Hunter S. Thompson quotes

Nope...thank goodness.

I am aware what he did.

From what I gather...his wife fully understood why her husband did what he did.
And has no problem with it.

Thompson died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head at Owl Farm, his "fortified compound" in Woody Creek, Colorado. His son Juan, daughter-in-law Jennifer, and grandson were visiting for the weekend. His grandson was six at the time, doubt whether his wife was ok with that!
Thompson died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head at Owl Farm, his "fortified compound" in Woody Creek, Colorado. His son Juan, daughter-in-law Jennifer, and grandson were visiting for the weekend. His grandson was six at the time, doubt whether his wife was ok with that!

Fuck off brit, go suck chuckie's dick.
Thompson died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head at Owl Farm, his "fortified compound" in Woody Creek, Colorado. His son Juan, daughter-in-law Jennifer, and grandson were visiting for the weekend. His grandson was six at the time, doubt whether his wife was ok with that!

From what I read - his children also completely understood what he did and why he did it.
And the six year old probably did not even understand what was going on.
He heard a 'bang' and his grandpa was dead.

At 25, I watched my mother slowly die of cancer.
I watched my 57 year old mother...turn into a woman who looked 157.
And she was incredibly unhappy as she started to fade away.
But she believed that you live for every second you can (a belief I do NOT share).

If she had wanted to blow her brains out?
To end her misery?
Would not have bothered me at all (other than my mother dying. But that was inevitable at that point.)

Hunter S. Thompson's loved ones knew their father and knew he was miserable.
That living as an old man was NOT his way.

What kind of asshole would wish their loved on to go on living in misery?
Against their desires?

I certainly wouldn't.

Would you?
From what I read - his children also completely understood what he did and why he did it.
And the six year old probably did not even understand what was going on.
He heard a 'bang' and his grandpa was dead.

At 25, I watched my mother slowly die of cancer.
I watched my 57 year old mother...turn into a woman who looked 157.
And she was incredibly unhappy as she started to fade away.
But she believed that you live for every second you can (a belief I do NOT share).

If she had wanted to blow her brains out?
To end her misery?
Would not have bothered me at all (other than my mother dying. But that was inevitable at that point.)

Hunter S. Thompson's loved ones knew their father and knew he was miserable.
That living as an old man was NOT his way.

What kind of asshole would wish their loved on to go on living in misery?
Against their desires?

I certainly wouldn't.

Would you?

He'd had a recent hip replacement and had broken his leg as well. I think he was feeling morose because it was February and no football to write about. If he'd wanted to top himself for years, why did marry his second wife only two years earlier. I like the being shot out of a cannon part though, that was arranged by Johnny Depp to the tune of $3 million.
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He'd had a recent hip replacement and broken his leg to boot. I think he was feeling morose because it was February and no football to write about. If he'd wanted to top himself for years, why did marry his second wife only two years earlier.

Shut up brit asswipe,
Blah, blah, blah.
You offer nothing of fact.

And try to cover up that fact with ad hominem's.
Hoping to belittle/distract me in the process.

And it changes NOTHING.

Don't you see how few people around here, seem to not take you seriously?
Probably, largely, because you run around screaming 'the sky is falling' China own us'.

And yet offering NOTHING, EVER to back up this perspective?

Answer me this, please?
Why should ANYONE take you seriously if you NEVER, offer ANY evidence of what you claim?

I will give you one attempt to do so.
The second it appears you are spewing forth nonsense...I will move on.

Not my problem.

I do what I do, you do what you do.
'No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun — for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your age. Relax — This won't hurt.'

Hunter S. Thompson's, suicide note.
Written just before he blew his brains out with a shotgun.

Why anyone wants to be old?
And why SO MANY people put up with it for so long?
Living to 75, 80 and as long as possible?
Is beyond me.
Fear of death, I suppose.

I seriously cannot think of a single reason why I would want to be 80 years old.

Perhaps, when you close in on 80, you’ll find a reason or two.
Hunter S. Thompson quotes

“We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like "I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive...." And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about a hundred miles an hour with the top down to Las Vegas.”
He'd had a recent hip replacement and had broken his leg as well. I think he was feeling morose because it was February and no football to write about. If he'd wanted to top himself for years, why did marry his second wife only two years earlier. I like the being shot out of a cannon part though, that was arranged by Johnny Depp to the tune of $3 million.

Morose because it was February?
Hunter S Thompson is going to off himself because football season is over?

I never knew the man.
But I think not.

Anyway, it's his life.
Not yours.
To end whenever he wishes.

And again...his family has stated that they (in essence) completely understood why he ended it when and how he did.

He was fine with it.
They were fine with it.

That is all that matters.
Not my problem.

I do what I do, you do what you do.

In other words?
As per usual?
You can offer NOTHING.

NO data or facts or even back up your 'doom and gloom' posts.
Just the word of a faceless, nameless, online nobody (no offense intended).

This is why - it seems - so many people do not take you seriously on this.
Including myself.

Good day.
Morose because it was February?
Hunter S Thompson is going to off himself because football season is over?

I never knew the man.
But I think not.

Anyway, it's his life.
Not yours.
To end whenever he wishes.

And again...his family has stated that they (in essence) completely understood why he ended it when and how he did.

He was fine with it.
They were fine with it.

That is all that matters.

He wrote reports for ESPN amongst all his other sins and the season had finished. Anyway waste of time talking further, you'd obviously never heard of him before now. I used to read his articles in Rolling Stone back in the day, great writer but a crazy bastard as well.