Chauvin's lawyer brought up the drugs in his closing argument.
Eric Nelson: (02:31:48)
Fentanyl is a powerful sedative. They use it for surgeries. Every single doctor dismissed outright, no, no, nothing about this case. Well, it was only 0.19 nanograms per milliliter. It’s such a small amount of methamphetamine in his system. It’s a vasoconstrictor, it causes the heart’s arteries to constrict even tighter. Doesn’t matter. Every single doctor just brushed it aside, said it would have no effect. I ask, would any of those doctors prescribe elicit methamphetamine to their patients? Would they give it to their children? Would they give it to their elderly parents with a 90% blockage of the right coronary artery? I guarantee you the answer is no.
How do you bury evidence that is presented in the trial? Dereck Chauvin's lawyer not only pointed out what was in the autopsy but brought in his own expert.The political climate was to find cops abusive. The real autopsy results were fentanyl overdose but was buried.
Chauvin's lawyer brought up the drugs in his closing argument.

Defense Closing Argument Transcript: Derek Chauvin Trial For Murder of George Floyd | Rev
Defense attorney Eric Nelson gave the closing argument during Derek Chauvin's trial for the murder of George Floyd on April 19, 2021. Read the transcript of his speech here.
Eric Nelson: (02:31:48)
Fentanyl is a powerful sedative. They use it for surgeries. Every single doctor dismissed outright, no, no, nothing about this case. Well, it was only 0.19 nanograms per milliliter. It’s such a small amount of methamphetamine in his system. It’s a vasoconstrictor, it causes the heart’s arteries to constrict even tighter. Doesn’t matter. Every single doctor just brushed it aside, said it would have no effect. I ask, would any of those doctors prescribe elicit methamphetamine to their patients? Would they give it to their children? Would they give it to their elderly parents with a 90% blockage of the right coronary artery? I guarantee you the answer is no.