I hate this place II

Here is some good advice for free.

The first 12 words you say in an interview that can land (or lose) you the job

  • First 12 words you say when you walk in could make or break your chances
  • Small talk shapes employers' first impressions of candidates, research finds
  • People without wealthy backgrounds suffer as they struggle with small talk
  • Forget worrying about the job interview - what you say as you greet your interviewer could be far more important. Researchers found the first 12 words a prospective employee utters could make or break whether they are offered a job. It is because the first impression created by small talk on the way to the interview room shapes whether employers view candidates in a positive or negative light.
I've heard of the Agile development process. I've read they're wikipedia article. They never taught in school, and I've never used it.

Both my sons learnt about it at university, it is pretty much de rigueur these days for software development. My oldest son works for Cisco and they use it worldwide.
Sorry but you are going to have to explain that!
A very, very, very, very bad joke. Gene Siskill and Roger Ebert were two famous movie reviewers from Chicago. They used to have a Saturday afternoon movie review program called "At the Movies". Their tag-line was "Two Thumbs Up!" as they both would rate a movie either thumbs up or thumbs down and they often disagreed with each other. So if you hear an American refer to a movies quality as "Two Thumbs up!" you know where that came from.
A very, very, very, very bad joke. Gene Siskill and Roger Ebert were two famous movie reviewers from Chicago. They used to have a Saturday afternoon movie review program called "At the Movies". Their tag-line was "Two Thumbs Up!" as they both would rate a movie either thumbs up or thumbs down and they often disagreed with each other. So if you hear an American refer to a movies quality as "Two Thumbs up!" you know where that came from.

I am well aware of Roger Ebert, he is my goto film critic. I was very sad when he died. As for the "joke", he ought to be thoroughly ashamed and I will remember that next time he tries to take the piss.