I feel kind of guilty about something......


Well-known member
Had an odd situation happen yesterday in church. So,.......we generally sit about 3 or so pews back from the front, all the way to the left side on the outer edge. About halfway thru the service a very odd looking man walked in and sat right in the front row all the way to the left,...directly in front of me 2 rows up. His attire was not the norm. Came in wearing a long trench coat and wearing a beach hat. :thinking: Took his hat off after a minute, long pony tail. Very weird looking guy,.....way out of place. Like I say,...he came in half way thru,...only stayed about 15 minutes and left well before the service was over.

Saw him reach in his coat a couple of times but pulled out nothing? It was also odd that he kept the long trench coat on as it was rather warm , almost uncomfortable in there yesterday ??

All I could think of was what kind of action plan I would use if this guy got funny and pulled out a weapon/gun. Yep....thats what was on my mind. I judged him....in church. I kept thinking that if this guy as much as farts crossways Im going to be on him before he can blink.

I was pretty relieved when he got up and left without incident. But later upon reflection I wondered.............DRY RUN ? Who knows nowadays. He was probably just some troubled person maybe looking for answers,....who knows.

So my question is.......If you were in that same situation would you also have pre judged him like I did? Had the same kind of thoughts that ran thru my mind at the time? :thinking: Be HONEST....
Now here is the truly crazy part...... The sermon yesterday was about what would happen if a true revival were to take place across the land but it didnt LOOK like what your pre conceived expectations thought it should look like....:thinking:
Had an odd situation happen yesterday in church. So,.......we generally sit about 3 or so pews back from the front, all the way to the left side on the outer edge. About halfway thru the service a very odd looking man walked in and sat right in the front row all the way to the left,...directly in front of me 2 rows up. His attire was not the norm. Came in wearing a long trench coat and wearing a beach hat. :thinking: Took his hat off after a minute, long pony tail. Very weird looking guy,.....way out of place. Like I say,...he came in half way thru,...only stayed about 15 minutes and left well before the service was over.

Saw him reach in his coat a couple of times but pulled out nothing? It was also odd that he kept the long trench coat on as it was rather warm , almost uncomfortable in there yesterday ??

All I could think of was what kind of action plan I would use if this guy got funny and pulled out a weapon/gun. Yep....thats what was on my mind. I judged him....in church. I kept thinking that if this guy as much as farts crossways Im going to be on him before he can blink.

I was pretty relieved when he got up and left without incident. But later upon reflection I wondered.............DRY RUN ? Who knows nowadays. He was probably just some troubled person maybe looking for answers,....who knows.

So my question is.......If you were in that same situation would you also have pre judged him like I did? Had the same kind of thoughts that ran thru my mind at the time? :thinking: Be HONEST....

So you were going to try and be a hero?:laugh:

If I had thought such a thing I would have told whoever was with me that we were leaving, will explain later, NOW, let's go, and left.
So you were going to try and be a hero?:laugh:

If I had thought such a thing I would have told whoever was with me that we were leaving, will explain later, NOW, let's go, and left.

No,...not a hero. But would I do my absolute level best to protect others no matter the situation?Yes,....absolutely.
Absolutely! You should carry a gun, just in case. I've heard of random shootings in churches.

Cant do that. I will never carry a gun again. Dont need it and hopefully never will. I dont want to hurt anyone nor do I want myself or anyone else to be hurt. I just dont want to depend on a gun is all. Now,...if someone else wants to thats absolutely fine,....just not for me.
If someone like that opened fire, the only thing that could stop the shooting would be an armed good guy.

He was only 6 or 7 feet directly in front of me facing forward. I could have easily gotten to him and brought him down before he was able to take good aim at anyone. I ran thru everything in my mind well ahead....
Cant do that. I will never carry a gun again. Dont need it and hopefully never will. I dont want to hurt anyone nor do I want myself or anyone else to be hurt. I just dont want to depend on a gun is all. Now,...if someone else wants to thats absolutely fine,....just not for me.
You just never know when you will find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. If someone has a gun, you won't be able to overpower them if they're shooting.
You just never know when you will find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. If someone has a gun, you won't be able to overpower them if they're shooting.

What will be will be. Things will go as they are supposed to go. I truly believe that.
I am about as far away in being an expert in shooting up churches as one could be...but...I would think being in the front row is a dumb idea. I spect I would have not been too concerned. Judging him for being a dick coming in in the middle and going all the way to the front is fair.
Had an odd situation happen yesterday in church. So,.......we generally sit about 3 or so pews back from the front, all the way to the left side on the outer edge. About halfway thru the service a very odd looking man walked in and sat right in the front row all the way to the left,...directly in front of me 2 rows up. His attire was not the norm. Came in wearing a long trench coat and wearing a beach hat. :thinking: Took his hat off after a minute, long pony tail. Very weird looking guy,.....way out of place. Like I say,...he came in half way thru,...only stayed about 15 minutes and left well before the service was over.

Saw him reach in his coat a couple of times but pulled out nothing? It was also odd that he kept the long trench coat on as it was rather warm , almost uncomfortable in there yesterday ??

All I could think of was what kind of action plan I would use if this guy got funny and pulled out a weapon/gun. Yep....thats what was on my mind. I judged him....in church. I kept thinking that if this guy as much as farts crossways Im going to be on him before he can blink.

I was pretty relieved when he got up and left without incident. But later upon reflection I wondered.............DRY RUN ? Who knows nowadays. He was probably just some troubled person maybe looking for answers,....who knows.

So my question is.......If you were in that same situation would you also have pre judged him like I did? Had the same kind of thoughts that ran thru my mind at the time? :thinking: Be HONEST....

That's the kind of thing that one encounters in church, then.
One more reason to sleep in.
Had an odd situation happen yesterday in church. So,.......we generally sit about 3 or so pews back from the front, all the way to the left side on the outer edge. About halfway thru the service a very odd looking man walked in and sat right in the front row all the way to the left,...directly in front of me 2 rows up. His attire was not the norm. Came in wearing a long trench coat and wearing a beach hat. :thinking: Took his hat off after a minute, long pony tail. Very weird looking guy,.....way out of place. Like I say,...he came in half way thru,...only stayed about 15 minutes and left well before the service was over.

Saw him reach in his coat a couple of times but pulled out nothing? It was also odd that he kept the long trench coat on as it was rather warm , almost uncomfortable in there yesterday ??

All I could think of was what kind of action plan I would use if this guy got funny and pulled out a weapon/gun. Yep....thats what was on my mind. I judged him....in church. I kept thinking that if this guy as much as farts crossways Im going to be on him before he can blink.

I was pretty relieved when he got up and left without incident. But later upon reflection I wondered.............DRY RUN ? Who knows nowadays. He was probably just some troubled person maybe looking for answers,....who knows.

So my question is.......If you were in that same situation would you also have pre judged him like I did? Had the same kind of thoughts that ran thru my mind at the time? :thinking: Be HONEST....

Nothing wrong with paying attention to what's going on around you especially if something seems odd... these days it's hard to not be suspect when something seems not quite right... you definitely shouldn't feel guilty... you handled it just right... from your description it sounds like someone just looking for a moment to reflect...
Had an odd situation happen yesterday in church. So,.......we generally sit about 3 or so pews back from the front, all the way to the left side on the outer edge. About halfway thru the service a very odd looking man walked in and sat right in the front row all the way to the left,...directly in front of me 2 rows up. His attire was not the norm. Came in wearing a long trench coat and wearing a beach hat. :thinking: Took his hat off after a minute, long pony tail. Very weird looking guy,.....way out of place. Like I say,...he came in half way thru,...only stayed about 15 minutes and left well before the service was over.

Saw him reach in his coat a couple of times but pulled out nothing? It was also odd that he kept the long trench coat on as it was rather warm , almost uncomfortable in there yesterday ??

All I could think of was what kind of action plan I would use if this guy got funny and pulled out a weapon/gun. Yep....thats what was on my mind. I judged him....in church. I kept thinking that if this guy as much as farts crossways Im going to be on him before he can blink.

I was pretty relieved when he got up and left without incident. But later upon reflection I wondered.............DRY RUN ? Who knows nowadays. He was probably just some troubled person maybe looking for answers,....who knows.

So my question is.......If you were in that same situation would you also have pre judged him like I did? Had the same kind of thoughts that ran thru my mind at the time? :thinking: Be HONEST....

I dont think its "judging" to observe something. I would make the pastor or church administration aware of the incident and next time go to church prepared.
I don't think I would feel guilty, as It is smart to keep your eye on something that does not look right.

You have to keep an eye on things now, as the world has grown meaner today, and there are nuts galore running amuck.

It's sad that the world turned out this way, but WE ARE WHAT WE ARE NOW!
Had an odd situation happen yesterday in church. So,.......we generally sit about 3 or so pews back from the front, all the way to the left side on the outer edge. About halfway thru the service a very odd looking man walked in and sat right in the front row all the way to the left,...directly in front of me 2 rows up. His attire was not the norm. Came in wearing a long trench coat and wearing a beach hat. :thinking: Took his hat off after a minute, long pony tail. Very weird looking guy,.....way out of place. Like I say,...he came in half way thru,...only stayed about 15 minutes and left well before the service was over.

Saw him reach in his coat a couple of times but pulled out nothing? It was also odd that he kept the long trench coat on as it was rather warm , almost uncomfortable in there yesterday ??

All I could think of was what kind of action plan I would use if this guy got funny and pulled out a weapon/gun. Yep....thats what was on my mind. I judged him....in church. I kept thinking that if this guy as much as farts crossways Im going to be on him before he can blink.

I was pretty relieved when he got up and left without incident. But later upon reflection I wondered.............DRY RUN ? Who knows nowadays. He was probably just some troubled person maybe looking for answers,....who knows.

So my question is.......If you were in that same situation would you also have pre judged him like I did? Had the same kind of thoughts that ran thru my mind at the time? :thinking: Be HONEST....

You should feel guilty about going to church.