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I was thinking how NOW is the time that White America needs a concrete (and feasible) proposal for the future - something to look forward to. Life is pretty shitty if you are just existing day-to-day with no hopes or dreams - without having something big and wonderful (and "do-able) - A GOAL, that you can keep in mind and be working toward achieving in the future.

For example, imagine a young, American guy, John, who's 20 years old, and is a carpenter by trade. John really works his butt off and always does good quality work for his clients. Why ? Because he has a vision of the future that keeps him motivated to work hard. This future is one where he meets a pretty girl, they fall in love and John decides he wants her to be his wife. By the time John is 27 years old, has saved up a impressive stash of money through the years of hard work he has put in, and he can now afford to buy a comfortable house in the burbs. So, one night, when he and his girl are having dinner with friends, John chooses the right moment to get down on one knee and "Pop the Question", offering his girlfriend a beautiful diamond ring. His girlfriend is overjoyed and accepts John's proposal The two are able to get married soon, because John can afford a good first home for them to move into. So, that's what I mean by the need to have a big, worthwhile goal for the future in mind - it gives you something to stive for - to work towards and that makes your life meaningful in the NOW, even though actually achieving the goal you have in mind may take 20 years. When your life has lots of meaning and purpose in it, you tend to be happy. Not necessarily LOL - happy; mostly just : "it's- good- to- be- alive" - happy It's when you don't have anything to look forward to - when you don't have anything to live for - that life becomes miserable or even unbearable.

One way that your life can loose meaning, is through the desecration and destruction of the pillars of your native culture and history. I have in mind, the way that themes from the "1619 Project" are being incorporated into the English and Social Studies curriculum of American Middle Schools and High Schools; along with the teaching of classes in "Diversity, Inclusion and Equity" materials. The "1619 Project" and most of what is taught in "Diversity, Inclusion and Equity" lessons have their roots in Marxist Critical Race Theory (CRT). CRT is virulently anti-White and anti-American. In their "Diversity, Inclusion and Equity" lessons, students are taught what is best described as unapologetic ANTI-WHITE RACISM. The first phase of these classes is desihned to bombard students with (what are claimed to be, or presented as) examples of widespread White racism in America. The objective is to indoctrinate them into the belief that all American Whites (and especially white males) are innately and iredeemably:BAD;OPPRESSIVE;CRUEL and RACIST - and that Blackness, because of its victim status is virtuous and innocent. This continues until an emotional rupture is provoked that brings the White students to "DISINTEGRATION" in which they experience intense White guilt and shame and admit "I feel bad for being White." As far as I am concern this is ideological subversion. It's targets are children and the method being used is a type of mind control whose goal is to immiserate them by destroying their self-respect and self-esteem. It is child abuse; it is utterly evil, and those responsible must be held to account.

The second attack on White American students in middle/high schools comes in the form of lessons that teach them to despise America. The background is as follows....In August of 2019, The New York Times Magazine published a series of essays called the "1619 Project" written by a Black Marxist named , Nikole Hannah Jones. The "1619 Project" was a revisionist history of the founding of America which argued that 1619, and not 1776, should be acknowledged as the true founding year of the United States. Hannah-Jones presents two main arguments: (1) Black Americans have been the only consistent contributors to American progress: culturally; economically and politically. (2) To quote Hannah - Jones: " Black Americans, as much as those men cast in alabastor in the nation's capital, are this nation's true Founding Fathers." Racial slavery, NOT "all men are created equal' was, she claims, the the true foundation of America. In May of 2020, Hannah- Jones was awarded the PULITZER PRIZE for the '1619 Project". This was, IMO, the equivalent of Barack Obama and Yassar Arafat receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, because the "1619 Project" has been thoroughly debunked and condemed as utter BULLSHIT by some of America's most respected academic historians whose speciality is the early history of America. Probably the most bizarre and outlandish claim Hannah Jones makes is that: the American Revolutionary War (1775 - 1783) was fought to protect slavery (??!!) Nikole Hannah-Jones is a cretin. She supported the toppling and vandalism of historic statutes during the riots of summer 2020 by lawless mobs, and for me, THAT SAYS IT ALL....


Unfortunately, the left have managed to inject the "1619 Project's" bogus history of America into almost 5,000 classrooms in all 50 states of America. As well as this hundreds of thousands of copies of her original New York Times Magazine "1619 Project" essays were made and distributed to museums, libraries and schools across America.

So, not only are White students in American schools being taught that they are despicable racists and evil human beings; they are also being taught that their country was founded in the moral gutter of slavery and has always been racist to it core (what the left currently calls: "structurally/systematically racist"), and White America has never achieved anything noble, honourable or virtuous.

How would you feel if you were a 13 or 14 year old White kid who went to school and had his teachers persistently ram into his head the fact that he was a piece of shit and so was his country ?

This is just an example of one problem America is trying to deal with at the moment; the country has been through a very traumatic period since 2016 and it's getting worse. There are lots of serious problems: political; cultural; economic, civic, etc; in the US today. AND I HAVE A PROPOSAL THAT I BELIEVE WOULD SORT MOST OF THEM OUT


I am absolutely convinced that the serious problems America has on its plate today are predominantly a result of out-of-control immigration of 3rd- world people of colour into the Union. I believe that this began with Lyndon Johnson in 1965 when his "Naturalisation and Immigration Act was passed. Given the long history of severe and irremediable, African-American dysfunction in the US, Johnson must have had rocks in his head opening the nation's floodgates to mass immigration from non-Western, developing countries. And now we have Biden allowing massive numbers of illegal immigrants from all over the world to pour across the Southern Border unhindered into America.

The issue of immigration is stressing out White Americans BIG TIME Which reminds me, I must spell out very clearly what I mean by a "White" person. A "White" person has white (pale) skin and in terms of their genetic make up, they are descended from the ancient Germanic races of Western Europe. Hence the term "White Westerner" In the case of America the first White settlers were the Puritans who arrived at Cape Cod from England in 1620. The Founding Fathers were also White men of English descent (The English are a GERMANIC RACE. BTW, Please don't post any half-assed remarks about the German Third Reich or Hitler if you do not understand the anthropological meaning of the term "Germanics Race/s")

White Americans are stressed because they know that by 2050 they will be outnumbered; mainly by Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos. A survey by the American Psychological Association: The 11th Stress in America Reports (2020) found that around 77% of White Americans are worried about the future of their country. One particular issue that caused them a lot of stress in this context was social divisiveness.

During the BLM summer riots, lots average law-abiding White Americans got a taste of "social divisiveness" a la modern-day South Africa. They were shocked to see violent Black Marxists rioting across the country with impunity: looting, burning, assaulting police (3,000 were injured), destroying property ($4 billion worth), vandalizing and toppling hisortical statues of heroes like George Washington and Christopher Colombus, intimidating random Whites by forcing them to subjugate themselves by "taking the knee" before black thugs.


There is a truth about human nature that is at the heart of the majority of America's current problems. If White America refuses to place it on the table for debate prompty it will die. The truth I am referring to is that IT IS A READILY OBSERVABLE AND SIMPLE REALITY THAT DIFFERENT RACES TO NOT GET ALONG. THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF HUMAN HISTORY TEACH THE SAME LESSON The reason is that there are inherent differences between racial groups that make co-existence impossible. THERE IS NO BLAME ASSIGNED IN SAYING THIS, IT IS SIMPLY A CHARACTERISTIC OF THE HUMAN CONDITION. If you like, we could use the term "irreconcilable differences" that lawyers cites as grounds for divorce. This topic is considered unacceptable for public discourse. Liberals (like Taichiliberal, Martin and Zappa's Guitar) seem to fear that acknowledging innate racial differences is the first step towards genocide.

But proposing an ethnostate avoids the problems. So long as White America makes it clear that SEPARATION WILL BE GRADUAL; INCREMENTAL; MUTUAL and VOLUNTARY, people will be more willing to accept it.

America is in the middle of an undeclared race war (that is, in my view, also the root cause of the current culture wars). To end a war, you have peace talks. We should focus on specifics: Who's going to get what ? Which counties in the US states should be for Whites ? Which ones for Blacks ? Which ones will be multiracial ? Let's get out our maps and start marking them up !

White ethnostates, along with corresponding Black ethnostates, Hispanic ethnostates, etc; cut off just about every complaint of unfairness by non-Whites. You can't discriminate against people you don't live with. If Ta-Nehisi Coates says White racism is incurable, this is the solution !

All races can talk about ethnostates in a positive and forward-looking way, without having to drag in tired discussions about the past or uncomfortable conversations about IQ. It's easier to call yourself a supporter of of a White ethnostate than, say, a White separatist, White advocate or identitarian. Because you support SOMETHING - you aren't YOURSELF something, and this depersonalises the conversation.

If non-Whites complain that White Americans "owe" them something or that they couldn't make it without us, they are conceding that White America is better at building and maintaining civilized societies. Of course, Blacks will almost certainly be worse of MATERIALLY anyway. But what about PSYCHOLOGICALLY ? Is the average African villager happier than a Black American man in state prison ?

Many Blacks support reparations, most Whites are opposed. But the ethnostate can include that issue. After all the billion - probablt trillions - Whites have spent on Blacks over the decades, they're probably willing to shell out a few more bucks to be finished with the problem.

Two quick final points...

(1) With ethnostates, instead of "segregated schools". America would have schools with CULTURAL INTEGRITY. While in the workplace there would be a complete obliteration of the antidiscrimination laws that have only made Whites miserable, and non-Whites scarcely better off.

(2) The criminal justice system is a major source of racial friction. Ethnostates would solve the problem. White police and White court systems would stop enforcing "White laws" against Blacks or Hispanics. Black police and court systems would handle offences by Blacks in a way they saw fit. You could be tried by a jury consisting of only your own race. There would have to be some kind of agreement on handling the increasingly rare case of crimes that cross racial lines.


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !:ausflag::usflag:

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You lost me at 'Ethno-States'.

This videoclip is just about a White American Ethnostate. In my proposal there woud also be Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, etc; American Ethnostates.


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
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I was thinking how NOW is the time that White America needs a concrete (and feasible) proposal for the future - something to look forward to. Life is pretty shitty if you are just existing day-to-day with no hopes or dreams - without having something big and wonderful (and "do-able) - A GOAL, that you can keep in mind and be working toward achieving in the future.

For example, imagine a young, American guy, John, who's 20 years old, and is a carpenter by trade. John really works his butt off and always does good quality work for his clients. Why ? Because he has a vision of the future that keeps him motivated to work hard. This future is one where he meets a pretty girl, they fall in love and John decides he wants her to be his wife. By the time John is 27 years old, has saved up a impressive stash of money through the years of hard work he has put in, and he can now afford to buy a comfortable house in the burbs. So, one night, when he and his girl are having dinner with friends, John chooses the right moment to get down on one knee and "Pop the Question", offering his girlfriend a beautiful diamond ring. His girlfriend is overjoyed and accepts John's proposal The two are able to get married soon, because John can afford a good first home for them to move into. So, that's what I mean by the need to have a big, worthwhile goal for the future in mind - it gives you something to stive for - to work towards and that makes your life meaningful in the NOW, even though actually achieving the goal you have in mind may take 20 years. When your life has lots of meaning and purpose in it, you tend to be happy. Not necessarily LOL - happy; mostly just : "it's- good- to- be- alive" - happy It's when you don't have anything to look forward to - when you don't have anything to live for - that life becomes miserable or even unbearable.

One way that your life can loose meaning, is through the desecration and destruction of the pillars of your native culture and history. I have in mind, the way that themes from the "1619 Project" are being incorporated into the English and Social Studies curriculum of American Middle Schools and High Schools; along with the teaching of classes in "Diversity, Inclusion and Equity" materials. The "1619 Project" and most of what is taught in "Diversity, Inclusion and Equity" lessons have their roots in Marxist Critical Race Theory (CRT). CRT is virulently anti-White and anti-American. In their "Diversity, Inclusion and Equity" lessons, students are taught what is best described as unapologetic ANTI-WHITE RACISM. The first phase of these classes is desihned to bombard students with (what are claimed to be, or presented as) examples of widespread White racism in America. The objective is to indoctrinate them into the belief that all American Whites (and especially white males) are innately and iredeemably:BAD;OPPRESSIVE;CRUEL and RACIST - and that Blackness, because of its victim status is virtuous and innocent. This continues until an emotional rupture is provoked that brings the White students to "DISINTEGRATION" in which they experience intense White guilt and shame and admit "I feel bad for being White." As far as I am concern this is ideological subversion. It's targets are children and the method being used is a type of mind control whose goal is to immiserate them by destroying their self-respect and self-esteem. It is child abuse; it is utterly evil, and those responsible must be held to account.

The second attack on White American students in middle/high schools comes in the form of lessons that teach them to despise America. The background is as follows....In August of 2019, The New York Times Magazine published a series of essays called the "1619 Project" written by a Black Marxist named , Nikole Hannah Jones. The "1619 Project" was a revisionist history of the founding of America which argued that 1619, and not 1776, should be acknowledged as the true founding year of the United States. Hannah-Jones presents two main arguments: (1) Black Americans have been the only consistent contributors to American progress: culturally; economically and politically. (2) To quote Hannah - Jones: " Black Americans, as much as those men cast in alabastor in the nation's capital, are this nation's true Founding Fathers." Racial slavery, NOT "all men are created equal' was, she claims, the the true foundation of America. In May of 2020, Hannah- Jones was awarded the PULITZER PRIZE for the '1619 Project". This was, IMO, the equivalent of Barack Obama and Yassar Arafat receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, because the "1619 Project" has been thoroughly debunked and condemed as utter BULLSHIT by some of America's most respected academic historians whose speciality is the early history of America. Probably the most bizarre and outlandish claim Hannah Jones makes is that: the American Revolutionary War (1775 - 1783) was fought to protect slavery (??!!) Nikole Hannah-Jones is a cretin. She supported the toppling and vandalism of historic statutes during the riots of summer 2020 by lawless mobs, and for me, THAT SAYS IT ALL....


Unfortunately, the left have managed to inject the "1619 Project's" bogus history of America into almost 5,000 classrooms in all 50 states of America. As well as this hundreds of thousands of copies of her original New York Times Magazine "1619 Project" essays were made and distributed to museums, libraries and schools across America.

So, not only are White students in American schools being taught that they are despicable racists and evil human beings; they are also being taught that their country was founded in the moral gutter of slavery and has always been racist to it core (what the left currently calls: "structurally/systematically racist"), and White America has never achieved anything noble, honourable or virtuous.

How would you feel if you were a 13 or 14 year old White kid who went to school and had his teachers persistently ram into his head the fact that he was a piece of shit and so was his country ?

This is just an example of one problem America is trying to deal with at the moment; the country has been through a very traumatic period since 2016 and it's getting worse. There are lots of serious problems: political; cultural; economic, civic, etc; in the US today. AND I HAVE A PROPOSAL THAT I BELIEVE WOULD SORT MOST OF THEM OUT


I am absolutely convinced that the serious problems America has on its plate today are predominantly a result of out-of-control immigration of 3rd- world people of colour into the Union. I believe that this began with Lyndon Johnson in 1965 when his "Naturalisation and Immigration Act was passed. Given the long history of severe and irremediable, African-American dysfunction in the US, Johnson must have had rocks in his head opening the nation's floodgates to mass immigration from non-Western, developing countries. And now we have Biden allowing massive numbers of illegal immigrants from all over the world to pour across the Southern Border unhindered into America.

The issue of immigration is stressing out White Americans BIG TIME Which reminds me, I must spell out very clearly what I mean by a "White" person. A "White" person has white (pale) skin and in terms of their genetic make up, they are descended from the ancient Germanic races of Western Europe. Hence the term "White Westerner" In the case of America the first White settlers were the Puritans who arrived at Cape Cod from England in 1620. The Founding Fathers were also White men of English descent (The English are a GERMANIC RACE. BTW, Please don't post any half-assed remarks about the German Third Reich or Hitler if you do not understand the anthropological meaning of the term "Germanics Race/s")

White Americans are stressed because they know that by 2050 they will be outnumbered; mainly by Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos. A survey by the American Psychological Association: The 11th Stress in America Reports (2020) found that around 77% of White Americans are worried about the future of their country. One particular issue that caused them a lot of stress in this context was social divisiveness.

During the BLM summer riots, lots average law-abiding White Americans got a taste of "social divisiveness" a la modern-day South Africa. They were shocked to see violent Black Marxists rioting across the country with impunity: looting, burning, assaulting police (3,000 were injured), destroying property ($4 billion worth), vandalizing and toppling hisortical statues of heroes like George Washington and Christopher Colombus, intimidating random Whites by forcing them to subjugate themselves by "taking the knee" before black thugs.


There is a truth about human nature that is at the heart of the majority of America's current problems. If White America refuses to place it on the table for debate prompty it will die. The truth I am referring to is that IT IS A READILY OBSERVABLE AND SIMPLE REALITY THAT DIFFERENT RACES TO NOT GET ALONG. THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF HUMAN HISTORY TEACH THE SAME LESSON The reason is that there are inherent differences between racial groups that make co-existence impossible. THERE IS NO BLAME ASSIGNED IN SAYING THIS, IT IS SIMPLY A CHARACTERISTIC OF THE HUMAN CONDITION. If you like, we could use the term "irreconcilable differences" that lawyers cites as grounds for divorce. This topic is considered unacceptable for public discourse. Liberals (like Taichiliberal, Martin and Zappa's Guitar) seem to fear that acknowledging innate racial differences is the first step towards genocide.

But proposing an ethnostate avoids the problems. So long as White America makes it clear that SEPARATION WILL BE GRADUAL; INCREMENTAL; MUTUAL and VOLUNTARY, people will be more willing to accept it.

America is in the middle of an undeclared race war (that is, in my view, also the root cause of the current culture wars). To end a war, you have peace talks. We should focus on specifics: Who's going to get what ? Which counties in the US states should be for Whites ? Which ones for Blacks ? Which ones will be multiracial ? Let's get out our maps and start marking them up !

White ethnostates, along with corresponding Black ethnostates, Hispanic ethnostates, etc; cut off just about every complaint of unfairness by non-Whites. You can't discriminate against people you don't live with. If Ta-Nehisi Coates says White racism is incurable, this is the solution !

All races can talk about ethnostates in a positive and forward-looking way, without having to drag in tired discussions about the past or uncomfortable conversations about IQ. It's easier to call yourself a supporter of of a White ethnostate than, say, a White separatist, White advocate or identitarian. Because you support SOMETHING - you aren't YOURSELF something, and this depersonalises the conversation.

If non-Whites complain that White Americans "owe" them something or that they couldn't make it without us, they are conceding that White America is better at building and maintaining civilized societies. Of course, Blacks will almost certainly be worse of MATERIALLY anyway. But what about PSYCHOLOGICALLY ? Is the average African villager happier than a Black American man in state prison ?

Many Blacks support reparations, most Whites are opposed. But the ethnostate can include that issue. After all the billion - probablt trillions - Whites have spent on Blacks over the decades, they're probably willing to shell out a few more bucks to be finished with the problem.

Two quick final points...

(1) With ethnostates, instead of "segregated schools". America would have schools with CULTURAL INTEGRITY. While in the workplace there would be a complete obliteration of the antidiscrimination laws that have only made Whites miserable, and non-Whites scarcely better off.

(2) The criminal justice system is a major source of racial friction. Ethnostates would solve the problem. White police and White court systems would stop enforcing "White laws" against Blacks or Hispanics. Black police and court systems would handle offences by Blacks in a way they saw fit. You could be tried by a jury consisting of only your own race. There would have to be some kind of agreement on handling the increasingly rare case of crimes that cross racial lines.


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !:ausflag::usflag:


The moment I read those first three words, I knew this was satire...that you were just fucking around.

Okay. Anything for a laugh.
Yes, I've long proposed ethno states on US soils..

the Capitalists & Globalist Jews in America have brainwashed too many idiots.

Value the cheap labor & or destructio of multiculturalism. .
So move to Norway, Nazi.

I thought the same thing. What's interesting though is NY Times columnist Charles Blow recently suggested black people move from Northern Cities down to a state like Georgia where they could be a majority, take political power and run the state to benefit their interests.

Ultimately people are free to move and live where they want (as long as they can afford it) but this isn't America of 1900 where the country was mostly black and white and limited inter racial dating (easier to seperate). The country is too diverse and intermingled to try that today.
Yes, I've long proposed ethno states on US soils..

the Capitalists & Globalist Jews in America have brainwashed too many idiots.

Value the cheap labor & or destructio of multiculturalism. .

Yes, I've long proposed ethno states on US soils..

the Capitalists & Globalist Jews in America have brainwashed too many idiots.

Value the cheap labor & or destructio of multiculturalism. .

The Polish nation IS an ethnostate.

Poland has its issues, but it is certainly is not degenerating apace into a 3rd-world shit-hole.

America, OTOH is unravelling.

All of America's current problems (and it has some whoppers !) stem from mass coloured Third-World immigration.

Forming ethnostates is the only way I can see for the US to survive as an advanced Western nation (Nietzsche would agree).


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter
The Polish nation IS an ethnostate.

Poland has its issues, but it is certainly is not degenerating apace into a 3rd-world shit-hole.

America, OTOH is unravelling.

All of America's current problems (and it has some whoppers !) stem from mass coloured Third-World immigration.

Forming ethnostates is the only way I can see for the US to survive as an advanced Western nation (Nietzsche would agree).


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter

A Black ethno state would solve discriminatory issues Leftists complain about.

Like a Black police force, Black businesses, Black managers etc. wouldn't be discriminatory towards Blacks.

Same with anti Black hate crimes would go down to nothing.

It would also secure Blacks from extinction due to mass immigration & miscegenation.

It just doesn't make sense to try the same cr@p over & over again which doesn't work.

This videoclip is just about a White American Ethnostate. In my proposal there woud also be Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, etc; American Ethnostates.


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !

America is Mixed Race. You're not going to turn that back.
If that's how you feel, you should probably leave now. :)

Anybody who supports the USA to become all like Puerto Rico.

Tri racial & Spanish speaking.

Of course, most of all I fault White Protestants who were long a majority who let this happen.

You people are complete savages.

You're tearing down numerous American cultures with you including Jewish Americans, Native Americans, African Americans, White Catholic Americans & White Protestant Americans.

No concept of reality.

Just stupid Individualist savages.