i haven't had an issue with the person in OP for 7 years

. I am not going to deny that, and I am not going to kiss YOUR @$$ at the expense of me having fun. You lose, go cry. I'm back at fp babeh!

jus give it couple of weeks dixie. You'll be racking up grind points.
Aright enough of this, let's get some lefties fighting against each other. Where's ItsNotMe, she can duke it out with Tiana over whatever it was they were mad at each other about.

DrWho needs to come back too, he always made a few lefties uncomfortable by being an honest Liberal who hated the military and America. Maybe one of them will have grown enough balls since then to thrash it out with him.
dixie i did not beg or grovel my way back, that's just something you are putting in your mind to make yourself feel better. Get over it. I like posting at fullpolitics, I always have. The community is great there. SR has SHIT to do with the community (was one of my first big arguments with him, what makes a messageboard, community v. features). I am not going to deny that, and I am not going to kiss YOUR ass at the expense of me having fun. You lose, go cry. I'm back at fp babeh!

LOL... like I told you in your campaign to be reinstated, when you were sending me those blubbering private messages, I don't give a shit where you post! The pathetic and endless groveling is not in my mind, because Lady T is seeing it as well, that's how this all came up, and why you are pitching a Robdawg hissy about it. We can do a poll if you like, but I think a lot of people see you as a groveler and beggar here.

Really though, it's okay man! People grovel and beg all the time. I'm groveling and begging for a raise at work, right now! It's a matter of what's important to you. It's obviously important enough for you to post at FP, to sell out on your e-friends, post threads attacking them, or whatever. I can certainly understand a little groveling and begging.
Yes, you were on the exact same page as me, Tiana, and Brent. Sorry you feel such a need to run away from what you did, I am proud of what we did, so is Tiana. You and Brent are the two who feel remorse, and some inner need to confess it to the rest of the morons out there.

You've carried on with this for months, insisting that you weren't on the same page as the rest of us, you were just having fun, we all took it too seriously... blah, blah, blah. Let me tell you something, fucktard... NO ONE took it as seriously as YOU! In fact, YOU are the only one of our bunch, who is still carrying on about it, about like a 3rd-grader, I might add! I've forgotten about it! I've moved on with my life! So has Lady T! For you, it's too profoundly important that the rest of the pinheads here, have "respect" for you, and "like" you. That's why you feel the need to trash and bash your friends, and attempt to disassociate yourself from what you were involved in. What's amazing is, you don't realize how utterly transparent you are!

The old, "they were serious, but I was joking" routine is getting old, asshole! You were involved, intimately, with the whole thing! It was YOUR idea to run Brent as the candidate, it was YOUR idea to stir the shit about the private messages, it was YOUR idea to keep pushing SR until he banned you, and it's YOUR idea now, to do a maya culpa and throw your former associates under the bus to save your own ass! I'm fed up with your childish attitude, and continual droning about how you weren't serious, you were as fucking serious as the rest of us, if not more so! Was it the most important thing in life? Not for me, not for Lady T.... but it appears it was for YOU and Brent!

You can spin it however you like, jerk.

Good Ole Dixie reflecting how some of those "quiet room" talks with Grind go.

Grind sees himself as a great manipulator folks.

he was a fucking KID with this all took place and now hes a manchild.

don't trust a word he says to you in "private".
Wow great find Desh. Man I miss Tiana, she was hilarious and loved internet drama.

I really enjoyed Grind flat-out calling Dixie a pedo while he is on his high horse about all that shit now...I saw USF doing it to Tom in another old thread someone uncovered too. It's funny how it used to be no big deal and now it's like, OMG THAT'S LIKE MURDER!!.

And I also enjoyed Dixie admitting he was "begging and groveling' for a raise at his job... I guess he hadn't yet amassed those millions in Germany.
Wow great find Desh. Man I miss Tiana, she was hilarious and loved internet drama.

I really enjoyed Grind flat-out calling Dixie a pedo while he is on his high horse about all that shit now...I saw USF doing it to Tom in another old thread someone uncovered too. It's funny how it used to be no big deal and now it's like, OMG THAT'S LIKE MURDER!!.

And I also enjoyed Dixie admitting he was "begging and groveling' for a raise at his job... I guess he hadn't yet amassed those millions in Germany.
I beg and grovel for a raise in pay all the time at home but to no avail.

Just a lesson here in life to you younger guys out there. If you marry an Asian girl with a business degree from Northwestern and tell her she's responsible for the family finances...don't be surprised if you're broke all the time and have to go to her constantly, hat in hand, and beg for lunch money....among other things.