You're dreaming about my dick again....
And no, I don't have a big dog. She's only 21# but a mix of working breeds. She's all muscle and tough as nails.
You're still claiming to have a dick?
You're dreaming about my dick again....
And no, I don't have a big dog. She's only 21# but a mix of working breeds. She's all muscle and tough as nails.
your dog is cute.
a wee little thing
Howey's fat I bet.
I'd bet money. Hard money
You're dreaming about my dick again....
And no, I don't have a big dog. She's only 21# but a mix of working breeds. She's all muscle and tough as nails.
Howey, you may be interested to know that although my dog is well-trained and gentle with children, she does have instincts that kick-in and I cannot control.
For example she's got a lot of terrier, root word meaning earth, so she digs looking for borrowing animals to kill. So I can't keep her from digging in the yard, hunting for small animals and killing them when she finds them.
I'll give you an example of this a while back I took her to my son's scout meeting and were were all outside in the front yard. Suddenly my dog sees a rabbit and takes off, grabs it and breaks it's neck, and then brought it back to me and laid it at my feet. You should have seen the stunned look on the faces of all those kids.
So I have to be very aware and cautious when I have her in public. If I see someone with a dog like yours I have to have her tight on the leash or distracted, otherwise she'd kill it.
This is our other dog. An 80lb boxer.
When you decide to stalk me he'll rip you and your ugly mutt to pieces. You'll look worse than your fucking mutt.
He would have a BIG DOG to make up for that small dick
Haters gotta hate...
Yes, I would definitely have to keep my dog distracted so her natural instincts wouldn't take over...
Goota giggle over the scared schmuck deleting the pic of his wife, oops I mean ugly dog.
The thought of you whacking your needle looking at her picture creeped me out.
2.2lbs. He think he's the biggest dog in the house.
You'll never know will you. Are you fat?
I've noticed that after you get beat up you post three or four of this strawman crap and then you make oddly upbeat jokes about how 'normal' you are. classic compensation.
Howey used to make okay posts, but after he was banned he took a turn for the worst.
Howey used to make okay posts, but after he was banned he took a turn for the worst.
Really? What did he do ? Buy a butt plug?![]()
Or tool stretcher?![]()
Maybe, because unlike you, the hetro, they have had to be quiet about their lives, they had to hide and were taught to be ashamed. Now that the stigma of being homosexual is being lifted they can brag about their lives.
Get over yourself.
So, Howey, you like kids?
How did you arrange that, being a gay guy and all?What do you think? We have a child.
How did you arrange that, being a gay guy and all?