I fucked up BIG TIME, excuse my asshattery


I blew it big time in a thread this morning

I mistook a bit in a Letter of resignation by Haley as referring to herself when she was referring to President Trump.

she did nit call her self a business man

she called President trump a business man

my apologies for my silly, stupid mistake
No problemo, Evince.

Class move to 'fess up that way.

The assholes on the right almost never do it.
I wanted to make sure no one walked away with the wrong impression

apologizing is a good thing super

try it some time

Yeah, but you do it where you made the error moron. Not on a new thread that they might not see. You are a fucking moron.
The asshole is you Frank. You are a demented twit.

You are an American conservative, Freak.

American conservatism is one of the most disgusting political philosophies ever to pollute planet Earth.

For an American conservative to call someone else a "demented twit" is like having Rush Limbaugh call someone else a fat big mouth.
I blew it big time in a thread this morning

I mistook a bit in a Letter of resignation by Haley as referring to herself when she was referring to President Trump.

she did nit call her self a business man

she called President trump a business man

my apologies for my silly, stupid mistake

Admitting a mistake is commendable, a mark of character...and almost unheard of in the Reich Wing!

I commend you, and carry on.
You are an American conservative, Freak.

American conservatism is one of the most disgusting political philosophies ever to pollute planet Earth.

For an American conservative to call someone else a "demented twit" is like having Rush Limbaugh call someone else a fat big mouth.

Yet American conservative values have provided more Freedom and Liberties to the human race across the globe in the 20th century alone than in all other centuries of world history combined.

Do you ever wonder why normal thinking folks don't take you seriously with comments like that?
The inbred, toothless, illiterate, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, theocratic, misogynist, parasitic, mentally and physically diseased troglodytes wouldn't know correct grammar if they were choking on it.

Those of us who do care
don't get the vapors over an infrequent little slip
from one of our own.