Hypocrite Edwards Caught on Money

That's true of a lot of the media. I think if you're intelligent & you know what you're getting, that's all that matters.

I'm nothing w/out my Sunday Times. And I know Frank Rich is a screaming leftie, but for me, he just nails it....

well... birds of a feather and all that... :)

I am more of a Journal kind of guy.
I prefer the Rocky Mountain News to the Denver Post and I leave NY news to those who live there.
That's true of a lot of the media. I think if you're intelligent & you know what you're getting, that's all that matters.

I'm nothing w/out my Sunday Times. And I know Frank Rich is a screaming leftie, but for me, he just nails it....

Me too! The only complaint I have, is I wish that they would put my boyfriend, Paul Krugman's, column in on Sunday.

But I have to have the Times on Sundays, and I love Rich.
Not sure if you ever saw that Russert-moderated "debate" between Krugman & O'Reilly - it was great TV. O'Reilly was as blustery as he's ever been, and the finger-pointing in the chest area of Krugman was out of control....
Not sure if you ever saw that Russert-moderated "debate" between Krugman & O'Reilly - it was great TV. O'Reilly was as blustery as he's ever been, and the finger-pointing in the chest area of Krugman was out of control....

No, I never even have heard about it. I would have loved to see it. I'll bet that was great.
I still remember Rush on Letterman.
Was going along nicely and letterman mentioned he had met Hillary....Was like someone threw bees in Rush's pants, really hillarious and made Rush look like the total fool he is.
Dano, it's funny, Eric Alterman has this:

Look, bub, at what you started: This idiotic New York Post story is a screaming Drudge headline. All it is is the fact that Edwards published a book with HarperCollins. Hello, so did I -- my first one, Sound & Fury. Am I in Rupert's pocket? Is everyone who publishes a book with one of the only remaining commercial publishing houses somehow "TAKING MURDOCH MONEY"? And yet, the political process is now taking this insanity seriously. Come now, this is even sillier than the haircut. God save the nation that elects its presidents this way. God save the nations who are at its mercy.

What is the "largest independent newsite" you keep talking about?
"Is everyone who publishes a book with one of the only remaining commercial publishing houses somehow "TAKING MURDOCH MONEY"? And yet, the political process is now taking this insanity seriously. "


I'm so tired of dishonest, "gotcha" politics. Hey - I wonder if Edwards ever bought any books from HarperCollins, also! HYPOCRITE!!!
Dano, it's funny, Eric Alterman has this:

Look, bub, at what you started: This idiotic New York Post story is a screaming Drudge headline. All it is is the fact that Edwards published a book with HarperCollins. Hello, so did I -- my first one, Sound & Fury. Am I in Rupert's pocket? Is everyone who publishes a book with one of the only remaining commercial publishing houses somehow "TAKING MURDOCH MONEY"? And yet, the political process is now taking this insanity seriously. Come now, this is even sillier than the haircut. God save the nation that elects its presidents this way. God save the nations who are at its mercy.

What is the "largest independent newsite" you keep talking about?
Like I said. This pretty much shows me that he isn't as partisan as people wanted me to believe. He publishes books from both sides of the political aisle regardless.
"Is everyone who publishes a book with one of the only remaining commercial publishing houses somehow "TAKING MURDOCH MONEY"? And yet, the political process is now taking this insanity seriously. "


Funny, but isn't that what they say about Murdoch employees over at Fox?
Like I said. This pretty much shows me that he isn't as partisan as people wanted me to believe. He publishes books from both sides of the political aisle regardless.


anyway, I was just wondering what Dano's "Largest Independent Newsite" was, since he talked like he had picked it up from the AP or something.

But I think he got it from Drudge.

anyway, I was just wondering what Dano's "Largest Independent Newsite" was, since he talked like he had picked it up from the AP or something.

But I think he got it from Drudge.
AP isn't independant, but Drudge gets most of his stories from the AP like any other "source" of news today.
He probably is. Who knows. Wouldn't it be much like saying Rush is the radio show with the largest audience?

Damo, when I call somebody on the source being the NY Post, and they tell me they got it from the "largest independent news site", how do you think it is meant that I take the word "independent"?

That is how I will start referring to BuzzFlash, and we will see what happens.
Damo, when I call somebody on the source being the NY Post, and they tell me they got it from the "largest independent news site", how do you think it is meant that I take the word "independent"?

That is how I will start referring to BuzzFlash, and we will see what happens.
LOL. Whatever. I am not worried about the source of the op-ed. Why would I be? I don't think Edwards will be the nominee or the VP candidate.
AP isn't independant, but Drudge gets most of his stories from the AP like any other "source" of news today.

actually I saw a headline on Drudge a few days ago that over 50% of drudge links went to GB sites ? did not read it though.
Yes Drudge is the nations largest independent news site and it didn't get that way by pandering to either ideology. Even though it is chock full of lefty type interest pieces too, Liberals see anything non-Liberal (even if it is balanced) as Conservative so I try not to use the word 'Drudge' because it forces the lefties to think about the article more rather than cry over the source.