I Don't Know Why Democrats Hate Trump

The political climate was to find cops abusive. The real autopsy results were fentanyl overdose but was buried.
How do you bury evidence that is presented in the trial? Dereck Chauvin's lawyer not only pointed out what was in the autopsy but brought in his own expert.
Chauvin's lawyer brought up the drugs in his closing argument.

Eric Nelson: (02:31:48)
Fentanyl is a powerful sedative. They use it for surgeries. Every single doctor dismissed outright, no, no, nothing about this case. Well, it was only 0.19 nanograms per milliliter. It’s such a small amount of methamphetamine in his system. It’s a vasoconstrictor, it causes the heart’s arteries to constrict even tighter. Doesn’t matter. Every single doctor just brushed it aside, said it would have no effect. I ask, would any of those doctors prescribe elicit methamphetamine to their patients? Would they give it to their children? Would they give it to their elderly parents with a 90% blockage of the right coronary artery? I guarantee you the answer is no.
I didn't mention two thousand mules...why did you?
It is an example of how you are gullible and believe movies that are filled with propaganda. Are you claiming you have never said anything about 2000 mules?
You believed the propaganda in 2000 mules which has been pulled by its distributor because it contains lies.
You believe the propaganda in another movie that is filled with propaganda and are promoting it blindly without knowing the actual facts.
It is an example of how you are gullible and believe movies that are filled with propaganda. Are you claiming you have never said anything about 2000 mules?
You believed the propaganda in 2000 mules which has been pulled by its distributor because it contains lies.
You believe the propaganda in another movie that is filled with propaganda and are promoting it blindly without knowing the actual facts.
I have never said anything about two thousand mules... You must have me confused with someone else...
Why do you hate and reject the US Constitution? The trial for Dereck Chauvin was conducted according to the rules set out in the US Constitution. Chauvin is able to appeal his conviction under the rules set out in the US Constitution.

Hunter Bide trial is starting today following the same constitutional protections that the trial for Dereck Chauvin had.
I can have a y opinion I want about the proceedings of a trial, nothing to do with my regard for the constitution.
I can have a y opinion I want about the proceedings of a trial, nothing to do with my regard for the constitution.
Except you are making up shit about the proceedings of the trial. Clearly the fentanyl use was not buried since it was testified about and included in the defense lawyers opening and closing arguments. Your lies show much about your regard for the Constitution since you think lying about what was presented in court is a valid argument about the validity of a trial.
He Od'd on fentanyl.
Stop being stubborn. It was proven in a court of law by forensics that the drugs were NOT the cause of his death. Chauvin has that honor and is subsequently serving time for it. That you and your ilk don't like it is irrelevant.

And again, your comparison to Cheeto Jeezus current dilemma is dubious at best for 2 main reasons: (1) Floyd was not being wrongly arrested for falsifying business and campaign records. He was accused of trying to pass counterfeit money, of which turned out to be a false accusation. (2) Cheeto Jeezus violated a court gag rule 10 times during his trial. Floyd never got a trial.