I Believe Tara Reade. And You Should, Too.

You're a conspiracy theorist and a trump apologist. I've never seen you write even one negative thing about him, and there's plenty of negativity to pick from. His ex-wives were threatened by the withholding of money not to say anything bad about him. These women had young children to support and they went along with it. Clearly Ivana didn't know about his cheating, as evidenced by her shock when Maples confronted her on a ski slope about her relationship with trump.

Biden is a career politician just like many others in Congress, Dems and reps. Biden's not even in the top ten of longest-serving Senators. People like this get re-elected over and over for a reason which I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out.

If your last sentence refers to the auto accident where his wife and daughter were killed, that is an ugly comment and it's too bad liars like you can't be sued for libel.

Trump was the best POTUS since Lincoln.

Biden is the worst.

Trump was the best POTUS since Lincoln.

Biden is the worst.


Tell it to the historians who put him four places above rock bottom.

And historians in Iran who are also biased say that America is the Great Satan.

But what do objective historians say?

You wouldn't know because your little world view is controlled by Leftist ideologues.

And you love the taste of the shit they feed you and can't imagine any other taste being comparable.