I hate this place

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I support Americans

some live there wack

not all of them are allowed to vote because your evil party cheats in elections
i set up a go find me site to collect money to send him to a cathouse but no one contributed. Not even the Trinity.

I can't say that surprises me in the least, they are just all piss and wind when it comes down to it. They couldn't even give a fuck about buying him one!
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I hate this state. It's the worst place in the world. Why the hell did I have to be born in this pit? I hate all these stupid, ignorant people, these stupid ignorant rightist, racist hicks content with their stupid, useless lives. I can't wait to get out of here.

Mississippi is worse than hell.

So your Dad finally told you to get off your lazy ass and find a job, HUH!! :good4u:
I can't say that surprises me in the least, they are just all piss and wind when it comes down to it. They couldn't even give a fuck about buying him one!

Here in the US, we RENT them; because we're not allowed to BUY then like the British are used too. :chesh:
Well coming from Skidmark that's quite a compliment. He wants to subjugate the rest of the country under communist rule and execute everyone in re-education camps. At least this way Ohio is spared from Chairman Skidmark.

But it's also underwater. The destruction of Ohio makes Kentucky and West Virginia no longer landlocked, though. Think of all the economic benefits that would accrue through the destruction of your state.
He's already has a 6th grade Ohio education (College Education in Mississippi, 9th grade education in Michigan.).

As I said, it would never occur to us to have a bumper sticker that says my smart kid went to Michigan the dumb one to OSU. I mean no duh
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