That's the opinion of a jealous little cunt.
And it's your opinion that it doesn't.
Medicare's existence seems to solidify my position, not yours.
That's the opinion of a jealous little cunt.
So you're saying the two pigs or a basket of eggs has advanced in quality on the same proportional level as the quality of healthcare?
Bwa ha ha ha ha, and black folk don't haunt your every moment.
Nope. Not what I'm saying at all.
Health care is expensive first and foremost because of the profit motive. Specifically, the profit motive tied to the administration of reimbursements to your provider. Tying a profit motive to that does not materially affect how health care is delivered to you. In fact, it's a part of the process you're not involved with at all. It happens after your doctor treats you. So you're concerning yourself with a part of the process that has literally no effect on your health care.
The profit motive is what provides the incentive to get the very best at what is being done.
And it's your opinion that it doesn't.
Medicare's existence seems to solidify my position, not yours.
How exactly does a profit motive tied to the administration of reimbursement to your provider give the providers any incentive to treat you better?
So the federal gubmint writes checks from their coffers and gives it to private business?
Please provide an example of this or retract it.
No, it's not a state issue and you can't explain how the Constitution says it is.
A virus doesn't give a shit if you're in Texas or Maine. Diabetes is the same in New Hampshire as it is in California.
Health care is a national issue because cancer doesn't recognize state borders.
That wold be a first, cfm has never rethought anything in his miserable little life. Read a few of his posts.
Would you finally come to know serenity and not be such a whiney little bitch afterward?
So the Constitution is not sacrosanct, then.
Which means your weirdo interpretation of it isn't the baseline either.
In fact, Medicare's entire existence destroys your argument about health care being a state issue.
Do people in Seattle get a different kind of flu than people in Miami?
You're the one whining about how it's done. You laughably say health care is a state issue while ignoring the federal Medicare program.
Once again, this becomes about an accommodation of your fragility. You need to have your shitty argument accommodated because you think you're entitled to make it. Well, entitlements are earned and you've done abso-fucking-lutely nothing to earn an accommodation.
Medicare's existence proves that those thinking it should be look at the Constitution in a manner and from a standpoint from which it wasn't written.
If you look at the justification that was used to uphold it, it didn't center around making sure people had something related to bettering their health and the general welfare but the government's authority to tax.
When those deciding it's legitimacy decided, they used something totally unrelated to better health.
In business, when the government dictates that a provider of any service can only charge a certain amount
When the government dictates that an ER has to provide the minimal amount of care regardless of the ability to pay, do you really think those without coverage are getting more than the minimal amount required by law?
General welfare clause.
SCOTUS 1938 decision upholding the Constitutionality of Social Security, from which Medicare was added as an amendment in 1965.
The larger the pool the cheaper the insurance for everyone!
And the entire premise is false because diseases don't recognize state borders. Diabetes affects people in Oregon the same way it affects people in Georgia.
Unless you think that merely driving across a state border means your cancer is cured.