I am currently in a state of intoxiacation

My history professor in college contended that the North lost the Civil War. We got to keep the south. It's been a lead anchor around this nation's neck ever since but, good lord, it would be pretty irresponsible for us to loose them on the rest of the world, wouldn't it?

True dat. I have basically been stating this for as long as I have been on political message boards.
That lot in the video make DQ seem positively liberal by comparison, I cannot for the life of me understand why the poorest seem to be the most reactionary.

If you look at American voting patterns at a general level, the poor do tend more left-wing than the rich. However, we have an odd pattern in America where the poor areas tend to be more right wing. In areas like Mississippi, however, it's made up for by the fact that the black underclass is even poorer than the whites, and they are as incredibly Democratic as the whites are incredibly Republican.
A couple of notes:

1. This is north Mississippi. While I am making no claims that southern Mississippi is any less conservative (it is not; if anything, the reverse is the case), it is less poor (YAY GAMBLING). So you get fewer people walking around with no teeth in their head.

2. Most people would point out themselves and use that as a proof by contradiction of someones attempt to paint a state by a broad brush. I will not. In any system, there are outliers. In a state where 90% of whites are Republicans and 98% of people are Christians, sometimes, there are Democratic atheists. Sometimes there are socialist atheists. Perhaps the 50% least redneckish of Mississippians are not represented here. But am I willing to say that this is unrepresentative of the 50% most redneckish? No, I am not. Even if it were just representative of the 1/3 most redneckish, which I think would be a quite reasonable claim, well, you would still walk into people like them far far more often than people like me.

3. Now, maybe that's a good thing. I can't imagine what a state composed 1/3 of overly entitled, lazy, snobbish, liberal, atheist, white, young, male computer science majors would look like. Certainly it couldn't last for long. Mississippi, on the other hand, has endured for quite sometime. So maybe there is something to be said of rednecks?

4. There isn't.
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Also, while I am a RINO and a Catholic, I think I represent the proto-typical Seattleite fairly well. I'm laid-back, passive aggressive, educated, extremely random, obsessed with anything my city/region has accomplished (grunge, the plaid fashion statement, etc.), I think people from the East Coast are asswholes, etc.
If you look at American voting patterns at a general level, the poor do tend more left-wing than the rich. However, we have an odd pattern in America where the poor areas tend to be more right wing. In areas like Mississippi, however, it's made up for by the fact that the black underclass is even poorer than the whites, and they are as incredibly Democratic as the whites are incredibly Republican.

I would imagine, I may be wrong, that many of those dirt poor people are of Celtic descent. Which is odd because places like Scotland, Ireland and Wales tend to be more left wing than right.
I would imagine, I may be wrong, that many of those dirt poor people are of Celtic descent. Which is odd because places like Scotland, Ireland and Wales tend to be more left wing than right.
Its more dependant on county/state. For example I'm Irish (durh) and I make a lot of money (when I work full time) and vote Libtertarian.
I would imagine, I may be wrong, that many of those dirt poor people are of Celtic descent. Which is odd because places like Scotland, Ireland and Wales tend to be more left wing than right.

Well, we do actually keep track of ancestry in the census in America. Unfortunately, it gives you something like this:


That's not very useful. African-Americans, of course, dominate ancestry all throughout the south, because they report their ancestry in a unified fashion. In those counties where they aren't the plurality, southerners seem to give the unhelpful "American" ancestry more than anything else. Of course, up around Massachusetts Irish ancestry is also very widespread, and they tend to be left-wing. I am personally a descendant of northern Irish slave traders who immigrated to South Carolina sometime before the revolution.

It's also a bit funny to note that the only place besides the northeast where English ancestry predominates is Utah - the Mormons. Because there was a huge migration of Yankee Mormons from upstate New York before the place became overrun with German and Irish Mongrels. When stepping into Mormon land, Tom, know that you are in the presence of brethren.
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Note to WM, that's Billy you were talking to, not Grind. If you're confused, just remember that Grind has been acting all hormonal toward you lately, and would not have made the kind of friendly comments which were just made. Also, it makes sense for Billy to be drunk at 4.
Note to WM, that's Billy you were talking to, not Grind. If you're confused, just remember that Grind has been acting all hormonal toward you lately, and would not have made the kind of friendly comments which were just made. Also, it makes sense for Billy to be drunk at 4.

I've been confusing Grind and Capt on and off for a while. Capts new setup is sort of Grindish.