He was not but he also ran for Governor, not local office which is what I was discussing.

Cawack: "For starters there are basically no Republicans who even run for elected office here"
Jack: My apologies. I interpreted 'here' as 'California'. My mistake.

I was thinking how NOW is the time that White America needs a concrete (and feasible) proposal for the future - something to look forward to. Life is pretty shitty if you are just existing day-to-day with no hopes or dreams - without having something big and wonderful (and "do-able) - A GOAL, that you can keep in mind and be working toward achieving in the future.

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !:ausflag::usflag:

Did you score an "A" when you submitted this to Writing Fiction 101, Dachsieweenie?
America is Mixed Race. You're not going to turn that back.

Are you referring to "mixed race" in the context of miscegenation ?

If so, I disagree. I think that only a relatively small proportion of America's population would be of "mixed blood". I'm trying to be PC, so as not to offend anyone, but an example of a mixed -race individual, in the sense I am using the term, could be a person whose father was a pure-blood African Negro and whose mother who was a native, White Englishwoman. This individual would have brown -coloured skin, and in the old days was known as a "mulatto". If this "mulatto" individual is a woman who, in turn, had a child with a native White Englishman, the child would be one quarter black (genetically speaking) and was formerly referred to as a "quadroon."

Anyway, I will check out the US Census Statistics to see if they provide any data on the demographics of mixed-race citizens in America. My hunch is that the percentage of the US population of 330,000,000 or so, who identify as mixed-race would be quite low (?)


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
Are you referring to "mixed race" in the context of miscegenation ?

If so, I disagree. I think that only a relatively small proportion of America's population would be of "mixed blood". I'm trying to be PC, so as not to offend anyone, but an example of a mixed -race individual, in the sense I am using the term, could be a person whose father was a pure-blood African Negro and whose mother who was a native, White Englishwoman. This individual would have brown -coloured skin, and in the old days was known as a "mulatto". If this "mulatto" individual is a woman who, in turn, had a child with a native White Englishman, the child would be one quarter black (genetically speaking) and was formerly referred to as a "quadroon."

Anyway, I will check out the US Census Statistics to see if they provide any data on the demographics of mixed-race citizens in America. My hunch is that the percentage of the US population of 330,000,000 or so, who identify as mixed-race would be quite low (?)


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !

I'm suggesting that other Ethnic groups like Filipinos, Japanese, Vietnamese, Jews, Pakistani, Africans are inter-marrying with the typical WASP American and producing a 'mixed race' future for the US.
Western Europeans are shyt people, okay.

You went berserk looting & shooting other cultures in racial genocide.

You now go berserk supporting minorities looting & shooting your own cultures in racial suicide.

You people are bad news.

In both cases you support destruction of countless cultures in the process.

Doesn't matter if it's White power or White guilt you people do the wrong thing over & over again.

Neitzsche is not a good advertisement for pure "Polish blood", Nikodem, because in January 1889, at a relatively young age, "The Great Affirmer" collapsed in the street, and when he was helped to his feet, he was utterly barking mad with Dementia Praecox (raving, "disorganized" schizophrenia). In fact, Nietzsche was so crazy he was confined to a room most of the time, and couldn't even wipe his own butt for the last 10 or so years of his life ?


Dachshund Lives Matter !
Right. And living in Copenhagen for a year might change yours, Jack.

If Jack is a true, red-blooded, Yankee boy- (a real live nephew of his "Uncle Sam") - he'd LOVE to spend a year in Copenhagen ! Why ? Because there are heaps of hot, Blonde, buxom Nordic chix there, and being an American, they would find him very interesting. If he played his cards right, was nice to them, and told the Hottie local girls all about the USA, they would no doubt give him lots of (Ahem !) "special attention" in return !


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !
Did you score an "A" when you submitted this to Writing Fiction 101, Dachsieweenie?

Well CHRISTIEFANNY - (YANKEE DOODLE), I suppose I'm not very competent when it comes to writing fiction - because I only ever speak the truth.

As far as the Western literary canon is concerned, I do enjoy reading a number of poets ( all "DEAD WHITE (ENGLISH) MALES", I'm afraid !) So I have included a poem in this post. It's just dogerral, but that's all a Dachshund dog can do !

On the topic of poetry my hero is Percy Shelly, the boy genius, who is now officially recognised as England's greatest ever lyric poet ( Before you object, Shakespeare was/is the greatest ever dramatic ( not lyric) poet in the English language. Shelley's wife Mary (nee Wollstonecroft) was only 19 years - old when she wrote the novel "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Promethius" in 1818 I first read it in my early 20's purely because Mary was Shelley's wife. I didn't think women could write because I went to a traditional Anglican all - boys grammar school where it was impossible not to be indoctrinated with some very bad patriarchal (sexist) beliefs (!) Anyway, when I took up "Frankenstein" I knew 20 minutes after I started reading the book that it was a masterpiece. I also remember being shocked/ stunned; I kept thinking to myself for days after I had finished reading the novel (written by a teenage girl !): "How could a young woman have written this (?); it's brilliant - this novel is a magnificent work of art ! You see, we had always been taught that women were governed mostly by emotion, that they were all relatively irrational, while the converse was the case for men. (And) that is why men had a responsibility to to keep their wives on a short tether and set firm (rational) rules for their behaviour because they were like children - that is, they were ruled by their (volatile and often intense) emotions and moods and were therfore liable to get themselves into trouble by doing something stupid !

The Democrats have always been bad. They caused the Civil War which cost 600,000 odd American lives. The Democrats were the Party of: slavery; Black Codes; Jim Crow and that loathsome terrorist excrescence - the Ku Klux Klan. The current Democrat Party is controlled by Marxists who are hell-bent on completely destroying America, so they are not just bad, they are EVIL (i.e; profoundly immoral) It goes without saying that the pathetic puppet Biden and the hard-left cabal who animate him are liars, are corrupt, are cheaters and Janus-faced tricksters like their mentor Barack Obama, the treasonous "Ace of Spades". I am shocked to the core by the fact that you (a personable, White, Yankee girl who is an animal lover) have thrown in your lot with this snake-pit of Democrat Marxists/socialists devils !....


The Democrats went down to Georgis, Wisconsin,Michegan, Nevada, Arizona and Pa

They was lookin' for votes to steal

With Biden in a bind bein' way behind

With the Devil they made a deal

And when they came across this great man winnin' the election by a lot

He said, " For 47 years it's perfectly clear you aint done Diddly Squat."

Old Joe put on a lid then went and hid

And he kept his gaffe-trap shut

He never jumped up on a campaign stump

But boy let me tell you what...

The Dems didn't care they made a dare,

And evil plan to screw

Once again our President

An attempt at another coup

Joe said...

"Donald Trump you think you're good

But give Old Joe his due

I'll bet Chinese gold against

The country's soul that

I get more votes than you."

Trump said....

" I'm the President

And you aint playin' straight

And I'll take your bet

You're gonna regret


Donnie rally up your base, your lawyers and bodyguards

Coz Hell's broke loose with the voting

Maybe it's NAMR, maybe SCORECARD

If you win, you'll get to send "Quid Pro Joe" to jail

So you can't lose or

The socialists take control !

Biden opened up his hole and said, "I'll start this show"

And babble flew from his lips, he said, "C'Mon man, you got to go"

He pulled his mask up on his face

And continued to persist

Unintelligible gibberish

And it sounded something like this....

* "It's a right for people to

have Baddakakaffkare."

* " I'll lead an effective strategy to mobilise

Quenruenman - action overdah pressure."

* "I think I'm going to try very hard to, it is, by the way- I shouldn't be starting off

the negotiating in public here, there's places where - the rebuilding of Syria, uh, of Libya,,,"


When Old Joe finished, Trump said...

"You're pretty bad ol' son...

Sit down there in your rocking chair

And I'll prove what's being done."

1:00 AM Trump's ahead everywhere

Then millions of votes magically appear

Each one went to "Creepy Joe"

Coincidence ? NO HELL NO !!

Joe Biden bowed his head - Oh wait, it looks like he fell asleep !

As Team Trump laid those stolen ballots on the ground at Old Joe's feet

Trump said....

"Sleepy Joe, you're never gonna run again

Coz I told you once, actually for months

I'm the best President there's ever been."

Trump's way ahead when I went to bed

And a so-called "glitch" at 3:00 AM

And every single vote for Joe ?



DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter ! :ausflag::usflag:
Last edited:
Well CHRISTIEFANNY - (YANKEE DOODLE), I suppose I'm not very competent when it comes to writing fiction - because I only ever speak the truth.

As far as the Western literary canon is concerned, I do enjoy reading a number of poets ( all "DEAD WHITE (ENGLISH) MALES", I'm afraid !) So I have included a poem in this post. It's just dogerral, but that's all a Dachshund dog can do !

On the topic of poetry my hero is Percy Shelly, the boy genius, who is now officially recognised as England's greatest ever lyric poet ( Before you object, Shakespeare was/is the greatest ever dramatic ( not lyric) poet in the English language. Shelley's wife Mary (nee Wollstonecroft) was only 19 years - old when she wrote the novel "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Promethius" in 1818 I first read it in my early 20's purely because Mary was Shelley's wife. I didn't think women could write because I went to a traditional Anglican all - boys grammar school where it was impossible not to be indoctrinated with some very bad patriarchal (sexist) beliefs (!) Anyway, when I took up "Frankenstein" I knew 20 minutes after I started reading the book that it was a masterpiece. I also remember being shocked/ stunned; I kept thinking to myself for days after I had finished reading the novel (written by a teenage girl !): "How could a young woman have written this (?); it's brilliant - this novel is a magnificent work of art ! You see, we had always been taught that women were governed mostly by emotion, that they were all relatively irrational, while the converse was the case for men. (And) that is why men had a responsibility to to keep their wives on a short tether and set firm (rational) rules for their behaviour because they were like children - that is, they were ruled by their (volatile and often intense) emotions and moods and were therfore liable to get themselves into trouble by doing something stupid !

<snip drivel>

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter ! :ausflag::usflag:

I'm impressed Shelley is your hero, Dachsieweenie. I had you pegged as more of a "There once was a girl from Nantucket..." limerick lover.

I presume you were under the influence from your second paragraph and onward. Therefore I won't chastise you for your wrong ideas about Dems and especially for writing a poem that doesn't scan and doesn't always rhyme. A little more Shelley, a little less Alex Jones the next time. You made a good try at it but I'll have to grade it D+. Sober up, and better luck next time!
I'm impressed Shelley is your hero, Dachsieweenie. I had you pegged as more of a "There once was a girl from Nantucket..." limerick lover.

I presume you were under the influence from your second paragraph and onward. Therefore I won't chastise you for your wrong ideas about Dems and especially for writing a poem that doesn't scan and doesn't always rhyme. A little more Shelley, a little less Alex Jones the next time. You made a good try at it but I'll have to grade it D+. Sober up, and better luck next time!

A little more Shelley?

Unfortunately I am not a freak geniuus, so I cannot write a love poem for you :) a la Shelley. So here's here's some Shelley gossip for you, intead, that you might find interesting ?

I was obsessed with Percy Shelley's poetry when I was in my early 20's. My father was an English lecturer, who specialised in the 2nd generation Romantics, and there were always books scattered everywhere about the house. I remember one weekend when I was home on vacation from university how it was raining "cats and dogs" and I was stuck inside the house. I eventually got so bored, that I picked up on of my father's literary paperbacks at random and started to skim through it. I had always thought my his academic interests were deadly dull and, pretty much, pure BS ( I was studying pharmacology/organic chemistry etc at Uni, and I thought the Humanities were a wank). My own literary tastes( and repertoire) at the time did not extend much beyond "Playboy" magazine - which is not to disparage "Playboy" magazine, because Donald Trump is a big fan, and Trump is a political genius (Seriously !). Anyway, as I was leafing through my, father's book,(on that rainy weekend), which happened to be a volume of literary criticism devoted to some period of Shelley's career as a poet, I came across a small poem. I was conspuous, because it was framed by thick, blank, white borders on the page. Because it was short I decided to read it (I couldn't have been bothered reading through anything too long). Here's that poem...


'Music, when soft voices die

Vibrates in the memory -

Odours, when the violets sicken[/B

Live within the sense they quicken]

Rose leaves, when the rose is dead

Are heaped for the beloved's bed;

And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone

Love itself shall slumber on.

Here is another set of verses from Shelley's poem "Epipsychideion" that I thought were mind-blowing when I was a kid....

On hope within two will, one will beneath

Two overshadowing minds, one life, one death

One Heaven, one Hell, one immortality

And one annihilation. Woe is me

The winged words on which my soul would pierce

Into the height of love's rare universe

Are chains of lead around its flight of fire

I pant, I sink, I trembe, I expire

(Pretty amazing stuff, Right Christyfanny !?)

So that's how I first got hooked on Shelley (I still am, I guess). In the mid-1980's I read Richard Holme's groundbreaking biography of Shelley called : "Shelley - The Pursuit" and I could not believe any human being had lived such a super-charged, extreme, passionate, daring existence. If you haven't read this biography I can thoroughly recommend it - it's an absolutely thrilling read. Richard Holmes was a first - rate literary scholar based at Oxford University when he wrote this biography, so the attention to factual detail is spectacular. This biography was first published in England in 1975, and soon became a bestseller ( If you're interested in reading it you should definitely be able to get yourself a copy through "Amazon" or "Ebay" for $3 or $4 bucks).

There one interesting and profoundly important aspect of Shelley's life that Richard Holmes - as a literary scholar - did not mention in his biography. I'm sure he was fully aware of this fact, but he evidently had his own reasons for not revealing it; namely, the fact that Percy Byssche: the attractive young man with "wild, intellectual, unearthly" good looks, the notorious and prolific womanizer was actually Bisexual. Bisexual is a technical "scientific" term", however, and while Percy Shelley did have physical/penetrative sexual intercourse with both males and females ,"Gay", might be a better way to describe Shelley's sexuality. Why ? Because Shelley never LOVED any woman. He did not love any of the many different women with whom he had sexual affairs. When I say, "love" I'm referring to ROMANTIC LOVE, not to love as agape or Platonic or any other form.

Shelley was never involved in a Romantic love affaire with any woman. When I say this, I'm using the standard definition of "Romantic love", which is the experience of a deep emotional attachment (characterised by feelings of intimacy, compassion, kindness, caring, appreciation, etc;) that are non-sexual/non-carnal in nature) MIXED/BLENDED with a passionate (sexual/erotic) desire and typically involving penetrative (or other modes of) physical sexual intercourse between two people. (Some would say "say "two or more people", though if they are thinking of something like one of Caligula or Nero's Roman orgies, I do not believe not these drunken bacchanals were organized to celebrate true, Romantic love.; if anyone wants to point out that it's possible for one person to be engaged in a legitimately romantic love affaire with two or more individuals - for instance one man conducting two bone fide romantic love affairs with two different girls at the same time, I'd have to say "I very much doubt that this happens very often", at least in Western society, ( though I must confess I believe that with human beings anything is possible in terms of their interpersonal relationships !

Hollywood used to be good at making movies that specialised in creating idealized representations of heterosexual, romantic love. Like the romantic love that Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford had for each other in that wonderful (1973/US) film They Way We Were" or in "Casablanca" (1942) where Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergmann are caught up in a truly romantic love affair, or ("Gone with the Wind" (1939) where we have Clarke Gable and Vivien Leigh - fall in love in one of the silver- screen's most unforgettable romances. But I heard recently that the American left have banned this movie as it breaches some ridiculuous politically correct racial ukase; and this is perfect example of the dangerous studidity of the modern American Marxist left. To prohibit the public screening of a great work of art, like "Gone with the Wind" on some spurious political ground/s, is effectively to destroy it. It is like some vandal smashing Michaelangelo's Statue of David to pieces with a hammer today, so that the generations to come will be unable admire its exquisite beauty. The left are very good at destroying things of great worth; things that are the expression of centuries of slow, hard-fought, cultural evolution - but they are very bad at creating them. In fact, all they ever create is decay, filth, misery and death.

Shelley died in 1822, he was only 29 years old when his lifeless body was washed up on a beach Italy. He is believed to have drowned in the Bay of Spezia (Shelley could not swim) after a boating accident. With Shelley on the boat was his then lover Edward Williams, whose drowned and decayed corpse was also washed up on a nearby beach a few weeks after Shelley's body was discovered. The exact circumstances of this boating tragedy still remain a mystery. Some say that Shelley's boat was scuppered by a storm, others speculate that pirates may have killed the two, but there has never been any kind of conclusive evidence bought forward to solve the riddle of what exactly happened on the Don Juan the day Shelley and Williams drowned in the Bay of Spezia. For what it is worth, my own opinion is that Shelley and Williams deaths by drowning was the result of a suicide pact between the two lovers. There are dark hints of this in Shelley's poem "Epipsychideon" (1821) written shortly before he died (in 1822) and also in some of his philosophical writings on the subject of love.

After Percy Shelley's death in 1822, Mary Godwin Shelley (his wife) and Lady Jane Shelley (Percy's daughter-in-law) attempted to transform Shelley into the image of a Victorian angel - an exemplar of respectability and convention for posterity. That is, into the very opposite of what he truly was: a wild "free spirit", a pagan/atheist, a revolutionary spiriit a rebel who railed against the strictures and injustices of the conservative English establishment/status quo of his time, AND a gay man The two women thoroughly bowlerized his work, and assiduously destroyed any pages from Shelley's diaries, manuscripts and letters that contained any evidence of thoughts or conduct that violated the norms of Regency/Victorian morality or the manners and mores of polite society of the times . Anthing they discovered among his personal papers which even vaguely alluded to his homoerotic nature or to his participating in gay sex (sodomitical behaviour with other men) was ripped out and destroyed as a priority. So, in consequence, the picture of Shelley we receive in memoirs and biographies that were written about him in the Victorian era are distored and present him as an ethereal cherub, who nobly devoted his life to writing beautiful lyric poetry.

Destroying any "dangerous" content in Shelley's diaries, letters, manuscripts, drafts and other such personal documents, was a priority for Mary Shelley and Lady Jane, because Shelley died in 1822 during the English Regency era. Technically-speaking, the Regency is usually defined, by historians as the period between 1795 and 1836. During this time, sodomy (anal sex) was still a capitol offence in England and Wales. Sodomy (penetrative anal sex) first became a criminal offence punishable by death during the time of King Henry VIII when his parliament passed the "Buggary Act 1533". The "Buggary Act 1533" defined buggary as an unnatural sexual act against the will of God and man. The court of the time defined buggary to include only anal penetration (sodomy) and bestiality. In any case Sodomy remained a capitol offense in England until 1861.

During the Regency period, the English public were, generally speaking, intensely homophobic, the Victorians who came after them also condemned sodomy ( in terms of the law, sodomy meant penetrative anal sex either between a man and a woman or between on man and another. Despite this, the public in Shelley's time and in the years after his death (in 1822) up to 1861 when the law in Englandand changed and sodomy was taken off the list of Capitol offences, and indeed even throughout much of the 20th century regarded sodomy (anal sex) "an abominable and detestable vice - a horror that "dared not speak its name. During Shelley's life time, the death sentence for sodomy, was not "academic" in the sense of being an outdated law from the 1500's that was "still on the books" though should be repealed. (For example, in Cleveland (US) it is, in 2021, still against the law for women to wear patent leather shoes in public, because the shiny surfaces of the shoes might afford nearby gentlemen an unintentional peepshop; this law was created in the 18th century and is still applied today; obviously it should be rescinded, but there are heaps of outdated old laws like this and the job of officially weeding them out off the books would take a lot of time and effort, so no one does it.) This wasn't the case with the law against sodomy in the Regency period and the Victorian era (up to 1861). Sodomy was a capitol offense and convicted sodomites were indeed put to death. During the Regency some 440 capitol sentences were handed down by English courts and around 40 men and boys were hanged for sodomy. For a member of the English upper class to publicly appear in an English court charged with sodomy, mean that even if the person were were acquitted of the crime, their lives would no longer be worth living. The taint of association with such an "inexpressibly horrid and vile" act means you would be CANCELLED (as in today's "cancel culture") BIG TIME and for life

So, getting back to Shelley...Even though he was married twice with children, there is precious little evidence that he was actually erotically attracted to women. In addition, he was forced into both
of his marriages. Shelley was only 19- years- old when he met his first wife Harriet Westbrook - who was a 16- year- old pupil at the same Clapham boarding school as his sister Helen. After meeting Shelley through his sister, Harriet fell madly in love with him Shelley had a histrionic personality, he was extremely, animated, entertaining and engaging, he was also intelligent and wittly and he had very delicate, refined, almost "feminine" good looks. Harriet was was an attractive English girl with blue eyes and fair( native) English features. At the time she crossed paths with Shelley, she was (she told him) suffering miserably at her boarding school; and she eventually threatened suicide if Shelley would not rescue her from the pain of her tormented heart and her internment at the hated Clapham boarding school. Shelley evidently took Harriet's threat of suicide very seriously - ( Harriet did eventually commit suicide, BTW, her heavily pregnant, and decomposing corpse was dragged from the Serpentine river in 1816, after she had decided to end her life by drowning (this was a common method of suicide for distressed young women in London during the 19th century). She had killed herself on account of the tremendous sadness and misery that Shelley's cruel and callous behaviour had bought to her life.

Mary Godwin, Shelley's second wife, was a plain-looking, bookish and intelligent girl (who was aged 16 when she first met Shelley). Mary like Harriet Westbrook became infatuated, and fell madly in love with him when he began to regularly visit her father, the renouned English Anarchist political philosopher, William Godwin (one of Shelley's idols) at the Godwin family home in Skinner Street, London. Mary's mother was the, firebrand, pioneering feminist philosopher, Mary Woolstonecroft, a radical leftist who known as the mother of the modern feminist movent ( cf "AVindication of the Rights of Women." Mary Woolstonecroft died of purpurea just 11 days after giving birth to Mary, and for years Mary had been in the habit of regularly visited her tomb in the churchyard of Old St Pancras Church (from memory, there is a Tube Station there today). Not long after Mary Godwin became besotted with Shelley, she invited him to accompany her on the visits she made to her mother's grave. This, in itself was clearly an expression of intimacy on Mary's part. But on one occasion, Mary suddenly vomited forth a torrent of love all over Shelley while they were stood at her mother's grave. Legend (Mary Shelley's "Memoirs") has it that this incident took place on June 27th, 1814, and that Shelley took her virginity then and there on top of her mother's tomb stone. Mary Shelley wrote in her "Memoirs" that Shelley declared himself" at her mother's grave on this date. Which means Shelley, "declarared" his undying, passionate (etc) love to her at the tomb. But there's no way that happened, it was Mary who blathered out a desperate stream of sticky-sweet love for the young Shelley. Mary lied, because in Victorian times, when her recollection of life with Shelley were published, it was regarded as extremely "unlady-like" for a woman to "make the first move" on a gentleman she fancied (It still is in the West, even today, isn't it ? I mean. I mean most women expect men to woo them, don't they? Modern women in the West don't TYPICALLY "throw themselves" at single men they find attractive, do they? What happened is that Shelley was was an egoist fabbergasted and extremently flattered by Mary's expression of love, and must have found the whole idea of such a love to tittilating to refuse. Shelley, also, as I mentioned was very histrionic in terms of his personality. He was a major "Drama Queen" or should I say "Drama King" throughout his life - a natural-born master of the overblown "grand gesture"; that his why after Mary spewed out her love for him at her mother's tomb - Shelley dramatically ravished her then and there on top of her mother's tomestone, intoxicated with" passionate love" he had been unable to restrain himself - taking her virginity, (Hollywood -style). The truth is that of all the persons Shelley had had sex with during his life - male and female - he only ever had ONE truly great and abiding love - and that was for HIMSELF. His ego was WAY over-inflated, similar to ego's of many Hollywood prima donnas we see today, drawing the public's eyes to themselves by making emotional political speeches that champion the cause of peace - love- freedom- equality - justice a la Karl Marx Blinded by their own vanity and self-obsession they never come to realizes that they are nothing more than lurid icons of Western Capitalism - "Barbie Dolls", with lots of cash and their own private jet planes

To continue....

Shelley was very unhappy in both of his marriages; and he left an unbelievavle trail of devastation and tragedy in the wake of each. For instance, in a letter he wrote to his close friend Thomas Jefferson Hogg in 1814, he lamented:

"I saw the full extent of the calamity which my rash and heartless union with Harriet (Westbrooke)...had produced. I felt as if a dead and living body had been linked together in loathsome and horrible communion."

Equally, Shelley's relationship (and forced marriage to) Mary Godwin was unhappy - who manifested her own lesbianism after Shelley's premature death - was unhappy. For at least 2 years of their marriage Shelley avoided Mary and slept on the sofa. We know their union was miserable because in 1835 Mary wrote to her close friend Edward Trelawney recalling the years of lonliness that followed Shelley's death (in 1822), saying:

"I was so ready to give myself away - and being afraid of men - I was apt to get for women."

The expression "Tousy-Mousy" is derived from the mid-17th century, English saying "Tuzzy-Muzzy" which was used as a slang term for vagina.So when she says she was feeling "Tousy-Mousy", Mary means she was feeling the desire to seek sexual gratification from other women, and this was no doubt largely driven by her experience of being married to Shelley (a male). Shortly after Shelley's death, Mary did in fact have a sexual relationship with a woman called Jane Williams. Jane, in turn was the widow of Edward Williams who had drowned with Shelley. They were both on the same boat, and to complicate matters, Edward Williams and Shelley were lovers when they died.:whoa::whoa:

Nevertheless, Shelley's one great and true love was probably Thomas Jefferson Hogg, whom he first met when he was an 18 year-old student at Oxford University. His letters to Hogg wherein he declares his (romantic) love for him contain more passionate writing than most of his poetry. Here's one example...

"You have chosen me, and we are inseparable...Are you not whom I love?...If I thought we were to be long parted, I should be wretchedly miserable - half mad !...Will you come; will you share my fortunes, enter into my schemes, love me as I love you, be inseparable, as once I fondly hoped we were?...Oh, How I have loved you ! I was even ashamed to tell you how !...Why did I leave you ?I have never doubted you - you the brother of my souls, the object of my vivid interest; the theme of my impassioned panegyric."

And here's some verse Shelley addressed to Hogg which is pretty red-hot !!

"SOFT, my dearest angel stay,

Oh, suck my soul away,

Suck on, suck on, I glow, I glow !

Tides of maddening passion roll,

And streams of rupture drown my soul

Now give me one more billing kiss,

Let your lips now repeat the bliss,

Endless kisses steal my breath,

No life can equal such a death."

These verses describe Hogg sodomising Shelley then performing fellatio on him until he reaches orgasm. The "streams of rupture" are the fluid/flowing in- and- out sling motion of Hogg's penis penetrating (rupturing) Shelley's butt-hole. "Let your lips now repeat the bliss" means Hogg is now exhorted by Shelly to "finish him off" by sucking his weenie. Death" in the linal line of verse is a metaphor for orgasm.

It's pretty ribald stuff, IMO :whoa: :whoa: (enough to make a sailor blush !!)

Here are two final examples of Shelley's homosexuality (i.e. his inherent romantic/homoerotic love for males)...

As far as Shelley's relationship with Lord Byron is concerned, it's no secret that they were lovers at some point. This was confirmed about 10 years ago when a memoir written by Clair Clairmont (Mary Shelley's half-sister). The memoir reveals that she had a sexual relationship with Shelley which resulted in her becoming pregnant and giving birth to a child

Would you like to hear something interesting about "The Haunted Summer" of 1816 where: Percy Shelley; Mary Shelley; Claire Clairmont and Dr John Polidori spent many nights with Lord Byron inside his expansive "Villa Diodati" on the shore of Lake Geneva in Switzerland ? It was here that Mary Shelley was inspired to dream up her famous Frankenstine monster. The made a movie about the five Romantics socialising in Byron's mansion on Lake Geneva in 1986, "Gothic" in 1986. The film was an English production, so the characterisations of Lord Byron, Percy Shelley and Mary, etc; are excellent, the costuming and attention to historical detail in general are all superb - the English have always been masters of the period drama. I'm told it's possible to download just about any movie from a lap-top/computer to watch (free of charge) these days. If so, and you are interested in Shelley and Mary. Byron and the ethos of the 2nd Romantic movement in the Regency era, I can reccommend this movie to you (?)

"The movie "Gothic" was no doubt researched from the scholarly history texts or authoritative biographies that had been published to up to 1986. They tend to be quite conservative because they were limited to using original sources like those diaries, memoranda, letters, notes, drafts for poems, that still existed. In the case of Percy Shelley and Lord Byron, after they died anything they had written that was deemed to have the potential to outrage public morality, was bowdlerized, destroyed or erased from the text it appeared in and so on. Equally, while they were alive, Shelley, Byron (and no doubt many other now - famous Romantic poets used written code,(and other devices) to disguise references in their work to sexually immoral behaviour.

Here are some facts about Lord Byron, Percy Shelley and Mary Shelley, that most people are not really aware of.

(1) Lord Byron

Lord Byron (George Gordon) was bisexual, this is no longer in serious dispute; it's just that academics are reluctant to write about it because the existing, written references Byron made to his homosexuality were written in code By bisexual, I mean he had sexual relationships with males (his preference was for adolescent boys, but he did also have sex with male adults) and he also sexual intercourse with girls and young women. Byron, however did NOT LOVE women, he only loved males. This isn't hard to understand; for instance a man who is 100% heterosexual might feel the urge to have a F**K and "and get the dirty water off his chest", so he goes to a local brothel,pays for a 20 minute quickie with a tart, and when it's all over, he's aware that LOVE was not a part of the equation, "Love" - it goes without saying - played no role in what he just did. With the value of hindsight he ruefully appreciates that he could have saved himself $100 bucks by staying home and having a wank (using a twerking Mylie Cyrus as a masturbation fantasy) !



DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
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A little more Shelley?
Unfortunately I am not a freak genius, so I cannot write a love poem for you :) a la Shelley. So here's here's some Shelley gossip for you, intead, that you might find interesting ?

I was obsessed with Percy Shelley's poetry when I was in my early 20's. My father was an English lecturer, who specialised in the 2nd generation Romantics, and there were always books scattered everywhere about the house. I remember one weekend when I was home on vacation from university how it was raining "cats and dogs" and I was stuck inside the house. I eventually got so bored, that I picked up on of my father's literary paperbacks at random and started to skim through it. I had always thought my his academic interests were deadly dull and, pretty much, pure BS ( I was studying pharmacology/organic chemistry etc at Uni, and I thought the Humanities were a wank). My own literary tastes( and repertoire) at the time did not extend much beyond "Playboy" magazine - which is not to disparage "Playboy" magazine, because Donald Trump is a big fan, and Trump is a political genius (Seriously !). Anyway, as I was leafing through my, father's book,(on that rainy weekend), which happened to be a volume of literary criticism devoted to some period of Shelley's career as a poet, I came across a small poem. I was conspuous, because it was framed by thick, blank, white borders on the page. Because it was short I decided to read it (I couldn't have been bothered reading through anything too long). Here's that poem...


'Music, when soft voices die
Vibrates in the memory -

Odours, when the violets sicken
Live within the sense they quicken]

Rose leaves, when the rose is dead
Are heaped for the beloved's bed;

And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone
Love itself shall slumber on.

Here is another set of verses from Shelley's poem "Epipsychideion" that I thought were mind-blowing when I was a kid....

On hope within two will, one will beneath
Two overshadowing minds, one life, one death

One Heaven, one Hell, one immortality
And one annihilation. Woe is me

The winged words on which my soul would pierce
Into the height of love's rare universe

Are chains of lead around its flight of fire
I pant, I sink, I tremble, I expire

(Pretty amazing stuff, Right Christyfanny !?)

Greetings Dachsieweenie,

Agree those are both beautiful poems. I looked up and read the entire Epipsychidion, too.

So that's how I first got hooked on Shelley (I still am, I guess). In the mid-1980's I read Richard Holme's groundbreaking biography of Shelley called : "Shelley - The Pursuit" and I could not believe any human being had lived such a super-charged, extreme, passionate, daring existence. If you haven't read this biography I can thoroughly recommend it - it's an absolutely thrilling read. Richard Holmes was a first - rate literary scholar based at Oxford University when he wrote this biography, so the attention to factual detail is spectacular. This biography was first published in England in 1975, and soon became a bestseller ( If you're interested in reading it you should definitely be able to get yourself a copy through "Amazon" or "Ebay" for $3 or $4 bucks).

I investigated and it looks pretty good. I've only read articles about Shelley but he seems like an interesting character so I checked with the library and they have the Holmes book. I've since put it on my personal To Read list.

There one interesting and profoundly important aspect of Shelley's life that Richard Holmes - as a literary scholar - did not mention in his biography. I'm sure he was fully aware of this fact, but he evidently had his own reasons for not revealing it; namely, the fact that Percy Byssche: the attractive young man with "wild, intellectual, unearthly" good looks, the notorious and prolific womanizer was actually Bisexual. Bisexual is a technical "scientific" term", however, and while Percy Shelley did have physical/penetrative sexual intercourse with both males and females ,"Gay", might be a better way to describe Shelley's sexuality. Why ? Because Shelley never LOVED any woman. He did not love any of the many different women with whom he had sexual affairs. When I say, "love" I'm referring to ROMANTIC LOVE, not to love as agape or Platonic or any other form.

That's not what I understand from what I read. In fact he seems to have fallen for a bunch of women at different times.

Shelley was never involved in a Romantic love affaire with any woman. When I say this, I'm using the standard definition of "Romantic love", which is the experience of a deep emotional attachment (characterised by feelings of intimacy, compassion, kindness, caring, appreciation, etc;) that are non-sexual/non-carnal in nature) MIXED/BLENDED with a passionate (sexual/erotic) desire and typically involving penetrative (or other modes of) physical sexual intercourse between two people. (Some would say "say "two or more people", though if they are thinking of something like one of Caligula or Nero's Roman orgies, I do not believe not these drunken bacchanals were organized to celebrate true, Romantic love.; if anyone wants to point out that it's possible for one person to be engaged in a legitimately romantic love affaire with two or more individuals - for instance one man conducting two bone fide romantic love affairs with two different girls at the same time, I'd have to say "I very much doubt that this happens very often", at least in Western society, ( though I must confess I believe that with human beings anything is possible in terms of their interpersonal relationships !

Agree. The man (or woman) could be conducting two bona fide affairs but that doesn't mean he feels equally towards both. Look at plural marriage in western society, some Mormon sects in particular. The husband may have five wives, each for a different reason, but inevitably he will favor one above the rest.

Hollywood used to be good at making movies that specialised in creating idealized representations of heterosexual, romantic love. Like the romantic love that Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford had for each other in that wonderful (1973/US) film They Way We Were" or in "Casablanca" (1942) where Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergmann are caught up in a truly romantic love affair, or ("Gone with the Wind" (1939) where we have Clarke Gable and Vivien Leigh - fall in love in one of the silver- screen's most unforgettable romances. But I heard recently that the American left have banned this movie as it breaches some ridiculuous politically correct racial ukase; and this is perfect example of the dangerous studidity of the modern American Marxist left.

Not true. HBO yanked the movie temporarily for some tweaking but then it was restored to their films. https://variety.com/2020/digital/ne...bo-max-disclaimer-horrors-slavery-1234648726/

To prohibit the public screening of a great work of art, like "Gone with the Wind" on some spurious political ground/s, is effectively to destroy it. It is like some vandal smashing Michaelangelo's Statue of David to pieces with a hammer today, so that the generations to come will be unable admire its exquisite beauty. The left are very good at destroying things of great worth; things that are the expression of centuries of slow, hard-fought, cultural evolution - but they are very bad at creating them. In fact, all they ever create is decay, filth, misery and death.

<sigh> You were doing so well before you brought in this off-the-wall political rant. Try not to do it again.

Shelley died in 1822, he was only 29 years old when his lifeless body was washed up on a beach Italy. He is believed to have drowned in the Bay of Spezia (Shelley could not swim) after a boating accident. With Shelley on the boat was his then lover Edward Williams, whose drowned and decayed corpse was also washed up on a nearby beach a few weeks after Shelley's body was discovered. The exact circumstances of this boating tragedy still remain a mystery. Some say that Shelley's boat was scuppered by a storm, others speculate that pirates may have killed the two, but there has never been any kind of conclusive evidence bought forward to solve the riddle of what exactly happened on the Don Juan the day Shelley and Williams drowned in the Bay of Spezia. For what it is worth, my own opinion is that Shelley and Williams deaths by drowning was the result of a suicide pact between the two lovers. There are dark hints of this in Shelley's poem "Epipsychideon" (1821) written shortly before he died (in 1822) and also in some of his philosophical writings on the subject of love.

Since you mentioned Epipsychidion, I looked it up and read the entire poem https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45119/epipsychidion. It was dedicated to a teenaged girl, Theresa Viviani, and according to this article Shelley daydreamed about living in a menage a trois with Theresa and his wife. It's a passionate, romantic poem, written in 1821, but nothing about it appears homosexual to me. Supposedly Shelley didn't even meet Edwards until 1822. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Epipsychidion

After Percy Shelley's death in 1822, Mary Godwin Shelley (his wife) and Lady Jane Shelley (Percy's daughter-in-law) attempted to transform Shelley into the image of a Victorian angel - an exemplar of respectability and convention for posterity. That is, into the very opposite of what he truly was: a wild "free spirit", a pagan/atheist, a revolutionary spiriit a rebel who railed against the strictures and injustices of the conservative English establishment/status quo of his time, AND a gay man The two women thoroughly bowlerized his work, and assiduously destroyed any pages from Shelley's diaries, manuscripts and letters that contained any evidence of thoughts or conduct that violated the norms of Regency/Victorian morality or the manners and mores of polite society of the times . Anthing they discovered among his personal papers which even vaguely alluded to his homoerotic nature or to his participating in gay sex (sodomitical behaviour with other men) was ripped out and destroyed as a priority. So, in consequence, the picture of Shelley we receive in memoirs and biographies that were written about him in the Victorian era are distored and present him as an ethereal cherub, who nobly devoted his life to writing beautiful lyric poetry.

Destroying any "dangerous" content in Shelley's diaries, letters, manuscripts, drafts and other such personal documents, was a priority for Mary Shelley and Lady Jane, because Shelley died in 1822 during the English Regency era. Technically-speaking, the Regency is usually defined, by historians as the period between 1795 and 1836. During this time, sodomy (anal sex) was still a capitol offence in England and Wales. Sodomy (penetrative anal sex) first became a criminal offence punishable by death during the time of King Henry VIII when his parliament passed the "Buggary Act 1533". The "Buggary Act 1533" defined buggary as an unnatural sexual act against the will of God and man. The court of the time defined buggary to include only anal penetration (sodomy) and bestiality. In any case Sodomy remained a capitol offense in England until 1861.

During the Regency period, the English public were, generally speaking, intensely homophobic, the Victorians who came after them also condemned sodomy ( in terms of the law, sodomy meant penetrative anal sex either between a man and a woman or between on man and another. Despite this, the public in Shelley's time and in the years after his death (in 1822) up to 1861 when the law in Englandand changed and sodomy was taken off the list of Capitol offences, and indeed even throughout much of the 20th century regarded sodomy (anal sex) "an abominable and detestable vice - a horror that "dared not speak its name. During Shelley's life time, the death sentence for sodomy, was not "academic" in the sense of being an outdated law from the 1500's that was "still on the books" though should be repealed. (For example, in Cleveland (US) it is, in 2021, still against the law for women to wear patent leather shoes in public, because the shiny surfaces of the shoes might afford nearby gentlemen an unintentional peepshop; this law was created in the 18th century and is still applied today; obviously it should be rescinded, but there are heaps of outdated old laws like this and the job of officially weeding them out off the books would take a lot of time and effort, so no one does it.) This wasn't the case with the law against sodomy in the Regency period and the Victorian era (up to 1861). Sodomy was a capitol offense and convicted sodomites were indeed put to death. During the Regency some 440 capitol sentences were handed down by English courts and around 40 men and boys were hanged for sodomy. For a member of the English upper class to publicly appear in an English court charged with sodomy, mean that even if the person were were acquitted of the crime, their lives would no longer be worth living. The taint of association with such an "inexpressibly horrid and vile" act means you would be CANCELLED (as in today's "cancel culture") BIG TIME and for life

Even the US didn't ban all anti-sodomy laws until 2003 with Lawrence v. Texas.

So, getting back to Shelley...Even though he was married twice with children, there is precious little evidence that he was actually erotically attracted to women. In addition, he was forced into both of his marriages. Shelley was only 19- years- old when he met his first wife Harriet Westbrook - who was a 16- year- old pupil at the same Clapham boarding school as his sister Helen. After meeting Shelley through his sister, Harriet fell madly in love with him Shelley had a histrionic personality, he was extremely, animated, entertaining and engaging, he was also intelligent and wittly and he had very delicate, refined, almost "feminine" good looks. Harriet was was an attractive English girl with blue eyes and fair( native) English features. At the time she crossed paths with Shelley, she was (she told him) suffering miserably at her boarding school; and she eventually threatened suicide if Shelley would not rescue her from the pain of her tormented heart and her internment at the hated Clapham boarding school. Shelley evidently took Harriet's threat of suicide very seriously - ( Harriet did eventually commit suicide, BTW, her heavily pregnant, and decomposing corpse was dragged from the Serpentine river in 1816, after she had decided to end her life by drowning (this was a common method of suicide for distressed young women in London during the 19th century). She had killed herself on account of the tremendous sadness and misery that Shelley's cruel and callous behaviour had bought to her life.

Harriet was pregnant with another man's baby when she committed suicide, supposedly a man named Ryan who deserted her.

Mary Godwin, Shelley's second wife, was a plain-looking, bookish and intelligent girl (who was aged 16 when she first met Shelley). Mary like Harriet Westbrook became infatuated, and fell madly in love with him when he began to regularly visit her father, the renouned English Anarchist political philosopher, William Godwin (one of Shelley's idols) at the Godwin family home in Skinner Street, London. Mary's mother was the, firebrand, pioneering feminist philosopher, Mary Woolstonecroft, a radical leftist who known as the mother of the modern feminist movent ( cf "A Vindication of the Rights of Women." Mary Wollstonecroft died of purpurea just 11 days after giving birth to Mary, and for years Mary had been in the habit of regularly visited her tomb in the churchyard of Old St Pancras Church (from memory, there is a Tube Station there today). Not long after Mary Godwin became besotted with Shelley, she invited him to accompany her on the visits she made to her mother's grave. This, in itself was clearly an expression of intimacy on Mary's part. But on one occasion, Mary suddenly vomited forth a torrent of love all over Shelley while they were stood at her mother's grave.

"Vomited forth a torrent of love," really? Was that from the official biography? :D

Legend (Mary Shelley's "Memoirs") has it that this incident took place on June 27th, 1814, and that Shelley took her virginity then and there on top of her mother's tomb stone. Mary Shelley wrote in her "Memoirs" that Shelley declared himself" at her mother's grave on this date. Which means Shelley, "declarared" his undying, passionate (etc) love to her at the tomb. But there's no way that happened, it was Mary who blathered out a desperate stream of sticky-sweet love for the young Shelley. Mary lied, because in Victorian times, when her recollection of life with Shelley were published, it was regarded as extremely "unlady-like" for a woman to "make the first move" on a gentleman she fancied...

Mary wasn't the typical woman of the day, though. She was raised in a very progressive household by a father who believed in free love and taught that to his children

(It still is in the West, even today, isn't it ? I mean. I mean most women expect men to woo them, don't they? Modern women in the West don't TYPICALLY "throw themselves" at single men they find attractive, do they?

That is the stereotypical way of looking at women, Dachsie. All women are different, some are bold, some less so. Notice that terminology is never used about men, that they "throw themselves" at single women they find attractive.

What happened is that Shelley was was an egoist fabbergasted and extremently flattered by Mary's expression of love, and must have found the whole idea of such a love to tittilating to refuse. Shelley, also, as I mentioned was very histrionic in terms of his personality. He was a major "Drama Queen" or should I say "Drama King" throughout his life - a natural-born master of the overblown "grand gesture"; that his why after Mary spewed out her love for him at her mother's tomb - Shelley dramatically ravished her then and there on top of her mother's tomestone, intoxicated with" passionate love" he had been unable to restrain himself - taking her virginity, (Hollywood -style).

Shelley also had life long mental health issues including hallucinations, delusions, nightmares and sleepwalking.

The truth is that of all the persons Shelley had had sex with during his life - male and female - he only ever had ONE truly great and abiding love - and that was for HIMSELF. His ego was WAY over-inflated, similar to ego's of many Hollywood prima donnas we see today, drawing the public's eyes to themselves by making emotional political speeches that champion the cause of peace - love- freedom- equality - justice a la Karl Marx Blinded by their own vanity and self-obsession they never come to realizes that they are nothing more than lurid icons of Western Capitalism - "Barbie Dolls", with lots of cash and their own private jet planes

Barbie dolls and Ken dolls, Dachsie.

To continue....

Shelley was very unhappy in both of his marriages; and he left an unbelievavle trail of devastation and tragedy in the wake of each. For instance, in a letter he wrote to his close friend Thomas Jefferson Hogg in 1814, he lamented: "I saw the full extent of the calamity which my rash and heartless union with Harriet (Westbrooke)...had produced. I felt as if a dead and living body had been linked together in loathsome and horrible communion." [/quote]This suggests that Shelley wasn't quite the narcissist you make him out to be, if he had this insight into his behaviour and actually called himself out over it.

Equally, Shelley's relationship (and forced marriage to) Mary Godwin was unhappy - who manifested her own lesbianism after Shelley's premature death - was unhappy. For at least 2 years of their marriage Shelley avoided Mary and slept on the sofa. We know their union was miserable because in 1835 Mary wrote to her close friend Edward Trelawney recalling the years of lonliness that followed Shelley's death (in 1822), saying: "I was so ready to give myself away - and being afraid of men - I was apt to get for women."

Who could blame her, when Shelley was such a pig when she had post-partum depression after her pregnancies.

The expression "Tousy-Mousy" is derived from the mid-17th century, English saying "Tuzzy-Muzzy" which was used as a slang term for vagina.

In the Victorian era it was also the name for a small bouquet of flowers.

So when she says she was feeling "Tousy-Mousy", Mary means she was feeling the desire to seek sexual gratification from other women, and this was no doubt largely driven by her experience of being married to Shelley (a male). Shortly after Shelley's death, Mary did in fact have a sexual relationship with a woman called Jane Williams. Jane, in turn was the widow of Edward Williams who had drowned with Shelley. They were both on the same boat, and to complicate matters, Edward Williams and Shelley were lovers when they died.:whoa::whoa:

Again where did you get the notion that Shelley and Williams were lovers, if Holmes didn't mention that in his biography? I think it's a little strange if he hid that fact, given that we're not in the 1800s anymore.

Nevertheless, Shelley's one great and true love was probably Thomas Jefferson Hogg, whom he first met when he was an 18 year-old student at Oxford University. His letters to Hogg wherein he declares his (romantic) love for him contain more passionate writing than most of his poetry. Here's one example...

"You have chosen me, and we are inseparable...Are you not whom I love?...If I thought we were to be long parted, I should be wretchedly miserable - half mad !...Will you come; will you share my fortunes, enter into my schemes, love me as I love you, be inseparable, as once I fondly hoped we were?...Oh, How I have loved you ! I was even ashamed to tell you how !...Why did I leave you ?I have never doubted you - you the brother of my souls, the object of my vivid interest; the theme of my impassioned panegyric."

And here's some verse Shelley addressed to Hogg which is pretty red-hot !!

"SOFT, my dearest angel stay,
Oh, suck my soul away,
Suck on, suck on, I glow, I glow !

Tides of maddening passion roll,
And streams of rupture drown my soul

Now give me one more billing kiss,
Let your lips now repeat the bliss,

Endless kisses steal my breath,
No life can equal such a death."

These verses describe Hogg sodomising Shelley then performing fellatio on him until he reaches orgasm. The "streams of rupture" are the fluid/flowing in- and- out sling motion of Hogg's penis penetrating (rupturing) Shelley's butt-hole. "Let your lips now repeat the bliss" means Hogg is now exhorted by Shelly to "finish him off" by sucking his weenie. Death" in the linal line of verse is a metaphor for orgasm.[/quote}

It's pretty ribald stuff, IMO :whoa: :whoa: (enough to make a sailor blush !!)

I think your imagination is running wild.
Percy Bysshe Shelley: Fragment: Supposed to be an Epithalamium of Francis Ravaillac and Charlotte Corday (Epithalamium: a poem celebrating a marriage.)


Here are two final examples of Shelley's homosexuality (i.e. his inherent romantic/homoerotic love for males)...

As far as Shelley's relationship with Lord Byron is concerned, it's no secret that they were lovers at some point. This was confirmed about 10 years ago when a memoir written by Clair Clairmont (Mary Shelley's half-sister). The memoir reveals that she had a sexual relationship with Shelley which resulted in her becoming pregnant and giving birth to a child

The only pregnancy I read about was Clair's with Byron, that resulted in a daughter named Allegra.

Continued on next page.
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Would you like to hear something interesting about "The Haunted Summer" of 1816 where: Percy Shelley; Mary Shelley; Claire Clairmont and Dr John Polidori spent many nights with Lord Byron inside his expansive "Villa Diodati" on the shore of Lake Geneva in Switzerland ? It was here that Mary Shelley was inspired to dream up her famous Frankenstine monster. The made a movie about the five Romantics socialising in Byron's mansion on Lake Geneva in 1986, "Gothic" in 1986. The film was an English production, so the characterisations of Lord Byron, Percy Shelley and Mary, etc; are excellent, the costuming and attention to historical detail in general are all superb - the English have always been masters of the period drama. I'm told it's possible to download just about any movie from a lap-top/computer to watch (free of charge) these days. If so, and you are interested in Shelley and Mary. Byron and the ethos of the 2nd Romantic movement in the Regency era, I can reccommend this movie to you (?)

I looked up Gothic and it seems good so I plan to watch it, maybe tonight.

"The movie "Gothic" was no doubt researched from the scholarly history texts or authoritative biographies that had been published to up to 1986. They tend to be quite conservative because they were limited to using original sources like those diaries, memoranda, letters, notes, drafts for poems, that still existed. In the case of Percy Shelley and Lord Byron, after they died anything they had written that was deemed to have the potential to outrage public morality, was bowdlerized, destroyed or erased from the text it appeared in and so on. Equally, while they were alive, Shelley, Byron (and no doubt many other now - famous Romantic poets used written code,(and other devices) to disguise references in their work to sexually immoral behaviour.

Who broke the code?

Here are some facts about Lord Byron, Percy Shelley and Mary Shelley, that most people are not really aware of.

(1) Lord Byron

Lord Byron (George Gordon) was bisexual, this is no longer in serious dispute; it's just that academics are reluctant to write about it because the existing, written references Byron made to his homosexuality were written in code By bisexual, I mean he had sexual relationships with males (his preference was for adolescent boys, but he did also have sex with male adults) and he also sexual intercourse with girls and young women. Byron, however did NOT LOVE women, he only loved males. This isn't hard to understand; for instance a man who is 100% heterosexual might feel the urge to have a F**K and "and get the dirty water off his chest", so he goes to a local brothel,pays for a 20 minute quickie with a tart, and when it's all over, he's aware that LOVE was not a part of the equation, "Love" - it goes without saying - played no role in what he just did. With the value of hindsight he ruefully appreciates that he could have saved himself $100 bucks by staying home and having a wank (using a twerking Mylie Cyrus as a masturbation fantasy) !



DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !

Looking forward to it, Dachsieweenie. :D
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I looked up Gothic and it seems good so I plan to watch it, maybe tonight.

Who broke the code?

Looking forward to it, Dachsieweenie. :D

Hi, Christyfanny,

As you like Shelley's poetry, I'll tell you what Shelley, himself, thought was the very best of piece he had ever written; it was "Adonais". Generations of literary scholars have also agreed that Shelley's poem "Adonais" is - if not his best - one of his (very) very best pieces. We know that Shelley thought it was his best effort because he wrote to his friends, John and Maria Gisbourne, "I have been engaged these last days, in composing a poem on the death of Keats.... it is a highly- wrought piece of art perhaps better in point of composition than anything I have written" Three days later, he wrote to Claire Clairmont that this poem, "...is better than anthing that I have yet written, and both of him and of me."


The guy who founded the "Rolling Stones" (rock band) was not Mick Jagger, rather, it was an English musician called, Brian Jones. Brian was a talented, and played a variety of different instruments on early "Rolling Stones" studio recordings and at the band's live concerts ( for example:Slide Guitar; Rhythm Guitar; Lead Guitar; Keyboards; wind instruments and more) On the 3rd of July 1969, Jones drowned to death in his own swimming pool. He was found by his Swedish girlfriend floating lifelessly on the bottom of the pool, and when help arrived to pull him out of the water, he could not be resuscitated. The Coroner ruled Jone's passing as death by misadventure", though Jones was a heavy user of drugs and alcohol and his autopsy had reveal a range of different "recreational" substances (includling alcohol) also he had an enlarged and liver which are other signs of heavy, chronic drug abuse. Most people therefore believe that drug intoxication was probably - whether directly, or indirectly - the cause of Brian Jones untimely death.

Just two days after Jone's death, "The Rolling Stones performed free a memorial concert for Jones at Hyde Park in London which drew a huge crowd of about 300,000 fans. At one point during the concert

At one point during the concert, the music was stopped, and Mick Jagger recited the following verses from Shelley's, "Adonais" to the huge crowd in front of him, who listened in silence, while he read some passages from Shelley's, "Adonais" . Here is a videoclip I found that captures the moment all those years ago...

Peace, peace ! he is not dead, he doth not sleep

He hath awakened from the dream of life

'Tis we, who lost in stormy visions, keep

With phantoms an unprofitable strife,

And in mad trance, strike with our spirits knife

Invulnerable nothings. - We decay

Like corpses in a charnel; fear and grief

Convulse us and consume us day by day

And cold hopes swarm like worms within our living day

The One remains, the many change and pass;

Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly;

Life, like a dome of many - coloured glass,

Strains the white radiance of Ethernity

Until Death tramples it to fragments. - Die

If thou wouldst be with that which thou dost seek

Follow where all is fled

It's no mystery why Mick Jagger chose passages from Shelley's "Adonais" to eulogize the dead Brian Jones. "Adonais" was written by one remarkable poet of the 19th century Romantic movement (Percy Shelly) to honour to another (John Keats) who had died. It's no mystery because it is very fair to say that the Rock and Pop music culture of the 1960s clearly expressed the legacy of the early 19th century Romantic movement in Western literature. Not just the "Rolling Stones", but bands; like "Santana"; "The Grateful Dead"; "The Kinks"; "Jefferson Airplane (Up Against the Wall Mutherfuckers, 1970)"; "The Doors"; "The Animals"; Jimi Hendrix Experience"; "The Beatles"; Led Zepplin", Frank Zappa, and so on and on. These people had wild and rebellious imaginations, and they unleashed them in the process of creating REAL new music. Many of these legends of 60's "Rock n Roll" also lived wild or eccentric personal lives. Like Lord Byron, their "Sex and Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll" reputations were notorious and fascinated the public. Mick Jagger recently estimated that he'd had around 4000 lovers; Byron would be extremely impressed and jealous if he could know of this ( BTW, you might be interested to know, Christiefanny, that Mick Jagger's current girlfriend - who he first met backstage at a Rolling Stones concert in 2014 - is a Yankee Doodle ! Her name is Melanie Hamrick and she was was born in Virginia. Apparantly, she is a great American Partriot and posed for a 4th July photoshoot this year in England dressed in a skimpy "Stars and Stripes" bikini - that "left little to the imagination" :good4u: ! She and Mick are said to get on very well, despite Melanie being 43 years his junior !

Getting back to "Adonis" Shelley is often described as a Platonic poet, meaning he was heavily influenced by the thought of the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato. In many editions of "Adonais" Shelley begins with an epigram that he translated from Plato's ancient Greek that states....

Thou wert the morning star among the living

Ere thy fair light had fled

Now having died, thou are as Hesperus

Bringing new splendour to the dead

(NB: In ancient Greek mythology, "Hesperus", was the evening star -( the planet Venus). I always transcribe this epigram on cards of condolence that I send to any friends or family who have lost a loved one. People understand the message intuitively In a nutshell, Plato's sentiment here is that death is not the end; that is, Death is not finis - in the sense that "dead IS dead." Rather, death is an awakening from the dream of earthly life into the TRUE REALITY. The TRUE REALITY is the inexpressible, eternally unchanging of a transcendant and purely SPIRITUAL realm that exists beyond the mundane world we mortal human beings inhabit in the "shadow realm" of of our existence in the Earthly world.

You're probably thinking that this is all airy-fairy bullshit. Though before you reject it as utter nonsense or hockus- pokus or batshit- crazy mysticism/spiritualism. Let me see if I can you interested in Plato's philosophy by using cats, as I know you love cats. So here goes, and, BTW, this is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY REALLY difficult for me to do, so I hope you will give it a fair reading. When you understand the basic principles of Plato's metaphysics, it will magnify the pleasure you already derive from reading Shelley's best poetry.


The world that is around you (Christyfanny), right now is not the REAL world. The tables, chairs, lap-top computer, carpet on the floor, painting you have displayed on your walls, the pen on your desk, etc; none of them are truly REAL. Everything you see around you is a REPLICA. (A COPY).

You have a cat, but it changes all the time. It changes as it gets older, (just like my Dachshund, whos grow grey hairs on their feet and snout as they age), but your cat (and my Dachshund) it change continually and continuosly from second to second. If you are sitting with your cat on the sofa watching a "Netflix"movie, when the movie is finished and you and your cat get off the sofa, you will find that s/he has left some hair behind on the surface of the sofa. So it is a strictly speaking a different (changed) cat to what it was at the start of the movie. RIGHT. ?

So have your ever wondered what a PERFECT cat would look like. I don't think you could say that you have (seriously) ever seen a PERFECT cat.on this Earth, because every cat you see is different...

* Some have long hair, some have short hair, some have almost none.

* Some cats have 4 legs, some have 3, and some unfortunates have only 1.

* Some are males ("Tom-cats"), while some cats are female.

* Some cats have Black fur, some have gray fur, some have ginger fur; cats come in all sorts of different colours and multi- coloured fur patterning.

* There are many different breeds of cats, for example: American Bobtails; Burmese; Cheshire; Egyptian Maus; Manx cats and Munchkin and on and on.

Now, if you saw any one of these animals, you would know that it is a cat. Right ? BUT, - THINK ABOUT IT -you can't have learned this just through being TAUGHT: that's a cat; that's a dog; that's a pig; that's a sheep, etc. That's ridiculous. You can't have learned that a cat is a cat from pointing out cats, because EVERY CAT IS SO VERY DIFFERENT there is nothing to unite all the examples of a cat on this Earth to make this thing of "CAT-NESS" That means there is no "CAT-NESS on this Earth, and yet, we all know if this little creature wanders into my bedroom now, I can instantly tell whether it is a cat or a dog. However mangy-looking or however many legs or eyes it has, I can tell the difference between a cat and a dog INSTANTLY.

But that is not possible if this were just the real world. Plato says that because we DO KNOW that a cat is a cat and a dog is a dog, there must be another world out there that he calls the "World of Forms" or the "World of Ideals. Everything in this Earthly world around us is a REPLICA of the perfect Form of that thing. So the perfect Form of a cat contains in and of itself ALL of the things that make a cat - this is the Form of CAT-NESS.

In this other world , which transcends time and space are many other perfect, eternal, immaterial Forms, such as the perfect Form of a circle, the perfect form of a square, the perfect form of LOVE, the perfect form of JUSTICE, the perfect Form of TRUTH and above all of these, the perfect form of GOODNESS Plato's theory of Forms is hierarchical... there is a pecking order of importance, as follows...

(5) At the bottom of the ladder are immaterial objects, such as: chairs, tables, cops, hammers, buildings, cars, etc.

(4) The next rung up are the Forms of Life: cats; dogs; zebras, lions, chimps, etc.

(3) Above the Forms of Life are the Forms of Geometrical Shapes, such as the Forms of the : circle, rectangle, square; triangle; pentagon, etc.

(2) The next higest step up the ladder is where the Forms of Ideas, such as the Form of Beauty; the Form of Truth and the Form of Justice are "Positioned."

(1) At the top of the Hierarchy in the "World of Forms" is GOODNESS. This is because all of the other Forms - to be Forms - must be perfect and eternally unchanging, so they must therefore have, in and of themselves, GOODNESS.

This "World of Forms" is not "out there", it's not literally "out there" (spatially) like the stars you gaze on in the night sky. Wherever you live in America, the "World of Forms" does not exist it "out there" like Trump Tower does, or the Statue of Liberty does, or the Capitol Building does, relative to wherever you happen to be sitting right now. This is because it's metaphysical, that means it's beyond the physical/material world of time and space that you are living in as we speak. You cannot see things in this other World, because you don't have eyes, you cannot touch things because you don't have hands, you cannot smell anything. This World is a world of PURE THOUGHT. The World of Forms has nothing PHYSICAL/MATERIAL in it whatsoever.

In the World of Forms, the perfect cat is an essence of a cat. The perfect table is the essence of a table. BUT, there is not actually a cat there in the World of Forms, because it is a metaphysical realm. A metaphysical realm where everything we see in this world is merely a copy - a replica- of the, ethernal, perfect, unchanging Form that is ultimate, TRUE REALITY. Everything we see in our Earthly world, is NOT THE REAL THING, it is merely a copy, or to put it better, A "SHADOW" OF THE REAL THING a MERE SHADOW OF ITS TRUE NATURE

According to Plato, our SOULS/SPIRITS, for example: your soul and my soul; Donald Trump's soul; Nancy Pelosi's soul, have all seen (metaphysically "seen") the Forms before in the "World of the Forms". That means that everything that you know in this world, you don't ACTUALLY learn in this world, you just remember it from before you were born because your soul has seen this stuff before you were born. Because the "World of Forms" is eternal and unchanging. Before you were born, you knew...

* That a cat is a cat.

* That a dog was a dog,

* That a table was a table.

* That a sheep was a sheep.


* That GOOD was GOOD.


* That TRUTH was TRUTH.


So, when, in this Earthly world, you see something beautiful, you mind thinks, "Ah, this resembles the Form of (perfect) Beauty that I have alread "seen" in the transcendent realm of the pertect, eternal and immutable Forms. Likewise, when you see a cat, your mind thinks - "That resembles the Form of the cat I "saw" when my soul was in the World of perfect , timeless, unchanging Forms.

In sum, Plato was the first philosopher to provide the metaphyical foundations for the neoplatonic philosophers who came after him, like Plotinus, who in turn profoundly influenced the Early Christian Fathers and St Augustine. Plato argued that this worldly life is merely the shadow of TRUE REALITY (i.e. the true reality that is the perfect, ethernal and unchanging metaphysical "World of Form". He also argued that our souls are immortal, and when we die they are released from our lives in this world and are able to journey back to the perfect "World of the Forms." The physical/material world we inhabit while we are alive he saw as effecting strict and harsh limitations on our knowledge. Thus to die and loose the finite, forever changing physical world of matter, space and time, is to be set free - the next life in the transcendant world of perfection: perfect beauty, truth, justice and good would be a far (infinitely) fuller, happier, more satisfying life than our Earthy lives. It would be free of: pain, suffering and misery; free of the gradual and inescapable corruption of the body with age; free of illness/disease, cruelty, hate, violence and war, depression, despair; sorrow; fear and grief.

What do you think so far, Christiefanny ?



DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
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