I have concepts of a plan.

Mr trump, you have been discussing replacing Obamacare for 8 years, what is your plan for replacing it?

Uh, Uh, I have concepts of a plan, we will be releasing it very soon.
You are not a 'we', Pretender. You are just you. Fuck the Marxist 'we'.

Obamacare has already largely collapsed from it's own weight. Trump also detoothed the beast, so it couldn't feed itself by confiscation.

There is no need for nationalized health care insurance. That's unconstitutional, and communism.
Great meme!

Eating pussy is great, eating kittens is really not - even if it's the illegal aliens your Commies love so dearly.
You are not a 'we', Pretender. You are just you. Fuck the Marxist 'we'.

Obamacare has already largely collapsed from it's own weight. Trump also detoothed the beast, so it couldn't feed itself by confiscation.

There is no need for nationalized health care insurance. That's unconstitutional, and communism.
Another semiliterate MAGAt. What the fuck are they drinking? Stupid Water?

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I have concepts of a plan. I'm not president right now. But if we come up with something I would only change it if we come up with something better and less expensive. And there are concepts and options we have to do that. And you'll be hearing about it in the not-too-distant future.
Roe v Wade for one.

Got it - democracy.

You Stalinists HATE democracy.

Of course Dobbs was decided during the Harris/Biden Junta, not under Trump.

But you don't do the whole "truth" thing - so you're not going to let that disturb things.

Hard to appoint non-fucked in the head corrupt judges when for one, Republican senators make obstruction of appointing one under Obama their main priority, and then with lifetime appointments, none have died since Trump was in office, and only Stephen Breyer has retired since then.

Are you talking that corrupt fuckwad GARLAND? You would at this point try and claim that pile of shit belonged even in the same city as the Supreme Court? The most corrupt AG in history of this nation?


Access to family planning and health care is important to any society that doesn't want to actively harm women and children.


Also it's hard to bring people back from the dead after they've died from a pandemic that should have been addressed more seriously at it's outset. Trump's and the right wings aversion to vaccines has killed countless people and even brought back some diseases that were previously made all but irrelevant.

Your party and their Communist Chinese allies shouldn't have unleashed that biological weapon on America. What does that have to do with Trump?

Oh, and the Trump vaccine - because that's what it is - doesn't work.
I think you are forgetting how badly damaged America, and the world, was. And worse yet, I think things happened you do not even know. It was only through the extreme effort of people who were not trump that our country did not collapse. I do not think we can make it through another trump term, especially considering he promises to be far worse this time.
What 'damage' is that, Wally?
I enjoyed that, but it also allowed him to totally disregard the moderators' questions
There was no moderator.
to wave his hands around in a frothy frenzy while trying to rebut Harris.
He did rebuke Kamala.
He never answered the question on how he would manage to deport 11 million (or even more as he claims) illegals.
There is no 'how'. You simply deport them.
He did not answer how he would end the war in Ukraine in "24 hours, and even before I'm sworn in."
Yes he did.
He would not state if he would sign a national abortion ban bill if presented to him.
He would veto it, for the same reasons, the Supreme Court did.
He did not say how he would address climate change.
Climate cannot change.
I was disappointed that the moderators did not keep him on task and kept letting him bloviate on instead of going to the next topic.
There was no moderator.
Yeah vaccines that YOUR SIDE now call "death jabs".
mRNA treatments are not vaccines. Like any treatment or vaccine, some people have shown allergic reactions to it.
Trump repeatedly downplayed the seriousness of the pandemic,
It wasn't serious.
and Trumpies being the retards that they are, spun that off into conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.

A lot of Americans now don't trust election results, they don't trust the process,
Thanks to DEMOCRATS.
and are willing to threaten volunteer workers and storm the US Capitol is their candidate doesn't win.
You are describing DEMOCRATS.
Trump has put democracy itself on trial.
The United States is not a democracy and never was.
Trump has convinced a lot of Americans that ruthless dictators like Vladimir Putin are great guys we should cajole and emulate.
Still trying to blame Russia on Trump, eh? Putin is a socialist, Sybil. He endorses Democrats.
Trump has put basic concepts of truth on trial.
You are describing Democrats, Sybil. Fortunately, it's not possible to put truth on trial.
Some Americans are convinced that stories on Twitter about roaming gangs of Hattians eating people's cats are true.
Haitians eat cats, Sybil. They also use their blood in their rituals.
Trump has convinced a lot of Americans to distrust basic science, from vaccinees to climate change.
Climate cannot change, Sybil. Paradox V.
Trump has normalized outlandish lying and childish insults in American politics.
You are describing yourself and Democrats, Sybil. DON'T TRY TO BLAME YOUR PROBLEMS ON TRUMP!