Let's take a look at the other bans that the US has toyed with. Hmmm...There was alcohol, yep that turned out to a boon for organized crime, they went from a small time numbers and protection racket to a large scale multitiered organized crime syndicate. Then of course there is the drugs...hmmmmm.... yep that turned a bunch of ill educated localized thugs in all parts of the world into multi million dollar a year large scale multitiered organized crime syndicate. So I wonder what will happen if we ban certain guns. The availabilty will drop significantly but the demand will remain relatively constant. So prices will soar. THe only people that will be able to get them and keep them mostly out of the eyes of law enforcement will be large scale multitiered organized crime syndicates. Wow I wonder where anyone will find one of those.
There is all this hand wringing and shrill voices because 8 people died yesterday at the hands of one crazy loner. The fact that he only killed 8 with an SKS is amazing. But as I said earlier, the number is statistically insignificant. Most murders are with handguns, which of course all you gun fraidy cats want to ban as well. Desh has argued absurdly that since the framers only had flintlocks that is all they intended cause they were all really stupid and didn't know anything about innovation. So that means bolt action rifles that are mostly used for hunting should be gone too. Hell three airplanes were able to kill 3000 people so lets ban them too, even though they do it very very rarely, just like assault rifles, but the fact that they do it rarely shouldn't matter cause it shocks all and we don't want to be shocked.