I hope the violent queers get the maximum sentence

First you deny that he is a democrat. Then when PWND on that you switch your position. You are the Queen of Cognitive Dissonance

I asked for proof you fool.

now do you think his thoughts fit better in your party than mine?

your the party of gay hate remember
Liberals voted to apply punitive health care cost increases to the working folk.
Punishment for paying tax and doing the right thing!!
Liberals love wealthy Hollywood types but hate the worker.

Where was Elizabeth warren after the Boston bombing?
In Boston supporting and comforting her constituents?
Or down in DC voting to allow herself to engage in insider trading?
I asked for proof you fool.

now do you think his thoughts fit better in your party than mine?

your the party of gay hate remember
I know of no us political party that mandates hatred( unless you consider the KKK to be a party).
Stop with your partisan hackery.
I asked for proof you fool.

now do you think his thoughts fit better in your party than mine?

your the party of gay hate remember

I don't hate the gays. I love them as I love all God's children. I just call out their deviancy that should not be tolerated in a civilized world. That is all. But, I am sure that as people they are OK. He calls himself a democrat plain and simple.

Remember, up until last year, your entire party platform was against gay marriage, but all of a sudden the party "evolved". Now either they were lying up until they "evolved" or they are just supporting it for cynical partisan purposes. Which is it?

And don't give me the "I love that they changed their mind" bullshit. You aren't that stupid. Well........maybe you are.

Here is a question for you. When Billy Clinton signed DOMA was a he a bigot?
tell us how your party solved the health care crisis in this country?

what was your partys solution to the problem?
I don't hate the gays. I love them as I love all God's children. I just call out their deviancy that should not be tolerated in a civilized world. That is all. But, I am sure that as people they are OK. He calls himself a democrat plain and simple.

Remember, up until last year, your entire party platform was against gay marriage, but all of a sudden the party "evolved". Now either they were lying up until they "evolved" or they are just supporting it for cynical partisan purposes. Which is it?

And don't give me the "I love that they changed their mind" bullshit. You aren't that stupid. Well........maybe you are.

Here is a question for you. When Billy Clinton signed DOMA was a he a bigot?

provide the scientific evidence that being gay is bad.
provide the scientific evidence that being gay is bad.

He loves them but does not tolerate their deviancy, bawahahaha, es he read hs own crap, lol.

How does intolerance equal love?

Yes, when Bill Clinton signed DOMA he was showing intolerance. He was reducing a portion of the people he swore an oath to second class citizens.
He loves them but does not tolerate their deviancy, bawahahaha, es he read hs own crap, lol.

How does intolerance equal love?

Yes, when Bill Clinton signed DOMA he was showing intolerance. He was reducing a portion of the people he swore an oath to second class citizens.

Funny response for someone who claims to have me on ignore. Are you sure you know how ignore works?
He did the MOST he could do to improve the lives of gays.

YOUR party wouldn't allow more to be done
I agree.....it appears your another closet gay who's anger and fascination with homosexuality stems from your own repressed sexual nature.

It's ok.....we understand and we accept your nature.

Just out of curiosity though....I do have one question for you.

Are you a Top or a Bottom?

I think this is why so many anti-gay people think being gay is a choice. You see, for people like ILA, they are making a conscious "choice" to act straight, and they probably think it's the same for everyone. Everyday he needs to make an effort to reject the D and so if he can do it, all the other gays should do it too.

Doesn't change how he really feels though.
Again, that is the story every lefty tells trying to protect the queers. Me thinks you are projecting. I notice that you never say "Everyone I ever met who criticizes blacks is a closeted negro". Why doesn't it work that way? Or could that mean you are a closeted conservative? See how stupid your entire thesis is?

Like I said, your entire purpose is to try to shut down discussion. Won't happen with me puddin. Now, your wife thinks I look like Brad Pitt, but then I give it to her Fight Club style if you know what I mean.

what do you mean, exactly? Please elaborate.


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tell us how your party solved the health care crisis in this country?

what was your partys solution to the problem?
There was no problem.
Less than 10% (20 million)were uninsured. since obamacare that figure has more than doubled.
Unless the dems are fudging the numbers......
I think this is why so many anti-gay people think being gay is a choice. You see, for people like ILA, they are making a conscious "choice" to act straight, and they probably think it's the same for everyone. Everyday he needs to make an effort to reject the D and so if he can do it, all the other gays should do it too.

Doesn't change how he really feels though.

It is a choice. You are born straight. YOU choose to suck dick.