I have a strong hunch about Fort Knox......

Every human endeavor has politics. Science, music, high school, etc. all have politics in them as humans interact. The politics is mostly not the government style of politics, in fact, most scientists ignore government politics for the more important(to them) science they are studying.

Max Planck is paraphrased as saying, "Science progresses one funeral at a time", and definitely said, "It rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul." Basically, he is saying that scientists cannot change, so the way the accepted science changes is that the old scientists die(or retire). In the New Testament, Saul converted from an anti-Christian Jew to a Christian, and changed his name to Paul.
Science has no politics. Science has no religion. Science is not an 'endeavor'.
I have been doing some listening to my grapevine on this.....there is no consensus on what an audit would find....in part because it was never clear why the gold reserves were not talked about.
The thing that makes the most sense is that when the project of the Empire was to have the dollar be the global store of wealth the last thing they wanted to do was to talk about an alternative as if it mattered.
That other nations have long been loading up on gold, and that the Imperial Empire has been lying about this, is certainly something to notice.
Who are the Silent Thieves?Why are they manipulating you?How are they stealing your wealth?Bubble.Crash.Steal.Lie.Repeat.What is inflation?Monetary manipulation.Taxation without representation.PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS.1913.Q

Endless lies.Endless wars.Endless inflation.Endless 'printing'.Endless oppression.Endless subjugation.Endless surveillance.Who will put an end to the endless?Taking control.Q
Every human endeavor has politics. Science, music, high school, etc. all have politics in them as humans interact. The politics is mostly not the government style of politics, in fact, most scientists ignore government politics for the more important(to them) science they are studying.

Max Planck is paraphrased as saying, "Science progresses one funeral at a time", and definitely said, "It rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul." Basically, he is saying that scientists cannot change, so the way the accepted science changes is that the old scientists die(or retire). In the New Testament, Saul converted from an anti-Christian Jew to a Christian, and changed his name to Paul.
Although it varies by subject, the median age scientists do their best work is 43.

The median age at time of their chief work was found to be 43. Only 9% of the whole list had their prime under 30. Median primes by science varied from 37 in mathematics to 47 in anthropology, It appears that age as a factor influencing discovery, is greatly modified by other factors such as health, leisure, apparatus, stimulus, contemporary trend of the subject, all of which may concur only at one random period of life.
That the Brits are transferring large amounts of gold to America is also something to notice, but nobody seems to know why they are doing it.
Old hatred there. They got them first. Those in the know in the UK hate "them" worse then we do. What happens here happens there first.
Although it varies by subject, the median age scientists do their best work is 43.

The median age at time of their chief work was found to be 43. Only 9% of the whole list had their prime under 30. Median primes by science varied from 37 in mathematics to 47 in anthropology, It appears that age as a factor influencing discovery, is greatly modified by other factors such as health, leisure, apparatus, stimulus, contemporary trend of the subject, all of which may concur only at one random period of life.
There would be a lot more doing great work under age 30, if they could get the education earlier. It just is a huge amount of education needed. By the time you are through your post-doc, you are usually about 30. Add on a few more years to build up to it, and I am surprised that 9% can get any of their prime under 30.

To do truly great work requires so much education. I sometimes worry that one day we will hit a "Hubbert Peak" for science. We can have more discoveries, but it will take more and more education for fewer and fewer discoveries.