I have a new dog

Holey moley

Get this

My neighbors moved

It was a rental house with lots of young working guys

They had a dog

The dog came back or they dumped him and he came to the only home he ever knew

I’m holding him

Feeding and making sure he stays safe in my back yard

I can’t let him in

He’s an un fixed 120 lb German Shepard around 5 or 6

He’s dirty but is a gorgeous white regal stud

He’s stunning

I have known him all his life and have saved him many a time after he escaped their yard

He terrifies people because he is massive

When he’s out there is always trouble

If some one is walking their dog they always panic when he approaches

Countless times in his life I have gone out and rangled his sweet silly butt out of a bad event


I now have a ten pounder in my pack

All my dogs can be with him in the back yard if I’m there to keep it all chill

I’m giving the guys a couple of days to come look for him

If they don’t Im taking him to a German Shepard rescue place I have already scoped out


Yesterday I was thinking

Man I’ll never see that huge white goofball ever again

I was wishing him a good life wherever they moved him to

I guess for me this is the dog days of Summer
Holey moley

Get this

My neighbors moved

It was a rental house with lots of young working guys

They had a dog

The dog came back or they dumped him and he came to the only home he ever knew

I’m holding him

Feeding and making sure he stays safe in my back yard

I can’t let him in

He’s an un fixed 120 lb German Shepard around 5 or 6

He’s dirty but is a gorgeous white regal stud

He’s stunning

I have known him all his life and have saved him many a time after he escaped their yard

He terrifies people because he is massive

When he’s out there is always trouble

If some one is walking their dog they always panic when he approaches

Countless times in his life I have gone out and rangled his sweet silly butt out of a bad event


I now have a ten pounder in my pack

All my dogs can be with him in the back yard if I’m there to keep it all chill

I’m giving the guys a couple of days to come look for him

If they don’t Im taking him to a German Shepard rescue place I have already scoped out


Yesterday I was thinking

Man I’ll never see that huge white goofball ever again

I was wishing him a good life wherever they moved him to

I guess for me this is the dog days of Summer

How many dogs now?
He truely is a sight to see

A massive white German Shepard

I have known him forever

He is a love bug

He has had a bad habit of jumping up with his paws on your cheat or shoulders to greet people

He can put his paws on a six foot man’s shoulders

I have seen him do it

He looks like a great big white wolf

I have him trained not to jump on me

Years ago he figured out I don’t like it
Yeah the little old guy now has an excellent retirement plan

I just hate when they die. We're still missing our kitty that died last May. Boots. Bootsy Boy. Mr. Boots. RIP. At least it was a painless death. Kidney failure. Good way for humans to go too.