I fucked up BIG TIME, excuse my asshattery

I blew it big time in a thread this morning

I mistook a bit in a Letter of resignation by Haley as referring to herself when she was referring to President Trump.

she did nit call her self a business man

she called President trump a business man

my apologies for my silly, stupid mistake

Maybe you might learn to be less impetuous and more circumspect, one can hope anyway.
I blew it big time in a thread this morning

I mistook a bit in a Letter of resignation by Haley as referring to herself when she was referring to President Trump.

she did nit call her self a business man

she called President trump a business man

my apologies for my silly, stupid mistake

Cuz you are stupid
Yet American conservative values have provided more Freedom and Liberties to the human race across the globe in the 20th century alone than in all other centuries of world history combined.

Do you ever wonder why normal thinking folks don't take you seriously with comments like that?


but I am human

from time to time I make a mistake

I feel apologizing is the only decent thing to do when I make a mistake

try it sometime

You showed more character than 99 percent of the Reich Wing.

15 years later, I am still waiting for them to admit they were wrong to cheerlead for the invasion of Iraq, and that the liberal posters here made the right call.
instead they just lie and say they never voted for Bush

I have done this before here when I was proven wrong with FACTS
Yet American conservative values have provided more Freedom and Liberties to the human race across the globe in the 20th century alone than in all other centuries of world history combined.

American conservatives CLAIM their values have provided more freedom and liberties to the human race blah, blah, blah...but almost all of those gains in freedom and liberty...

...WERE MADE IN SPITE OF...NOT BECAUSE OF...American conservatives.

If American conservatives had prevailed...we would still owe allegiance to the British crown...because the American conservatives of the 18th century wanted to stay part of Great Britain...and considered liberal moves to break away to be treason to George III.

If American conservatives had prevailed...we would still have slavery, because the American conservatives of the 19th century wanted individual states to decide the issue for themselves.

If American conservatives had prevailed...most of Europe would be speaking German right now, because the American conservatives of the 20th century wanted Europe to fight Hitler alone.

And now, the American fucking idiot conservatives want to inflict an asshole like Donald Trump on the world.

So fuck you...and you idiotic claims of having done so much.

Do you ever wonder why normal thinking folks don't take you seriously with comments like that?

I suspect most normal thinking folk DO take me seriously. I suspect asswipes like you have a problem with what I say.

I enjoy that.

It is one of the reasons I say what i do.
I blew it big time in a thread this morning

I mistook a bit in a Letter of resignation by Haley as referring to herself when she was referring to President Trump.

she did nit call her self a business man

she called President trump a business man

my apologies for my silly, stupid mistake

Credit where it's due. Though I think correcting your mistake in the thread was sufficient.
American conservatives CLAIM their values have provided more freedom and liberties to the human race blah, blah, blah...but almost all of those gains in freedom and liberty...

...WERE MADE IN SPITE OF...NOT BECAUSE OF...American conservatives.

If American conservatives had prevailed...we would still owe allegiance to the British crown...because the American conservatives of the 18th century wanted to stay part of Great Britain...and considered liberal moves to break away to be treason to George III.

If American conservatives had prevailed...we would still have slavery, because the American conservatives of the 19th century wanted individual states to decide the issue for themselves.

If American conservatives had prevailed...most of Europe would be speaking German right now, because the American conservatives of the 20th century wanted Europe to fight Hitler alone.

And now, the American fucking idiot conservatives want to inflict an asshole like Donald Trump on the world.

So fuck you...and you idiotic claims of having done so much.

I suspect most normal thinking folk DO take me seriously. I suspect asswipes like you have a problem with what I say.

I enjoy that.

It is one of the reasons I say what i do.

No ....

Normal thinking folks aren't taking you seriously as evidenced by the results of almost every single election since 2010.
instead they just lie and say they never voted for Bush

I have done this before here when I was proven wrong with FACTS

you have been proven wrong time and again with FACTS and still insisted you were right. You post links to things you don't understand and pretend they say what you want them to. You then refuse to use your own words to discuss. Instead you post more links to things that don't say what you think they do. Because you are a fucking idiot.
No ....

Normal thinking folks aren't taking you seriously as evidenced by the results of almost every single election since 2010.

Jesus H. Christ, RC.

You think I am influencing people across the country?

If you fuck up...(the way you did)...don't make things worse by posting something as ignorant as your latest.

Jesus H. Christ.

What a moron!
Jesus H. Christ, RC.

You think I am influencing people across the country?

If you fuck up...(the way you did)...don't make things worse by posting something as ignorant as your latest.

Jesus H. Christ.

What a moron!

I am referring to your Leftist politics.

The American voters are rejecting you guys by the millions and you can't see it.

The Democrat Party has lost over 1200 seats nationwide since 2010.

Main Street Americans are rejecting the radical Leftist politics of the Democrat Party.
I blew it big time in a thread this morning

I mistook a bit in a Letter of resignation by Haley as referring to herself when she was referring to President Trump.

she did nit call her self a business man

she called President trump a business man

my apologies for my silly, stupid mistake

No worries, Don's never been a businessman either, just an entitled maladjusted trust fund baby.
I am referring to your Leftist politics.

The American voters are rejecting you guys by the millions and you can't see it.

The Democrat Party has lost over 1200 seats nationwide since 2010.

Main Street Americans are rejecting the radical Leftist politics of the Democrat Party.

As well they should, "both" parties.
Yet American conservative values have provided more Freedom and Liberties to the human race across the globe in the 20th century alone than in all other centuries of world history combined.

Do you ever wonder why normal thinking folks don't take you seriously with comments like that?

What a crock of vile bullshit.
Shut the fuck up retard.
I am referring to your Leftist politics.

The American voters are rejecting you guys by the millions and you can't see it.

The Democrat Party has lost over 1200 seats nationwide since 2010.

Main Street Americans are rejecting the radical Leftist politics of the Democrat Party.

Look, Asswipe...stop with moving the goal posts. You look enough like a jerk-off without that.

This whole things started with your comment, "Do you ever wonder why normal thinking folks don't take you seriously with comments like that? "

You were talking about ME...and MY comments.

Now you look like a chump who has dug a hole too deep...and you want to pretend you were meaning something else.

In any case...talking to me about how many seats the Democratic Party has lost...IS NOT TALKING ABOUT ME.


Not everyone who sees American conservatives for the stupid fucking assholes they are...

...is a Democrat.

One doesn't even have to be a liberal (which I am not)_in order to see American conservatism as the political philosophy of knuckle-dragging puppets of the 1%.

So...with that out of the way...

...how's things goin', RC?

Having fun?