Hypocrite Edwards Caught on Money

"I try not to use the word 'Drudge' because it forces the lefties to think about the article more rather than cry over the source."

I actually didn't care about the source when I first saw what you posted. I just called it for what it was - a dishonest, BS attempt at a "gotcha" on some sort of hypocrisy that doesn't exist here.

But, it WAS interesting finding out that perception is much more important to you than the truth. I kind of knew that, but it was cool to hear you admit it....
he gets the facts wrong Dano.

That IS a problem

Desh, he puts out headlines and lets people click to see more, there are very few facts or body of text of any kind on his site. He was the first to break Lewinsky and a lot more stuff, the best reporter on the net without question, I can concede that he has jumped ahead a few times, but he always later clarifies it.

The thing about Drudge is that he just flat out does not care what an article says so long as it drives traffic, which really means viewers can decide for themselves.
Maybe it was like the Newtr deal people bought cases of his books to route him money ?
I dunno, I don't read those kinds of books.
There is a reason most of them are not bestsellers. Most of them are terrible authors and have almost nothing of real substance to say.
I figured that :)
I saw you had posted in between what I was replying to, so I was deleting it to quote....timing is everything sometimes.