So then it's a choice? Interesting, so people who choose to be gay also choose their lifestyle and who they love and what kind of marriage they should have.
No howey, the primary claim of the gay community is that homosexuality is not a choice. It's pretty much fundamental to their social activism.
As for bigotry, there are some words that people have latched onto because they heard them once and think they make a convincing point. "Nazi, Facist, Racist, Retard, Tyrant, Despot, Socialist, Communist" Pretty much all should be removed from the English language unless somebody can prove they're accurate. The words get used far too much these days and it's getting old. We can stick Bigot into that list. They're no more than semi intellectual equivalents of "Asshole, motherfucker, jackoff, prick, faggot, N*****, Whore, C***, Etc."
My original point is simple, don't be proud, don't rub your life in somebody elses face and get along. People who get aggressive about their homosexuality are almost as annoying as people who get aggressive about their Christianity or vegetarianism.