Per the chronolgy of the posts.
Those don't prove your claim that "conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians carry on about how FEMA and gov't assistance in state/national emergencies was unnecessary when Hurricane Sandy hit."
Here's the full text of the HuffPo article you cited:
As Hurricane Sandy began its path of destruction along the East Coast on Monday night, Republican governors of Virginia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey praised federal relief efforts that helped their states prepare for the massive storm.
But in the past, Republican politicians haven’t been quite so supportive of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). As Politico points out, hurricane relief has been a contentious issue on Capitol Hill as recently as last year.
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) notoriously said federal disaster aid should be met with budget cuts, while presidential nominee Mitt Romney appeared to suggest during a debate in June that FEMA should be shuttered in favor of individual states taking on disaster relief management.
Romney isn’t the only one who wants to strip funding from FEMA. Watch the video above to see a compilation of clips of GOP politicians going on the the record in support of reducing the agency’s funding and influence.
Nothing that even begins to support you claim exists in that article.
Here's the entire text of the Ron Paul article you cited:
As Hurricane Irene barrels along the U.S. East Coast, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas said the nation would be much better off without the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
"I live on the Gulf Coast. We put up with hurricanes all the time," the GOP presidential candidate told CNN after a New Hampshire campaign event Friday. "There's no magic about FEMA. More and more people are starting to recognize that."
Paul has long been a critic of the agency, which he calls a "great contributor to deficit financing."
With more than 7,600 employees, FEMA falls under the Department of Homeland Security and coordinates response efforts when disasters strike.
Citing the Galveston hurricane in 1900 that obliterated much of the Texas coast, the libertarian-leaning congressman said Americans were able to rebuild their cities and put up a seawall without the federal government's help.
"FEMA is not a good friend of most people in Texas," Paul said. "All they do is come in and tell you what to do and can't do. You can't get in your houses. And they hinder the local people, and they hinder volunteers from going in."
After Hurricane Ike demolished parts of the Texas coast in 2008, Paul voted against a bill that would funnel billions in aid to the area, which covers his congressional district.
FEMA has since pumped more than $3 billion in federal funds into the state.
The agency received wide criticism in 2005 for failing to respond in a timely, organized manner to the vast destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina.
Again, nothing that can be construed as a validation of your claim.
For reference, here's what you claimed:
I seem to recall conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians carry on about how FEMA and gov't assistance in state/national emergencies was unnecessary when Hurricane Sandy hit. Yet I don't hear a peep out of them now. Hmmm!
Go get something that substantiates the above bloviation and post it, or admit you can't.