I have concepts of a plan.

Mr trump, you have been discussing replacing Obamacare for 8 years, what is your plan for replacing it?

Uh, Uh, I have concepts of a plan, we will be releasing it very soon.
Only one question needed to be asked of the kamal, Democrats have had the WH for 12 of the last 16 years and the last 4 especially, explain in detail how trump is responsible for anything that you claim is wrong America today?
Only one question needed to be asked of the kamal, Democrats have had the WH for 12 of the last 16 years and the last 4 especially, explain in detail how trump is responsible for anything that you claim is wrong America today?
Because the damage he did in 4 years is so severe, that's why we shouldn't dare to put him back in.

Done, that was easy. You're really bad at this.
Because the damage is so severe, that's why we shouldn't dare to put him back in.

Done, that was easy. You're really bad at this.
:nono: Ah.....nope. Come back here young man, you're not done. Exactly what damage did he do in 4 years that tater head and his pet kammunist couldn't "fix"?
:nono: Ah.....nope. Come back here young man, you're not done. Exactly what damage did he do in 4 years that tater head and his pet kammunist couldn't "fix"?
Roe v Wade for one. Hard to appoint non-fucked in the head corrupt judges when for one, Republican senators make obstruction of appointing one under Obama their main priority, and then with lifetime appointments, none have died since Trump was in office, and only Stephen Breyer has retired since then.

Access to family planning and health care is important to any society that doesn't want to actively harm women and children.

Also it's hard to bring people back from the dead after they've died from a pandemic that should have been addressed more seriously at it's outset. Trump's and the right wings aversion to vaccines has killed countless people and even brought back some diseases that were previously made all but irrelevant.
Mr trump, you have been discussing replacing Obamacare for 8 years, what is your plan for replacing it?

Uh, Uh, I have concepts of a plan, we will be releasing it very soon.
when republicans did not have power, they put forth over 80 votes in attempts to repeal obamacare. Once republicans had power, they put forth ZERO votes to repeal.

there is no plan to repeal obamacare and any talk about it is just to propagandize their base
when republicans did not have power, they put forth over 80 votes in attempts to repeal obamacare. Once republicans had power, they put forth ZERO votes to repeal.

there is no plan to repeal obamacare and any talk about it is just to propagandize their base
This is how Republicans operate, they demonize something they know the people will be pissed if they actually get rid of, so they keep it while attacking it.
you're fucking deluded. I don't even like trump and he did not do as much damage as other presidents have done. you're just full of hate
The fact that you are NOT smarter than anyone...is the reason you think Trump did not do as much damage as other presidents. He was a disaster for our nation...and for humanity. He DID do more damage to our nation than any other president...and it will be quite a while before we adequately recover.
you're fucking deluded. I don't even like trump and he did not do as much damage as other presidents have done. you're just full of hate
He has encouraged his cult to distrust credible news outlets by labeling them "fake news," which is any news organization that reports negatively on Trump. He encouraged them to distrust scientists and medical experts during a deadly pandemic, costing far more lives than it should have. He broke the law repeatedly, then taught his Cult to distrust the court system by labeling his multiple felony indictments -- and convictions -- "witch hunts." He stole classified documents and shared their contents with unauthorized people. He tried to destroy NATO as well as our long-standing alliances with other nations, while praising dictators like Kim and Putin and Erdogan. He has promoted hatred and racism and division among Americans to an extent not seen before in ourlifetimes. He has lowered civil public discourse to the level of the preschool sandbox, only with cruder language. He has made denigrating women, people of color, non-Xtians, LGBTQ ppl just one of those things that's okay to do in public.
He has encouraged his cult to distrust credible news outlets by labeling them "fake news," which is any news organization that reports negatively on Trump. He encouraged them to distrust scientists and medical experts during a deadly pandemic, costing far more lives than it should have. He broke the law repeatedly, then taught his Cult to distrust the court system by labeling his multiple felony indictments -- and convictions -- "witch hunts." He stole classified documents and shared their contents with unauthorized people. He tried to destroy NATO as well as our long-standing alliances with other nations, while praising dictators like Kim and Putin and Erdogan. He has promoted hatred and racism and division among Americans to an extent not seen before in ourlifetimes. He has lowered civil public discourse to the level of the preschool sandbox, only with cruder language. He has made denigrating women, people of color, non-Xtians, LGBTQ ppl just one of those things that's okay to do in public.
Very well said, OW.

Very well said.
He has encouraged his cult to distrust credible news outlets by labeling them "fake news," which is any news organization that reports negatively on Trump. He encouraged them to distrust scientists and medical experts during a deadly pandemic, costing far more lives than it should have. He broke the law repeatedly, then taught his Cult to distrust the court system by labeling his multiple felony indictments -- and convictions -- "witch hunts." He stole classified documents and shared their contents with unauthorized people. He tried to destroy NATO as well as our long-standing alliances with other nations, while praising dictators like Kim and Putin and Erdogan. He has promoted hatred and racism and division among Americans to an extent not seen before in ourlifetimes. He has lowered civil public discourse to the level of the preschool sandbox, only with cruder language. He has made denigrating women, people of color, non-Xtians, LGBTQ ppl just one of those things that's okay to do in public.
both sides have done this for years................the sooner that everybody accepts that reality, the better off we'll all be.
when republicans did not have power, they put forth over 80 votes in attempts to repeal obamacare. Once republicans had power, they put forth ZERO votes to repeal.

there is no plan to repeal obamacare and any talk about it is just to propagandize their base
So you acknowledge Trump LIED.