Hugo Chavez Defeats Devil -- Again


Oh, I think they're going to be okay. They're Alaskans: they're pretty tough. What they really want is out of the damned contract. Their working and living conditions were totally misrepresented to them.

what they did not read the contract before they signed! If they were misrepresented on the contract it would be knull and void...not rocket science!
he won with over 60%; so the venuzians obviously want this type of goovernement

They guy is probably the most popular president in Venezuelan history. And that's keeping in mind that Venezuela has the oldest and longest running Democracy in south america.

He's been elected by landslide - what - like three times in a row?

Whatever. I don't care who they elect. Its their country, not mine.
I don't care who they elect. Its their country, not mine.

that is the main thing Cypress is it not ? Many people seem to think it is the USA's right to jump into any country we want to and run things...
I don't care who they elect. Its their country, not mine.

that is the main thing Cypress is it not ? Many people seem to think it is the USA's right to jump into any country we want to and run things...

It seems like bush fans only like Democracy, when a pro-american or pro-bush dude is elected.
Yeah we found that out real quick in Lebanon....
One week they are paising success on having a demoncratic Lebanon and the next they are cutting off aid to lebanon because they did not like who the people selected.
Head in the sand...

Yeah we found that out real quick in Lebanon....
One week they are paising success on having a demoncratic Lebanon and the next they are cutting off aid to lebanon because they did not like who the people selected.

again...we cut aid to Lebanon so as not to be a party to financing Hezbollah et al...So you think it is okay to support Terrorism?
I just don't care for the fact that we only support OUR brand of democracy.
Not lebanon brand or Hugo brand or even Iraq or Afganistan brand.