I have a new dog

He’s about ten lbs

He’s mostly black Tri color (black, tan and brown)

He has those ears that are folded over but stand up on his head

A graying face and foggy eyes

He’s old for sure

But now he acts like a puppy

Good food

Lots of fresh water

Good sleep

And masses and masses of cuddles from us all

It put a real spring in his step

He is already putting on needed weight

He was skin and bones when I found him

No one claimed him

He has no chip

I scoured the missing dog sites and checked the hood for signs

He’s mine

He’s gaining weight and sleeping like a log

He’s so happy

Me too

Thats awesome. Dogs are the best! You guys will have lots of fun,...and the other dogs will get a new buddy! Congrats!

No one claimed him

He has no chip

I scoured the missing dog sites and checked the hood for signs

He’s mine

He’s gaining weight and sleeping like a log

He’s so happy

Me too

Congratulations! I'm so glad you rescued him. He'll pay you back a hundredfold in love and devotion.