp, oil for favors - in his case he just wanted a UN security council seat by trying to soften up American opposition:

This guy is a chief ally of Iran's leader, you know the guy sworn to destroy America and Israel - but hey at least he hates Bush, seems like you can get away with anything as long as you slap that shit on a resumé.

Maine is getting some of that heating oil. Good stuff... that's his only real impact on MY state. I certainly don't "love" the guy...and I understand his global politicking.... even if I don't particularly appreciate his choices of allies....I do agree with him that bush is a prick, however.
I am not taking up for Hugo, but I understand 2 main points.
1. He has had US politicos and religious leaders call for his assination.
2. The oil companies hate him, therefore the current US govt hates him.
I believe he is also elected by a fairly democratic method as well ?
saddam was elected by a democratic method as well.

chevez is a commie dictator so you libs will love him to death. He's looking to replace your buddy castro as the chief tyrant in the nieghborhood.

Who knows how many mass graves he's filled already. It's a closed society so until he's taken down we won't know.
Yeah who knows how many :)
But we sure can speculate huh ?

And nope I don't care much for the guy, but I do understand why he does not like us.

And other than the one event, what has Castro done to us ?
And no I don't like him either.

Unlike some I understand that our country messes up bad sometimes and our beacon of democracy and freedom flickers from time to time....
saddam was elected by a democratic method as well.

chevez is a commie dictator so you libs will love him to death. He's looking to replace your buddy castro as the chief tyrant in the nieghborhood.

Who knows how many mass graves he's filled already. It's a closed society so until he's taken down we won't know.

Who knows how many mass graves he's filled already. It's a closed society so until he's taken down we won't know.


What wingnut publication are you reading? I've traveled freely in venezuela. The people there love americans. Chavez hates YOUR president and his policies. He doesn't hate America. Bush is not America.
LOL. I honestly think that taking a stand on the other side of any American President makes him more popular... People love to say, "We hate your policies, not your people..." it makes them feel better.
he won with over 60%; so the venuzians obviously want this type of goovernement
That would probably depend on what you mean by "type of government." Corrupt and venal? No, probably not. Left leaning and committed to providing social services? Yes, almost certainly.
Who knows how many mass graves he's filled already. It's a closed society so until he's taken down we won't know.


What wingnut publication are you reading? I've traveled freely in venezuela. The people there love americans. Chavez hates YOUR president and his policies. He doesn't hate America. Bush is not America.
I have family in Venezuela right now. Their experience hasn't been very pleasant but they work for an American oil company and that doesn't make them very popular with the locals. Also, said company totally screwed them over: they've had more problems with their American employers than with Venezuelans.
