I Believe Tara Reade. And You Should, Too.

Normal for parents to defend their children.

Nope, that doesn't fly.

She was looking for advice for how her daughter should proceed in the wake of Biden's sexual attack.

No mention was made of Biden's name.

No media had been made aware of the rape until this anonymous call to the Larry King Show.

Nope, that doesn't fly.

She was looking for advice for how her daughter should proceed in the wake of Biden's sexual attack.

No mention was made of Biden's name.

No media had been made aware of the rape until this anonymous call to the Larry King Show.

What doesn't fly? That Tara Reade's mother wanted to help her?
She has lied so many times that it's hard to believe anything she says.

I imagine it is easier to issue silly denials and blanket refutations if you don't bother yourself with the facts of any matter.

And that explains why Dems are so shitty at governing.

They have bad judgment and can't be bothered to learn the details but even if they did, they would fuck things up in a detailed misinterpretation of the facts or a misapplication of the possible solutions.

Maybe it's better that you stay on the sidelines, Homey.
I imagine it is easier to issue silly denials and blanket refutations if you don't bother yourself with the facts of any matter.

And that explains why Dems are so shitty at governing.

They have bad judgment and can't be bothered to learn the details but even if they did, they would fuck things up in a detailed misinterpretation of the facts or a misapplication of the possible solutions.

Maybe it's better that you stay on the sidelines, Homey.

I do not deny Reade's accusation. If it is true, GO PRESS CHARGE ALREADY!
It's strange that serial liars believe other serial liars. Of course the OP is probably lying about believing the other liar. With all the lies being bantered about, you need a scorecard.
Funny, she doesn’t feel the same way about Trump and his sexual predation, lying, pussy grabbing, contractor cheating, drug abuse.

We know you are going to try to keep making this a direct 'asshole to asshole' comparison because you are a foreigner and don't care about our values or aren't aware of our standards.

But there is a WORLD of difference between what a billionaire jet setting playboy/ladies man in the sex, drugs and rock n roll, Miami Vice era did and what a SUPPOSEDLY respectable, responsible, sober and sensible sworn gentleman of the U.S. Senate, who passed himself off as trustworthy, but then took advantage of the trust given him by constituents, voters and innocent staff members, did.

Everyone knew what Trump was about. There were no innocent victims with Trump.

Biden was a snake in the grass, masquerading as an upstanding public servant when all he was doing was waiting for a chance to stick his fingers up a trusting intern's ass.

And he has done the same thing numerous times, AS A SITTING US SENATOR AND AS VICE PRESIDENT.


If you can't, don't or won't see that difference, may I suggest you disqualify yourself from this discussion?

*rep•ro•bate rĕp′rə-bāt″►
n. A morally unprincipled person.
n. One who is predestined to damnation.
adj. Morally unprincipled; shameless.
Funny, she doesn’t feel the same way about Trump and his sexual predation, lying, pussy grabbing, contractor cheating, drug abuse.

BTW, thanks for including into your post enough obviously bogus elements so we can quickly know that you are secretly on Trump's side!
