I Am The Cure And The Future

Hey Billy:

Does this thread really fit the criteria for being in the "General Politics Forum"??

You might want to move it. :D
Most political forums that I have been on, and I exist on almost all political forums, are privately owned and run. This means that the admins and staff supersede your freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of emotions. On most political forums, the power of political bias from the administration is far worse than what you see here. When you encounter censorship or other problems that are only possible because of the authority of the staff, the best you can do is be confident that somebody had to take a low road to alter your content. There are times, although they are quite rare, where actions from forum staff can make the community better, but the more common situation is where action is taken to make the site function the way the rightful owner wants it to. It is confusing sometimes, since we are people who are accustomed to having many rights, but we must remember the rights of those who have paid for and maintain the various political forums.

My righty name that I use on this site has been banned from most lefty run political forums, including ones that I have made financial contributions to. It seems a little weird that a political forum would ban a financial contributor, but if it is important enough to the owners of those sites to block righty input that they would ban a financial contributor, they should be able to do that. I know it is difficult to forget all your constitutional rights, but when you are on a privately owned and run site you are on private property where the owner can dictate the rules or lack thereof.

It is important to remember that politics are an extremely ugly sport, and that fairness is not in the rule book. Slander, insults, and even literal bloody wars are par for the coarse. One should expect mocking, slander, racism, and his worse fears to take place when talking politics, since this is what politics are about. If you are on a gardening or engineering forum, that's a whole different story. Politics are incredibly ugly, so you should be ready willing and able to spar with some really ugly shit when we debate politics.

While this forum may not be perfect, it is one of the the closest to reality that I have encountered. Crazy shit like our local Evince bot is something that I welcome, as well as all the rest of my political opponents. When they call me racist or any of the other obligatory lefty synonyms for righty, I know that the world is full of crazy shit like this. Bring it!

I agree with everything you just said but he is supposed to be a mod and he has the authority to alter posts and slander their authors. I'm going to stop this by having him removed as a mod or have him required to apologize.

He's a punk but this topic has gone off topic which is what this vermin on the left wanted to accomplish.
No, faggot, I don't need to troll you. All I have to do is post the plain truth, and you will predictably freak-out and get all butthurt every time.

Looks like thee dee's trying to start a fight.

Go away thee dee - you are void of conviction. I'll waste no more time on you.
I agree with everything you just said but he is supposed to be a mod and he has the authority to alter posts and slander their authors. I'm going to stop this by having him removed as a mod or have him required to apologize.

He's a punk but this topic has gone off topic which is what this vermin on the left wanted to accomplish.

I would have a hard time accepting a coerced apology. As righties, we should be outdoing our opponents with the merits of our posts, no help needed. Post shit that is powerful enough to make lefties have to put their tails between their legs and put you on ignore or thread ban.
I agree with everything you just said but he is supposed to be a mod and he has the authority to alter posts and slander their authors. I'm going to stop this by having him removed as a mod or have him required to apologize.

He's a punk but this topic has gone off topic which is what this vermin on the left wanted to accomplish.


U.S. -you're another one of thee dee's fun boys. You don't take any of this seriously - it's all college-like fun to you.

This is all immensely serious, this is a war and we - not including you are winning it. It it were up to characters like you, nothing would be won or accomplished. You're too concerned about maintaining friendship and popularity with all your college chums.

We are an american workers movement and we are transforming your republican party into an american workers party and all of this is deadly serious.

This isn't a college fun movement. Now please get out of the way and go have your fun elsewhere.
U.S. -you're another one of thee dee's fun boys. You don't take any of this seriously - it's all college-like fun to you.

This is all immensely serious, this is a war and we - not including you are winning it. It it were up to characters like you, nothing would be won or accomplished. You're too concerned about maintaining friendship and popularity with all your college chums.

We are an american workers movement and we are transforming your republican party into an american workers party and all of this is deadly serious.

This isn't a college fun movement. Now please get out of the way and go have your fun elsewhere.

You've done nothing but whine about essentially having your nose rubbed in the mess you made, smacked with a rolled up newspaper, and put outside; but you want to chastise others.

If it wasn't for the hypocrisy you exhibit, it would be pathetic. :good4u:
You've done nothing but whine about essentially having your nose rubbed in the mess you made, smacked with a rolled up newspaper, and put outside; but you want to chastise others.

If it wasn't for the hypocrisy you exhibit, it would be pathetic. :good4u:

You're trolling my post, you little bastard. Stay off my posts and go have your fun elsewhere.
Liberty vs. socialism.

The human soul vs. totalitarianism.

Human nature vs. the attempt to control human nature by any means including violent means.

I am the future, Rune and all his playmates are the past.

The founders envisioned an america that we are building and restoring and we are winning on all fronts.

I am the cure to this filthy disease that evolved from communist / socialist cesspools in europe.

I was born at Valley Forge while they were created from an inane myth that human nature can be contained and controlled.

People are not good, people are bad because there is evil in every human heart.

There is no such thing as a perfect man and one can never be social engineered to perfection.

I've seen the Perfect set of (.)(.) ... and Ass ;)
I've seen the Perfect set of (.)(.) ... and Ass ;)

You're also another divorced loser.

Get married again and all the mainline protestant churches will sanction your newest marriage.

Thank God the catholic church is still standing fast on sanctioned marriages.
You're also another divorced loser.

Get married again and all the mainline protestant churches will sanction your newest marriage.

Thank God the catholic church is still standing fast on sanctioned marriages.

I have Zero Regrets in my life and I'm Winning whatever I want to Win.