I am thankful for......

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Look it up, ignorant fuck.

Indian Relocation Act
Manifest Destiny
Trail of Tears

Fucking loser.

Ok loser what was the "Indian Relocation Act" a part of? That's right the colonialization/colonization of America. Genocide was never the intent although it happened at times from both sides. I suggest you take some American history lessons because you are a walking cluster fuck as a historian.
Ok loser what was the "Indian Relocation Act" a part of? That's right the colonialization/colonization of America. Genocide was never the intent although it happened at times from both sides. I suggest you take some American history lessons because you are a walking cluster fuck as a historian.

Genocide was the result, you fucking idiot.

So was the Mexican American War
Yes the American Indians did sacrifice greatly for our freedom. Concur.

I'm thankful for my family; but I'm most thankful to God for all my yesterdays, for allowing me another day and for all the tomorrows he has intended for me to have.
Location, location, location....

When it comes to Native Americans, it is all about locations. There are several "reservations" here in western Washington State. Casinos are their revenge. One local reservation starts a fund for every born member of the tribe. When that child reaches 18 or graduates from high school, he or she has $1 million. Not bad.
They like to pretend that isn't true

They are ignorant of history.

Andrew Jackson was a conservative. The Republicans of Lincoln’s time were for a stronger central government, economic intervention, federal spending on national improvements. Democrats were for “traditional values”, limited government, states rights. Democrat was nothing more than a label.

But, the idiots can’t comprehend that
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