I CHALLENGE you all to a drink off


on indefiniate mod break


1 jack and coke
1 beer
4 glasses of wine

Started at 1. I could be doing better but im off to the races.

Billy I am gunning for you.
3 beers, 1 shot 10 High. Mowed the lawn, tended to the chickens, oven is getting hot. Dog doo picked up. Time to get started.
Well, I'll just assume all day.

Morning: 2 bloody marys for breakfast.
Noon: 2 liters of beer (or six 12 bottle). To be specific, it was Weihephanstephaner Heffewiess.
Dinner: Just finished my 4th liter of the day (same beer). Was gonna call it quits, but since it's on....
in one sitting billy O_O :)

lol my younger brother passed out. epic. i think he had a whole bottle of wine by himself. best thanksgiving ever
6 shots 10-High
5 Beers. I'm going to lose count at some point.

Its time to eat though, so its gonna be hard maintaining a buzz after that. But I'll keep on.
Liter 4 complete. FAR more drunk than expected. Liter 5 is not looking like fun.
