Yep, except that's not my logic, and yours is ridiculous.

Yes it is your logic. You are essentially saying that people can't handle certain freedoms within society by using fringe cases.

Reefer Madness used this same kind of exploitation to sell propaganda.

The premise to such an argument is that the people are irresponsible hacks, and should nit have access to that which you say. A guy uses an automatic weapon to kill other people, thus automatic weapons should be outlawed.

People certainly can handle freedoms. Its the ones who wish to violate others freedoms that I'm worried about.

And who decides this? You? The government?

"You might wish, someday, to violate others freedoms, thus we are revoking you freedom.

The government".

Fuck that.
And who decides this? You? The government?

"You might wish, someday, to violate others freedoms, thus we are revoking you freedom.

The government".

Fuck that.

Right to own a weapon only useful for mass murder vs. right to life

Right to life wins.
Reductio ad absurdum.

Let me take it the other way with your logical fallacy.... should we allow people to arm themselves with nuclear bombs? No more effective burglary deterrent. Put a sign up "If you break in, a nuclear bomb blows up". People won't even touch your property.

Redcutio ad absurdum.
My libertarianism was like my socialism. The philosophies are more simialar to each other than either is to realistic pragmatism.

Realistic pragmatism = making everyone adhere to your silly ideas about what would make a swell society. Fascist little puke.
We need common sense gun regulation in this country, and part of that is to ban assault rifles and automatic weapons. We also need to limit ownership to those law abiding mentally stable citizins over 18.
I have the solution!

The founders said the right to bare arms shall not be infringed.

Lets just take them literally. Anyone has the right to bare as many arms as they wish to as long as they are designed the same as the ones at the date of signing.

I really dont think that founders were taking into consideration one man rocket launchers OR semi automatic rifles or even the large handguns we have today.
I'm a fascist? FOr believing that we need to restrict the effects of mass murderers?

Go kill yourself, you useless, blind, pitiful murderer.
Watermark, do you believe that this individual would have turned his assault rifle in if they were illegal?
Do you believe any criminals or crazy people with murder-suicide intentions would have an ethical problem with buying that kind of gun on the street?
Hell, I can already buy an assault rifle, easier, cheaper, and quicker on the black market than I can legitimately.
Let's take a look at the other bans that the US has toyed with. Hmmm...There was alcohol, yep that turned out to a boon for organized crime, they went from a small time numbers and protection racket to a large scale multitiered organized crime syndicate. Then of course there is the drugs...hmmmmm.... yep that turned a bunch of ill educated localized thugs in all parts of the world into multi million dollar a year large scale multitiered organized crime syndicate. So I wonder what will happen if we ban certain guns. The availabilty will drop significantly but the demand will remain relatively constant. So prices will soar. THe only people that will be able to get them and keep them mostly out of the eyes of law enforcement will be large scale multitiered organized crime syndicates. Wow I wonder where anyone will find one of those.

There is all this hand wringing and shrill voices because 8 people died yesterday at the hands of one crazy loner. The fact that he only killed 8 with an SKS is amazing. But as I said earlier, the number is statistically insignificant. Most murders are with handguns, which of course all you gun fraidy cats want to ban as well. Desh has argued absurdly that since the framers only had flintlocks that is all they intended cause they were all really stupid and didn't know anything about innovation. So that means bolt action rifles that are mostly used for hunting should be gone too. Hell three airplanes were able to kill 3000 people so lets ban them too, even though they do it very very rarely, just like assault rifles, but the fact that they do it rarely shouldn't matter cause it shocks all and we don't want to be shocked.
Watermark, do you believe that this individual would have turned his assault rifle in if they were illegal?
Do you believe any criminals or crazy people with murder-suicide intentions would have an ethical problem with buying that kind of gun on the street?

IHG you're back!
Hell, I can already buy an assault rifle, easier, cheaper, and quicker on the black market than I can legitimately.

Good deal. :clink:

It's no big deal anyway. The thought of it yesterday was just kind of shocking. People were sitting in the hallways, and didn't think it was a gun, because a gun "couldn't possibly fire so many times".
i wonder where you can even get one of those? Stupid federal restrictions, making it impossible to buy guns over the internet. *fumes*

How are you supposed to get anything rare if you don't have the internet? Luck...