I hope the violent queers get the maximum sentence

when you come to a place where people are sharing deep emotions and try to smear shit all over people and make them feel bad because of how YOU believe then you are westboro crazy.

stop trying to tell people how to live.

Maybe we need to send people to church fairs to scream at them and carry signs that say evil things about them?

that is what these people did.

They were motivated by hate and pretend they were motivated by love.

No one should have touched them though
One more thing on that .

Your party embraces the crazies on your side.

The left tells them to take a hike
Support for Al Gore

Phelps supported Al Gore in the 1988 Democratic Party presidential primary election.[40]; in his 1984 Senate race, Gore had opposed a "gay bill of rights" and stated that homosexuality was not something that "society should affirm"), a position he had changed by 2000 when he had the support of homosexual advocacy groups for his presidential campaign. Phelps has stated that he supported Gore because of these earlier comments.[41] According to Phelps, members of the Westboro Baptist Church helped run Gore's 1988 campaign in Kansas.

Opposition to Al Gore, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Rodham Clinton

During the 1992 presidential campaign, Phelps criticized Hillary Rodham Clinton during a speech he gave endorsing Bill Clinton's presidential campaign at the University of Kansas on October 14, 1992. In 1996 Phelps and the Westboro church opposed Clinton's re-election because of the administration's support for gay rights. The entire Westboro congregation picketed a 1997 inaugural ball,[42] denouncing Vice President Al Gore as a "famous fag pimp" (Gore had changed his positions on gay rights since 1984). In 1998, Westboro picketed the funeral of Gore's father, screaming vulgarities at Gore and telling him, "your dad's in Hell".
this guy could not win any election he entered into.

You re elected a guy who fucked prostitutes while wearing diapers even though his favorite prostitute turned up dead
this guy could not win any election he entered into.

You re elected a guy who fucked prostitutes while wearing diapers even though his favorite prostitute turned up dead

You people elected a drunken philanderer who murdered his pregnant girlfriend to avoid the criticism of his church.
His church being the worlds biggest paedophile ring.
why do you insist on being so stupid and dishonest ?

You elect your idiots to office.

this guy was NOT allowed by his fellow dems to hold any office
You run them and then reelect them when they use the peoples money to leave the country for some poontang on the side
why do you insist on being so stupid and dishonest ?

You elect your idiots to office.

this guy was NOT allowed by his fellow dems to hold any office

First you deny that he is a democrat. Then when PWND on that you switch your position. You are the Queen of Cognitive Dissonance