Verified User
Just tired of it.
That's understandable. Some day you will find a woman who can hold her nose long enough to get near you. Maybe try showering once in a while. Brush the teeth from time to time and don't just ASSUME a woman owes you access to her body just because you tell everyone you are an "alpha".
If you were here and kept on with your bullshit you would be untoothed.
Ooooh, you are SO manly. I'm afeared! Well, Mr. Big Brave Man....I guess I should count myself lucky that you are trapped in mom's basement with all the Cheetos and your PS5. People like me are safe!
And you know that because the internet is where you finally found your "equality" with other dudes.
Remember: YOU are the one who felt it necessary to tell everyone how much fucking you do. Pro-Tip: actual men who are having sex don't do that. It's called a "tell".