I can't believe a woman wrote this

Was he arrested for battery or some other crime relating to the sexual nature of the event?
The laws in Ohio do not allow the woman to choose whether charges are pressed. Because he hit her with the brush (spanking) he was busted for battery.
The article at the link is as follows:

When rape is a gift
I know, I know, it's a dangerous title, and I'll get hatemail. So let me say straight away that on no account do I advocate or in any way condone rape or abuse of any kind. Indeed, I urge all women (and men!) to use whatever force is necessary to defend themselves against would-be rapists, muggers and murderers. The last stranger in the street to be so misguided as to think that I would make a good rape victim probably didn't end up in hospital, but judging from his screams as I incapacitated him, and the way he staggered as he made his escape, he probably regretted having picked me to mess with.

The sort of ‘rape’ that is a gift is the sort given by a man to the woman he loves because she wants it. Many women do.

Many men reading this will be feeling very uneasy. Nothing is guaranteed to bring a man out in a cold sweat faster than raising the subject of rape – except actually asking him to rape you, of course. “Oh, I could never do that!”, a man will say in a tone of alarm. No decent man wants to be a rapist.

But it's not rape and it's not immoral if the woman wants it. Is it?

It's a gift.

I have talked to a number of women about this over the years, and several have spoken of the deep gratitude they feel to the man who trusts and loves them enough to do this. These are dangerous waters, legally, so the man must trust the woman not to run to the police and cry “rape!” He must have the strength to risk making himself vulnerable in this way. He must have faith that she knows what she wants and is willing to take the risk. He must believe in his ability not to misjudge the situation, and in the woman's ability to deal with it well if he does. He must be willing to be profoundly and intensely intimate with the other person. And for some men, contemplating such action forces them to face their own dark and troubling desires – desires they fear make them a monster. All this takes courage, strength, trust, and nerves of steel. Not for the faint-hearted!

And not something to do cavalierly. Extreme caution is advised. If you are not careful, your gift could be the psychological equivalent of a lethal letter bomb. Do not proceed in haste. Be sure to discuss it thoroughly first, to ensure that, as one woman put it, you are on the same page. If she wants more of a set scene at an agreed time but you think she wants you to take her completely by surprise – such as by creeping up on her in the dead of night when she thinks you are on a business trip two continents away – things might not go quite as well as you'd hoped. When in doubt, discuss it explicitly and in great detail first. And assume that the two of you might be mistaken about it all, and be ready to backtrack, make changes, and (if you both desire it) try again.

But enough of all that. How can it possibly be a gift? What might be going through a woman's mind before, during and afterwards? How does she feel?

How she feels beforehand depends upon the individual circumstances, but she may well feel fear – and she may well want to feel fear. Her heart may be thumping, her adrenalin pumping, her mouth dry, her palms sweaty: an exhilarating sort of fear, not the fear of a victim. She may be experiencing the most intense desire to be taken she has ever felt: a desire made only more intense the more strongly she resists and fights.

She may feel the need to fight as hard as she can, while willing you to prevail. When you do, the physical shock may be indescribably exquisitely pleasurable. She may feel as though she has billions of nerve-endings she had never had before. She may have the most intense climax she has ever had. She may scream as you have never heard her scream before. You may notice that her whole body suddenly relaxes, submitting, welcoming, worshipping. The whole experience may leave her feeling absolutely ecstatic, utterly peaceful, deeply submissive, totally yours. Connected. You may see in her eyes deep love, reverence, awe, soft submissiveness, deep gratitude, adoration, and belonging. She may well be moved to tears.

Hold her. Stroke her hair. Kiss her softly. You have taken her. She is yours.

The remarks AFTERWARDS refer to the man owning his wife's body. And that is something I wholeheartedly disagree with.

I think the only mistake the author made was using the word "rape" in describing what these consenting adults do. By definition, if both parties freely consent it is not rape.
Yeah, thats pretty effed up. If you are like most people, anyway.

But the author obviously enjoys rough sex.

I think men dressing up as women is pretty effed up.

I think boxing is a pretty effed up sport.

But what I think and what other people want can be very different things. I have known women who truly enjoy rough sex. And I am not talking about mild stuff, but being brutalized, whipped, humiliated ect.

But if this woman wants her sex this way (probably only occasionally), then who are we to say she is ill?

Isn't this a lot like SouthernMan calling homosexuals mentally ill?

To each their own.

She is, apparently, advocating just randomly walking up to your woman and raping her because she'll enjoy it so much. Even if anyone would be into that, it's never appropriate to do anything like that without talking to them first and going over it, and making sure that they understand the roleplaying (wanting to roleplay rape is an almost sure way to end your relationships, BTW). It's like if you were into bondage and you just randomly took out a brand and stuck it on someones back because you just knew that everyone liked it.
The highlighted part is not true. People consent to being hit all the time and it is not a crime. Boxers, who sometimes get head injuries, and not just pros, amatures and children who box also consent to a battery. People involved in BDSM relationships no matter the serverity are NOT committing a crime. I was on a legal team that represented a man for murder that was ultimately cleared of the murder and the death was ruled death by sexual misadventure. She was asphixiated during sex and luckily they had enough episodes of this videotaped and in their collection to clear him of the charge of murder and rape. Happens more than you know

I disagree; asphyxiation is simply too dangerous a practice and anyone who does it probably doesn't understand the risks. It's reckless and negligent, and maybe it doesn't warrant a murder charge, but certainly a manslaughter one.
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Why is that odd? Rape and homosexuality don't go hand in hand. This idiot thinks that her husband owns her body and its impossible for him to rape her. She's got some issues and her commentary didn't center around "role playing" rape, she (or he as Thorn pointed out), thinks there's a time and a place for it. That's fucked up.

Yep, what she described wasn't some kind of extreme roleplaying. It was just rape.

I still think it's a hoax.
What I read showed someone that enjoys the FANTASY of rape. Not an actual rape.

In fact, the author goes so far as to tell us about incapacitating a stranger who attempted to rape.

WHich is odd, because the proportion of rapes committed by strangers isn't very high. The very fact that she mentions it leans credence to my theory that it's a hoax.
This is mental illness.

I have to admitt I didnt read it but if it involves physical harm than this person is metally ill.

Role playing is one thing, actual harm is an entirely different ball game.

Anyone who hits this woman wether she wants it or not is commiting assault.

If someone asked you to cook and eat them and you did would the police let you go?

LOL that actually happened before, in Germany. The man was charged with manslaughter and sentenced to eight years.

I don't think that deadly sexual practices should be allowed, but voluntary spanking and hitting isn't deadly or reckless. It's not assault, that's fucking ridiculous.
She is, apparently, advocating just randomly walking up to your woman and raping her because she'll enjoy it so much. Even if anyone would be into that, it's never appropriate to do anything like that without talking to them first and going over it, and making sure that they understand the roleplaying (wanting to roleplay rape is an almost sure way to end your relationships, BTW). It's like if you were into bondage and you just randomly took out a brand and stuck it on someones back because you just knew that everyone liked it.

She is absolutely not advocating any such thing.

The author states:

And not something to do cavalierly. Extreme caution is advised. If you are not careful, your gift could be the psychological equivalent of a lethal letter bomb. Do not proceed in haste. Be sure to discuss it thoroughly first, to ensure that, as one woman put it, you are on the same page. If she wants more of a set scene at an agreed time but you think she wants you to take her completely by surprise – such as by creeping up on her in the dead of night when she thinks you are on a business trip two continents away – things might not go quite as well as you'd hoped. When in doubt, discuss it explicitly and in great detail first. And assume that the two of you might be mistaken about it all, and be ready to backtrack, make changes, and (if you both desire it) try again.
She is absolutely not advocating any such thing.

The author states:

And not something to do cavalierly. Extreme caution is advised. If you are not careful, your gift could be the psychological equivalent of a lethal letter bomb. Do not proceed in haste. Be sure to discuss it thoroughly first, to ensure that, as one woman put it, you are on the same page. If she wants more of a set scene at an agreed time but you think she wants you to take her completely by surprise – such as by creeping up on her in the dead of night when she thinks you are on a business trip two continents away – things might not go quite as well as you'd hoped. When in doubt, discuss it explicitly and in great detail first. And assume that the two of you might be mistaken about it all, and be ready to backtrack, make changes, and (if you both desire it) try again.

I read to here, actually:

I have talked to a number of women about this over the years, and several have spoken of the deep gratitude they feel to the man who trusts and loves them enough to do this. These are dangerous waters, legally, so the man must trust the woman not to run to the police and cry “rape!” He must have the strength to risk making himself vulnerable in this way.

I missed the "talk about it beforehand" part cus I didn't read the whole article.

She's still crazy.
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I mean I've been asked to do some weird shit that sort of bordered on this, but the fact that this "woman" took the time to write this extended essay about it is even creepier.
From the article:

"I don't usually think in terms of rape imagery, because I believe so strongly in my husband's right to my body. It is not possible for him to rape me because he has automatic consent."


Yes, at some points in the article she alludes to this being about fantasy rape, but the above puts the nail in the coffin for me. The bitch actually thinks its ok to be raped by her husband. The fact that anyone thinks that another person should and does have a right to their body is absolutely disgusting. Its one thing to role play - and actually rape fantasy is pretty popular - but she's saying that her husband can't possibly rape her. That nulls an voids any allusion to this being about fantasy in my opinion. I wouldn't have had any issue with this piece had she left out the part above and if she had explicitly said this was referring to nothing but role play.
I mean I've been asked to do some weird shit that sort of bordered on this, but the fact that this "woman" took the time to write this extended essay about it is even creepier.

What kind of stuff have you been asked to do?
What kind of stuff have you been asked to do?

Off the top of my head, I've been asked to hold a belt noose around this chicks neck and loop it around the bedframe to where I'm choking her, i've been asked but politely declined if she could do the same to my balls, I've been asked to do it with both of us standing upright ontop of a kitchen table (not particularly gross or sadistic, but warranted inclusion for sheer weirdness). This is bringing back some interesting repressed memories so I'll comment later if I remember anything else good.
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I bet we should consult cawacko though, as he probably has the greatest expertise in the field and some excellent stories.
From the article:

"I don't usually think in terms of rape imagery, because I believe so strongly in my husband's right to my body. It is not possible for him to rape me because he has automatic consent."


Yes, at some points in the article she alludes to this being about fantasy rape, but the above puts the nail in the coffin for me. The bitch actually thinks its ok to be raped by her husband. The fact that anyone thinks that another person should and does have a right to their body is absolutely disgusting. Its one thing to role play - and actually rape fantasy is pretty popular - but she's saying that her husband can't possibly rape her. That nulls an voids any allusion to this being about fantasy in my opinion. I wouldn't have had any issue with this piece had she left out the part above and if she had explicitly said this was referring to nothing but role play.

She's fucked up in the head, that's for sure.
From the article:

"I don't usually think in terms of rape imagery, because I believe so strongly in my husband's right to my body. It is not possible for him to rape me because he has automatic consent."


Yes, at some points in the article she alludes to this being about fantasy rape, but the above puts the nail in the coffin for me. The bitch actually thinks its ok to be raped by her husband. The fact that anyone thinks that another person should and does have a right to their body is absolutely disgusting. Its one thing to role play - and actually rape fantasy is pretty popular - but she's saying that her husband can't possibly rape her. That nulls an voids any allusion to this being about fantasy in my opinion. I wouldn't have had any issue with this piece had she left out the part above and if she had explicitly said this was referring to nothing but role play.

The bitch that wrote that was responding to the article we are discussing.

I guess I was confused in that the thread seemed to be about the article itself, not the nutball responding to it.
Now that I read this article I can see she is talking about role playing. If a woman knows the outcome is sex and she wants the sex then she can submitt at any point and stop fighting. SHE HAS THE CONTROL over what happens.

This automatically makes it role playing and not rape.

I had not read it because I didnt know where it came from and I dont want creepy adds coming to my email adress.
Now that I read this article I can see she is talking about role playing. If a woman knows the outcome is sex and she wants the sex then she can submitt at any point and stop fighting. SHE HAS THE CONTROL over what happens.

This automatically makes it role playing and not rape.

I had not read it because I didnt know where it came from and I dont want creepy adds coming to my email adress.

Desh, it's impossible for anyone to figure out your E-Mail address by your clicking on a link.