I can't wait for leftists to tank the economy tomorrow

There’s no evidence that Albert Einstein ever said, “They both look alike to me.”

This quote doesn’t appear in any of his well-documented writings, speeches, or interviews, nor is it cited in authoritative collections like The Ultimate Quotable Einstein by Alice Calaprice, which catalogs his verified statements and addresses misattributions.

Einstein’s recorded quotes typically reflect his thoughts on physics, philosophy, or social issues—often with precision or wit—but this phrase lacks the context and style consistent with his known expressions.

The quote’s phrasing is vague and informal, which contrasts with Einstein’s usual clarity, even in casual remarks.

It’s possible EdwinA is thinking of a misattributed or paraphrased statement from someone else, or perhaps a fictional depiction (e.g., in a movie or book).

Misattributions to Einstein are common due to his iconic status; phrases like “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity” have been debated for decades, with origins often traced elsewhere (like Fritz Perls’ writings in the 1940s).


He was speaking about relativity, and the irrelevance of direction in his theories. No surprise it wouldn't be in some popular book for the lay public.
Well the CEO of Walmart , Auto Zone and several places said as soon as the knew for SURE Trump was putting his tariffs on they were going to raise the price of everything they already had in their stores to help cover the cost of new product, I was at an Auto Zone just about an hour ago and the manager said he has been instructed to raise the price of everything in the store at least 20 % and he told me that I was lucky because if I had waited till tomorrow I would have had to pay that extra 25 dollars or so.
MAGAS got what they wanted now lets watch them cry.

Anecdotal stories on the innernetz!!!

Here's another one:

"I was in Autozone yesterday, and the manager said he was going to keep prices the same, since the markup on crap from China using slave labor was so low they only had to charge 20% of current retail to double their money, so tariffs didn't matter."

In real life, they will sell at what the market will bear, period, and they will have to eat the tariffs for a lot of goods, and they have a lot more room for pricing than the public thinks.
Anecdotal stories on the innernetz!!!

Here's another one:

"I was in Autozone yesterday, and the manager said he was going to keep prices the same, since the markup on crap from China using slave labor was so low they only had to charge 20% of current retail to double their money, so tariffs didn't matter."

In real life, they will sell at what the market will bear, period, and they will have to eat the tariffs for a lot of goods, and they have a lot more room for pricing than the public thinks.
I don't think so, as many top economists have been saying the exporting countries will just raise the price of what they sell and pass it on to the consumer.
So Auto Zone or any other retail outlet will be have to pay the tariffs that are put on the goods they buy and they will pass those tariffs on to the American consumer .
Wake up the price of just about EVERYTHING you buy will be going up and some by 20/30/40 50/ 100 % and IMO some retailers will push those increases several percent just to pad their bottom line.
I don't think so, as many top economists have been saying the exporting countries will just raise the price of what they sell and pass it on to the consumer.
So Auto Zone or any other retail outlet will be have to pay the tariffs that are put on the goods they buy and they will pass those tariffs on to the American consumer .
Wake up the price of just about EVERYTHING you buy will be going up and some by 20/30/40 50/ 100 % and IMO some retailers will push those increases several percent just to pad their bottom line.

'Top Economists'? They know nothing; they get paid by one faction or another to dream up stuff for their partisan agendas.

Prices will go up as long as idiots are willing to keep paying high prices for their instant gratification addictions. There is only so much disposable income, and credit bubbles always burst sooner or later. A much more accurate indicator is not those silly ass 'supply an demand' and Laffer curves, but how much money do consumers have left after rent gouging and big increases in utilities like electric , gas, food, and fuel suck up over 80% of their dwindling incomes. I know it's news to many here, but billionaires don't take up the slack and buy more TVs and bread n stuff to make up for all those proles out there going shopping, and retail sales and mowing yards and washing cars don't make for a First World economy.

'Top Economists'? They know nothing; they get paid by one faction or another to dream up stuff for their partisan agendas.

Prices will go up as long as idiots are willing to keep paying high prices for their instant gratification addictions. There is only so much disposable income, and credit bubbles always burst sooner or later. A much more accurate indicator is not those silly ass 'supply an demand' and Laffer curves, but how much money do consumers have left after rent gouging and big increases in utilities like electric , gas, food, and fuel suck up over 80% of their dwindling incomes. I know it's news to many here, but billionaires don't take up the slack and buy more TVs and bread n stuff to make up for all those proles out there going shopping, and retail sales and mowing yards and washing cars don't make for a First World economy.

I see you still have absolutely no understanding of price discovery.