I Don't Know Why Democrats Hate Trump

Make believe you don't know. The cop hating left..... your brothers.
I didn't ask for your smoke laden BS. YOU made a definitive statement, so it should be easy for you to document it with valid sources. If you can't, then that makes you a liar as well as a BS artist.
I didn't ask for your smoke laden BS. YOU made a definitive statement, so it should be easy for you to document it with valid sources. If you can't, then that makes you a liar as well as a BS artist.
Why don't you go chill.............. do some Tai Chi.
Why don't you go chill.............. do some Tai Chi.
Translation: Yet another Maga troll unable to factually and logically back one of his claims with valid sources .... so he blows smoke.

You're done, Marky. Now do the usual insipidly stubborn MAGA shuffle with attempts at goal post moving, repetition of disproven statements and personal attacks. Carry on.
Translation: Yet another Maga troll unable to factually and logically back one of his claims with valid sources .... so he blows smoke.

You're done, Marky. Now do the usual insipidly stubborn MAGA shuffle with attempts at goal post moving, repetition of disproven statements and personal attacks. Carry on.
Hey schmuckalova...... calling me a liar and a bs artist was not a personal attack? You're messing up the free flow of your chi. Take gas!
Hey schmuckalova...... calling me a liar and a bs artist was not a personal attack? You're messing up the free flow of your chi. Take gas!
It fits because YOU JUST DID WHAT I PREDICTED, GENIUS. You walk the walk, talk the talk, you get the label. Don't like it, change your ways .... like backing your assertions and claims with valid, documented sources and facts.

So far, you haven't done that. So until then, I'll just sit back and laugh at your blather with no need to respond. Carry on. :giggle:
It fits because YOU JUST DID WHAT I PREDICTED, GENIUS. You walk the walk, talk the talk, you get the label. Don't like it, change your ways .... like backing your assertions and claims with valid, documented sources and facts.

So far, you haven't done that. So until then, I'll just sit back and laugh at your blather with no need to respond. Carry on. :giggle:
Fuck off!